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What are the differences of Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone? Testosterone is an essential hormone that is responsible for the development of male characteristics such as muscle mass, bone density, and sex drive. There are two types of testosterone that circulate in the bloodstream: Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone.Total Testosterone refers to the overall amount of testosterone that is present in the blood, including both the testosterone that is bound to proteins in the blood and the testosterone that is unbound, or “free.” Free Testosterone is the testosterone that is not bound to proteins and is available for the body to use.While both Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone are important, there are some key differences between the two and which one is more important depends on the specific situation.

What is Total Testosterone?

Total Testosterone is the sum of both the bound and unbound testosterone in the bloodstream. The majority of testosterone in the blood is bound to two proteins: sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and albumin. SHBG binds to the majority of testosterone in the blood, while albumin binds to a smaller amount.Total Testosterone levels can be affected by a variety of factors, including age, obesity, and medical conditions such as diabetes or liver disease. Total Testosterone peaks at age 19 and levels decline about 1-2% per year for the rest of even the healthiest men’s lives. Father time is undefeated!! We actually have about 1/2 the testosterone levels our grandfathers did at the same age due to many exogenous factors we are exposed to like chemicals, insecticides, less nutrient foods, hormones in beefs, etc. etc. etc.

What is Free Testosterone?

Free Testosterone is the amount of testosterone that is unbound and available for the body to use. This form of testosterone is more potent and has a greater impact on the body than bound testosterone as it more directly relates to the symptoms of Low T men experience.Free Testosterone levels can also be affected by a variety of factors, including age, obesity, and medical conditions such as diabetes or liver disease.

Which are the differences of Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone and which is more important?

The importance of Total Testosterone vs. Free Testosterone depends on the specific situation. For example, when evaluating a man for hypogonadism, Total Testosterone levels are typically measured and that is a major red flag that the medical provider does not understand how to evaluate and care for Low Testosterone. Low Total Testosterone levels may indicate a diagnosis of hypogonadism, which can be treated with testosterone replacement therapy.However, if a man has low Total Testosterone levels, it is also important to measure Free Testosterone levels to determine the severity of the deficiency. Free Testosterone levels are more indicative of the actual amount of testosterone that is available for the body to use. It is also important if the Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone levels are not moving correlatively and say different things where one is high and one is low.In general, both Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone are important for maintaining overall health and well-being. Low levels of either form of testosterone can lead to a variety of symptoms, including decreased sex drive, decreased muscle mass, and decreased bone density.The Bottom LineTotal Testosterone and Free Testosterone are both important forms of testosterone that circulate in the bloodstream. While Total Testosterone levels are typically used to diagnose hypogonadism, Free Testosterone levels are more indicative of the actual amount of testosterone that is available for the body to use. Ultimately, the importance of Total Testosterone vs. Free Testosterone depends on the specific situation and what is being evaluated. It is important for men to work with their healthcare providers to evaluate both Total and Free testosterone levels, PSA levels and baseline hematocrit and estradiol levels and determine the best course of treatment if necessary.

What are the differences of Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone and which is more important?

Hormone Therapeutics March 6th, 2023

Posted In: Low T Info

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