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NOTICE: The Frequently Asked Question information contained here is general information and is not intended to take the place of your personal physician’s advice, or to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The FAQs contained herein are not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions, and should not be used as such. Only a qualified physician can examine your specific conditions, symptoms, test results, history and circumstances to determine if you qualify for and should undertake treatment.

Testosterone is a hormone produced by the body and responsible for male sex organ development and function. The hormone is generated in the testicles which also separately produce sperm. Testosterone production in the testicles is regulated by proper functioning pituitary and hypothalamus glands. Testosterone plays a significant role in the development and maintenance of the body including:

  • Sex drive
  • Sexual function
  • Growth and maturation of the sex organs and prostate
  • Development of hair growth
  • Bone strength
  • Mood and energy levels

Testosterone levels (also known as T levels) between 350ng/dL and 1000ng/dL are considered normal. The brain, pituitary gland, hypothalamus and the testicles work together to keep testosterone in this range. If testosterone levels are below normal, the brain signals the testicles to produce more. When testosterone levels are adequate, the brain signals the testicles to produce less. If one of these areas is not functioning properly it is likely to reduce testosterone production.

Hormone Therapeutics helps to diagnose men with low testosterone and arrange treatment for these symptoms with licensed professional physicians who are experts in this specialty. Diagnosis includes a review of your symptoms, medical history, physical examination and blood tests. Treatment may include testosterone replacement therapy, hormone replacement therapy, nutritional advice, fitness programs, sleep programs and supplements.

Low testosterone in the male body is the result of a disorder called Hypogonadism. Testosterone affects bone mass, fat distribution, and muscle development. In addition, testosterone maintains energy levels, fertility, and sex drive.

More than a third of men over the age of 45 may suffer from testosterone deficiency. Men with common health issues such as diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure may be twice as prone to low testosterone; odds being 2.4 times higher for obese men, 2.1 times higher for men diagnosed with diabetes, and 1.8 times higher for men with high blood pressure.

In addition, men with high cholesterol, prostate disease, and asthma also have a higher chance of having low testosterone than healthy men. Testosterone deficiency can occur at any stage in a man’s life — some at birth, some before puberty, some during adulthood.

If you experience any of these symptoms, contact us today to set up a consultation:

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Rise in body fat
  • Infertility and/or difficulty obtaining and maintaining an erection
  • Lack of sexual appetite
  • Loss of energy
  • Irritability/mood swings
  • Depression

Some patients could experience side effects and many of them are linked to dosage which may need changing over time. These effects include:

  • Increase in red blood cells
    • This can be beneficial patients with anemia (low blood counts). However, it can cause blood vessel blockage and lead to a heart attack or stroke.
  • Irritability
    • Some men and women have reported increased aggressiveness or irritability at the start of testosterone hormone therapy. These issues are generally resolved as levels become balanced.
  • Prostate effects
    • To date, there have not been any studies showing that testosterone therapy increases the risk of prostate cancer. However, there is some theoretical concern because prostate cancer is treated by blocking testosterone. We should assume that the long term risk at this point is uncertain. If you have an enlarged prostate, referred to as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), testosterone may worsen your symptoms, particularly if you are more than 50 years of age. If you have a history of prostate cancer, you cannot receive testosterone therapy.
  • Infertility
    • This is common in young men when sperm production is reduced but usually reversible after stopping testosterone therapy.
  • Sleep apnea
    • This is a condition that disrupts breathing during sleep. Although uncommon, it is a reported side effect.
  • Fluid retention
    • Although uncommon, you must use caution if you have a history of heart failure or kidney disease.
  • Other
    • Acne, oily skin, increased body hair and flushing have also been reported. Occasionally, hormone therapy patients will complain of itching or redness at the injection or insertion site, bit these symptoms diminish as the body adjusts to treatment.

It is always recommended that you communicate side effects to your physician to be promptly addressed.

Due to changes impacting our diet, exercise and other lifestyle and environmental factors, more men suffer from low testosterone levels than previous generations.

Not all men have a testosterone deficiency, or need to undergo replacement therapy, but, once on therapy most men will benefit from testosterone replacement.

The only way to know if you need hormone replacement therapy is through laboratory testing and discussing your symptoms and history with a physician. There are specific blood lab panels available to determine if your hormones are imbalanced.

Signs and symptoms of imbalance may include, fatigue, depression, weight gain, hair loss, low energy levels, muscle atrophy, mood swings, insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, and anxiety. Hormone imbalances can occur with expected changes in the lifespan, such as menopause and andropause.

Following lab testing, a trained physician will review your results to determine if Hormone Replacement Therapy is right for you. HRT may not be necessary; however lifestyle and environmental factors may change over time. Routine testing, along with a preventive health lifestyle is recommended to keep hormones balanced and maintain optimal health.

As men age, production of testosterone declines and they experience symptoms of low testosterone. Testosterone is responsible for maintaining mental focus, energy, metabolism, muscle mass, fat levels, and sex drive. By balancing a man’s hormones, men can reduce the symptoms of andropause and maintain a happy, active and vital life.

Those who suffer from a hormone imbalance should seek advice at any time but typically, hormones start to decline in the mid-to-late twenties. By age 35 declines are sufficient that symptoms may be evident. The best time to start replacing hormones is between age 35 and 40. However, it is never too late. We have men in their 80’s that have found a new life.

The optimal age for treatment varies for each individual. Some are affected at a younger ages due to adverse health conditions that impact hormone balance. Symptoms of andropause, perimenopause and menopause, which occur around middle-age are usually the reason that individuals seek treatment through hormone balance.

Many find it beneficial to have their hormones tested in their 20s or 30s and establish an optimal baseline of what their normal is. With an established baseline, you can take steps to monitor and maintain balanced hormones. In the event of an imbalance at any point, your physician may refer to your baseline and develop a treatment plant to restore an optimal baseline.

Determining whether you have Low T or andropause requires reviewing your testosterone levels, medical history and symptoms. To determine if you have low testosterone, you will be administered a blood test either at a local lab facility or with a home kit we will mail to you. If your testosterone levels are below 350 ng/DL, you are considered to be a low testosterone male.

You have been feeling more fatigued lately, but you have been chalking it up to long days at the office or a busy family life. The changes that have come over you have been gradual, but you are noticing that your energy levels seem to be dropping and you are starting to put on a little weight.

These can be indicators that your testosterone levels are low. There are other indicators that your testosterone levels are low as well such as a loss of bone density, decreased muscle mass, decreased sexual drive, memory loss, and mood changes and/or depression.

If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should go to your doctor to get a blood test to help determine if the symptoms you are experiencing are a result of low testosterone, or if they are a cause of some other type of medical condition.

There is no age limit for testosterone therapy. Testosterone therapy has produced some benefits in older men. As with any medical procedure, you will need to have your testosterone levels checked to confirm whether you are a good candidate for testosterone replacement therapy.

Generally, hypogonadism is another word for low testosterone, however it is more specific. Primary hypogonadism is when the testicles have lost their ability to produce testosterone. The hypothalamus then tells the pituitary gland to produce more Luteinizing Hormones (LH) but nothing happens due to testicular failure. Secondary hypogonadism occurs due to aging, andropause, or a variety of reasons that result in a hormonal imbalance.

There are many benefits and many reasons to undergo Testosterone Replacement Therapy. The benefits vary due to each individuals symptoms, and include:

  • Increased sexual desire
  • More energy
  • Improved strength and muscle mass
  • Increased bone mineral density
  • Decreased body fat
  • Thicker body hair and skin
  • Decreased irritability and depression
  • Increased cognitive function
  • Improved mood
  • Increased motivation
  • Improved erectile performance

No. Low T affects the body in a number of different ways and sex drive (also known as libido) can be unaffected by low t, even if they have many other symptoms that do respond to testosterone therapy treatment. The decline in T levels often takes place gradually over years which can make it difficult to monitor and measure the level of a person’s sex drive or any subsequent decline. It is not uncommon for someone with low T to believe they have a normal sex drive only to realize they had forgotten what a strong libido was really like following testosterone therapy.

Signs can be measured diagnostically while symptoms are things that people experience. Symptoms of low T include erectile dysfunction, lowered libido, increased fatigue, less energy, depressed mood, reduced strength, and less sense of exuberance and well-being. Common signs of Low T include lower red blood cell concentration or anemia and reduced bone density.

These symptoms are often intertwined as many men with Low T experience depression and testosterone therapy has shown to improve mood. Depression caused by Low T is often mild and described as feeling blah or gray.

If anyone is suffering from a major bout of depression including suicidal thoughts or feeling helpless, hopeless and worthless then the individual should seem immediate psychiatric help. Individuals with serious depression require medical attention and will not be helped through testosterone therapy.

Sexual dysfunction can have many causes. Replacing hormones can be the best way to start treatment. We suggest raising your testosterone to a healthy level to boost your sex drive. There are also erectile dysfunction products for men (ie: Viagra or Cialis) that increase the amount of nitric oxide in the blood to relax the penis muscles and aid sexual mechanics. These products do not affect Libido. We recommend not using ED pills, like Viagra or Cialis, without first treating testosterone levels. Using only Viagra or Cialis, you may find that the mechanics are temporarily fixed, but you will not have a desire to use the erection.

Estrogen and testosterone work in balance to fuel your sex drive. Too much or too little of either these hormones can cause a decrease in sex drive or cause performance issues. In some cases, increased levels of cortisol, classically secreted due to chronic stress, can negatively impact the sex hormones and impair your libido. Low libido, can be driven by depression, medications or Low T. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) antidepressants can reduce libido including Zoloft, Prozac and Paxil.

Low sex drive can mean no sex drive, occasional interest or infrequent desire and Low T can cause all three.

No. Voice pitch is due to the voice box or larynx size and develops during puberty due to testosterone. Declining testosterone does not affect the larynx or voice pitch.

Not necessarily as there are many reasons why someone might feel blah. If you are a man of a certain age, feeling a loss of energy, presence of andropause symptoms and no obvious explanation than checking for the presence of Low T may be a good idea.

If the penis still has nerve sensation to the touch with a squeeze or pinch than it is not a nerve disorder and may be the absence of responsiveness to sexual stimuli. Sexual arousal usually returns with testosterone therapy.

No. Testosterone’s linkage to violence has never shown compelling evidence.

Physicians believe testosterone plays a role in a women’s sex drive.

No. It can have the opposite effect. Introducing additional testosterone can reduce the amount of sperm the body produces. Other treatments can help the body to produce more sperm.

Yes, testosterone helps the release of nitric oxide which relaxes the muscles in the penis and allows for increased blood flow.

Body hair is mostly tied to genetics and hereditary backgrounds. Men with Low T can experience a reduction in hair but testosterone therapy does not stimulate hair growth in areas you previously did not have hair.

If you find that your body does not respond to exercise in the ways it used to this is likely Low T. however, if this is consistent with how your body reacted your entire life than it is likely your personal genetics.

Low T can affect the production of fat cells but typically happens much more slowly than this amount of weight gain would suggest.

Probably. Testosterone therapy should increase your lean body mass as it helps to build muscle and reduce fat. You can experience the same results through exercise or even more dramatic results by combining testosterone therapy and exercise.

No. Osteoporosis causes you to fracture bones due to minor injuries. Osteoporosis can be determined by measuring your bone density through a pretty simple test.

There is currently no evidence that testosterone therapy prevents heart attacks. Studies have shown that higher testosterone levels are beneficial to the heart however.

Studies have shown that testosterone therapy can have the same benefit in building muscles as exercise alone. Combining the two will increase the effects. Exercise also helps to develop and strengthen your cardiovascular system.

Evaluate your symptoms and your blood levels. If your symptoms have improved and your test levels are in the normal range than it appears the dosage is working as prescribed. If the symptoms have not improved, and your testosterone levels are not into the mid normal levels, then talk with your physician about increasing your dosage. Remember to monitor both total testosterone levels as well as your free testosterone levels.

Your levels are unchanged as the variability in your levels will change enough that a 15 ng/dl difference is not considered a change. Speak with your physician about increasing your dosage.

There is no danger in starting or stopping treatment. It is common to see a return of your symptoms when you stop treatment.

You can stop testosterone therapy at any time, however, you are likely to see your original symptoms return. Most men who enjoy the benefits of treatment will remain on the program but this is not a medical requirement and a personal choice.

Typically this will not happen. It is possible for men with low testosterone to develop normal levels after stopping treatment, however, this is usually due to other factors in the body that caused hormonal issues that are no longer present.

While there is a familial form of prostate cancer, this occurs in families where cancer occurs prior to the age of 65. Men with a family history of prostate cancer should have a yearly PSA test and prostate exam. There is no need to discontinue therapy treatment.

A golfing buddy started testosterone treatments and a year later was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Doesn’t that show that testosterone is risky for prostate cancer?

Testosterone therapy is not dangerous for the heart and there is increasing evidence that it can benefit cardio health.

Testosterone will improve or normalize your libido but will not make a person act differently than they did when they had normal testosterone levels.

No, hair loss is not associated with testosterone therapy.

You will not look muscle bound unless you plan on spending hours in the gym with heavy strength resistant exercises and take extremely large doses of testosterone. Normal dosages and normal exercise will not put you at risk.

No, there is no published evidence that men with higher testosterone levels are at a higher risk.

There is an initial fee of $75 for the testing, review and diagnosis. If the physician determines you do have Low T we can treat you for a cost of $250 per month. This includes testing, consultations, shipment of the treatment.

The proper method of testosterone delivery for you is a matter for your physician to determine, however, approximately 70% of the market prefers to use gels. Many people have become frustrated with the low dosages of over the counter gels, like axiron and androgel, since these are one size fits all and heavily regulated by the FDA. Our compounding pharmacies can create a gel or cream specifically for the dosage recommended by your physician allowing a higher concentration that typically proves more effective in raising your T levels while being easier to apply without the mess from the higher quantities required by axiron and androgel. Most patients find a daily application after their shower to be the most convenient method of testosterone treatment.

Some of the competing Low T companies require you to only take injections. One of the reasons is that they want you to schedule a weekly appointment at their facility for fear of losing you. We see many patients switching due to scheduling frustration around a weekly doctor’s visit. Your physician may, in certain cases, prescribe testosterone injections that we will mail directly to you for administration. These can either be intra-muscular or sub-cutaneous injections and can be taken either in the buttocks, thigh or abdomen.

Treatment always begins with a physical examination and review of your symptoms, but, Testosterone Replacement Therapy is not recommended and/or is prohibited for patients with:

  • Prostate cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • A palpable prostate nodule
  • Unexplained PSA elevation
  • Hyperviscosity
  • Erythrocytosis
  • Severe BPH symptoms (benign prostatic hyperplasia – AUA prostate symptom score > 19)
  • Obstructive sleep apnea that is not treated or under control
  • Severe heart failure
  • Unstable severe congestive heart failure (class III or IV)
  • Severe lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hypertrophy

After contacting us you will be assigned a patient advisor. Our advisor will discuss your symptoms and collect your medical history and patient forms. You will get an examination from a local physician of your choosing and if they diagnose you with one of the symptoms of Low T (fatigue, libido, muscle loss, ED, etc.) in their exam (use our form – link), we will schedule a blood test. We will collect your credit card testing payment then you can elect to go to a local LabCorp or we can mail a self testing blood kit directly to you.

Once we have your complete medical history, charts and tests our Anti-Aging Physician specialist will develop a diagnosis and treatment plan. We will discuss the treatment recommendations and options with you and then take a credit card payment and ship you your hormone prescription either in an injection kit or a cream based topical to apply to your skin. We will then walk you through your injections and discuss the treatment. Your second blood test occurs in 2-3 months but we will already have been discussing the program and results with you. We will continue to review your progress and schedule a blood test every 3-6 months and always be available to answer any questions you have. It is not unusual to recalibrate your treatment prescription according to test results and the progress of the treatment.

After contacting us you will be assigned a patient advisor. Our advisor will discuss your symptoms with you and collect your medical history and patient forms You will get an examination from a local physician of your choosing and if they diagnose you with one of the symptoms of Low T (fatigue, libido, muscle loss, ED, etc.) in their exam (use our form – link), we will schedule a blood test. After you pay for these initial tests we will schedule a blood pull at a local LabCorp or we can mail a self testing blood kit directly to you. The self administered kit includes a blood spotting test by pricking your finger and dotting a paper as well as a saliva vial test. Ongoing tests can be completed at a local LabCorp or mailed directly to you.

During the interview process you can indicate your preference for treatment. It typically would be a topical cream or gel applied to the skin, an intra-muscular (IM) injection every week into the hip or a sub-cutaneous (Sub-Q) injection every 2-3 days into the thigh, waist or arm. We recommend starting with a cream and can calibrate your dosage and delivery method according to your comfort level, tests or effects. Your treatment kits will be mailed directly to your home or office.

We will be in constant contact with you and always available to answer any questions. The first follow-up testing typically occurs in two months. We will continue tests every six months but may request more frequent testing and tele-consultations if either you or your physician wants to keep a closer look at your progress.

Physicians recommend taking a blood testosterone level test by 10am as your levels peak each morning. Significant changes in testosterone levels typically only occur in younger, healthy men under 40 years of age however. One study of over 3,000 men showed an unchanged in testosterone levels from 6 a.m. through 2 a.m. The group then experienced a 13% change from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. which is unlikely to alter the diagnosis of Low T. Studies have also shown that men with testosterone levels under 300 ng/dl who are most likely to be diagnosed with low testosterone saw even less variation over the course of the day.

Only when the test results do not match the picture presented from the individuals history and symptoms and produce a surprising result.

Ask your doctor to test you again and to examine your Total Testosterone, Free Testosterone and SHBG levels to see if there is diminished level anywhere. If you are not comfortable with your physician’s diagnosis or comfort with this area of medicine please contact us today to discuss further testing by experts in this specialty.

This is not a common confusion by physicians not thoroughly trained in the latest learning’s in this area. Many years ago, physicians were taught that when someone had testosterone levels it was either due to testicular failure exhibiting high LH levels; or, pituitary or hypothalamus issues and low LH levels. Over the past 20 years most physicians are now taught that the primary reason for low testosterone levels is due to aging and LH levels will typically be in the normal ranges. High or low LH levels can sometimes indicate specific causes of Low T and suggest a specific treatment but Low T is Low T is the testosterone levels are low and is treatable.

We use injectable testosterone cypionate.

A simple blood test drawn in our office will reveal your levels. Results are given usually within 24 hours.

No. We are supplementing what your body is not producing in sufficient quantity.

HRT may continue indefinitely as long as you want to maintain results. The length of necessity varies from person to person. Hormone levels are affected by genetics, lifestyle habits and environmental factors. Some patient can stop with consistent dedication to their treatment plan, which includes not only hormone therapy, but nutrition and fitness recommendations as well. Unfortunately, there is not one answer that will apply to all individuals. Treatment plans are specifically tailored to each individual and their needs.

As you consider whether or not testosterone therapy is right for you, there are side effects of testosterone replacement that you need to take into account.

For example, if you already struggle with sleep apnea, testosterone replacement therapy could potentially make your sleep apnea worse.

Another side effect could be decreased testicular size, and, in some cases, a decrease in sperm count. Fluid retention, liver toxicity, enlarged breast size, increased red blood cells, and acne are also potential side effects of testosterone replacement therapy. If you start to experience any negative side effects, report them to your local clinic immediately.

You’re lying in bed. Your face feels flushed, and beads of sweat are popping out across your forehead. You kick of the blankets thinking that will help, but it does not. You think to yourself, “This can’t be a hot flash; hot flashes only happen to women, right?” Wrong.

Men who have low testosterone levels can also experience hot flashes. In fact, hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms of andropause. In some cases, testosterone replacement therapy can help with controlling these hot flashes.

When a young man goes through puberty, his testosterone levels will affect the size and development of his penis. Low testosterone in older males does not necessarily affect penis size.

Lower testosterone levels in adults can cause other sexually related side effects such as reduced libido, less desire or erectile dysfunction issues. These side effects can be treated with testosterone therapy.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is caused by many factors, including low testosterone. Many studies have shown that testosterone replacement therapy will actually help with ED if the cause is low testosterone. Additionally, if your testosterone is low and you are already on medication for erectile dysfunction, testosterone therapy may increase the effects of your ED medication.

Schedule a blood test through us at either a local Lab Corp or Any Lab Test Now, or we can send you a home do-it-yourself blood test kit to complete and send back. This will test your Testosterone levels and PSA levels.

See a local physician for a standard medical examination. This physician will need to denote whether you are experiencing any symptoms of Low T. These symptoms would include one of the following:

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Weight Gain
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Lack of sexual drive
  • Loss of energy
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Decrease in mental clarity
  • Depression

We will need to obtain the following from you to complete a diagnosis:

  • Fill out the following forms found here on our site: Medical History Form, HIPAA Form, Consent Form
  • Go to a local physician for a standard medical exam to confirm your symptoms of Low T (attached form here)
  • Schedule a blood test through us at either a local Lab Corp or Any Lab Test Now, or we can send you a home do-it-yourself blood test kit to complete and send back.

Click through to find your medical history form, examination form, consent form and HIPAA form here.

Your complete medical packet will be looked at and overseen by an RN, PA and a Physician working as a team to determine the best course of action for you. Your patient coordinator will also help walk you through the entire process step by step.

Within 24 hours from LabCorp or Any Lab Test Now. Within 24 hours after receipt from mailing back the home blood lab kit.

You will fill out a downloadable medical history form (link), get a local physical exam (here is downloadable exam form) and contact us to set up a blood test either at a local lab (LabCorp or Any Lab Test Now) or we can mail you an at home blood test kit. Our patient coordinator can walk you through all of this (link). Your physician will then review the complete file and make a diagnosis and write the appropriate prescription they determine. The steps:

  • Fill out your medical history form (link)
  • Fill out your consent form (link)
  • Fill out your HIPAA form (link)
  • Schedule a local examination (exam form link)
  • Return the examination form and medical history
  • Schedule a blood test (Lab Corp, Any Lab Test Now or a home delivery kit from us)
  • Receive the prescription by mail pending the physician’s diagnosis

Your Hormone Therapeutics physician will set up the necessary lab tests, schedule an initial consultation and send you an email with the instructions on getting your physicial exam and paperwork to fill out (medical history, HIPAA and consent).

The hormone blood testing kits will be mailed to your home or scheduled near to you. Follow the detailed instructions included in the saliva and/or blood spot kit and mail it back to the return address.

You will need to complete the exam, online medical history and all necessary lab tests prior to your first appointment. Once your physician receives your test results, a patient services representative will contact you to discuss the diagnosis and next steps.

A few weeks later, your patient coordinator will follow-up with you and discuss the treatment and monitor your progress, coordinating with your physician as necessary. As you move forward on the program, testing and follow-up will be scheduled every three to four months to discuss your progress, supplements, prescriptions and any concerns or successes you would like to share.

Your physician will prescribe an amount to reduce your symptoms and stabilize your hormone levels at optimal levels in the middle to upper end of the normal and safe range. Androgel and Axiron are one size fits all gels and have a much lower dosage than is typically prescribed for an individual making them much messier for the same amount of testosterone.

Yes, numerous studies have attested to the safety of natural hormone replacement for women and men. We use only bio-identical hormones in our therapy. i.e. hormones equal in molecular structure to what the body produces naturally.

Hormones may be replaced individually, separately or as part of a prescribed combination. Optimal results occur when all declining or imbalanced hormonal conditions are corrected and balanced. We understand the cost limitation on some male hormones, but the cost for Estrogen, Progesterone, Thyroid, and DHEA is considered affordable.

Yes. G hormone needs to enter the body through an injection to be absorbed correctly. This hormone cannot be absorbed through the membranes of the mouth, skin or digestive system. The only clinically proven way to deliver male hormones is as a daily injection Progesterone, Thyroid, DHEA and Melatonin is in pill form.

Supplements companies are regulated differently and this is a legal issue. The FDA categorizes Nutritional Supplements as a Food and not a Drug. A supplement must be “safe for consumption”. Supplement company marketing statements are not restricted as long as they post a disclaimer (ie: supplement X is not intended to diagnose or treat a medical condition). These companies can make almost any claim. A drug is intended to diagnose or treat a medical condition. All drug benefit claims must have scientific proof to back up those claims.

No, we will not become your primary care doctor. We can work with your physician and support that relationship. We want to help balance your hormones and focus on keeping you well. Your primary doctor will continue to focus on managing your medical problems.

Some individuals will feel an immediate pick up. Hormonal rebalancing can be subtle, though, and you may not feel much change right away. Some changes occur within weeks. Cognitive clarity and brain fog often gets better pretty quickly.

You may begin to feel a more subtle difference within a matter of weeks, especially when it comes to sleep patterns and energy levels. Every patient has a different experience, but the end result is the same – a healthier, balanced life.

Everyone is different but generally you can expect:

  • Week 1-2: An increase in mental sharpness (lifting of the brain fog), enthusiasm for life and an elimination of a mild to moderate depression that people acquire as Estrogen, Progesterone, Thyroid and or other Hormone declines or becomes unbalanced
  • Week 2-3: More energy, better results from exercise and weight control efforts, and in general, a more active life.
  • Week 3-4: Increased sex drive, increased sense of well-being.
  • Month 12: Timeframe in which maximal results are achieved.

One of the differences you will notice with us is that we treat you like the unique person you are and one size only fits you. We use prescription drugs when they make sense, but your hormones will be individually prescribed by your physician and precisely mixed by a pharmacist into a formula for you. That formula may be a cream, a lotion, a pill, a shot or a drop in water, but it will specifically for you. Compounding your individual prescription and dosage is a new and exciting development in individualized healthcare. Our compounding pharmacists have the highest quality standards. The hormones themselves, testosterone, estrogen, etc are generic and it’s the precise dosing and mixing that is what helps you get back on the right track.

Bioidentical hormones are derived from plants, such as wild yams or soy, and designed to be structurally identical to the hormones the body produces naturally. The hormonal make-up in each unique prescription can vary – testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, etc. and form- creams, gels, pellets, pills, etc.

These hormones are derived from plant sources, such as soy and yams, which are approved by the FDA, however the methods of delivery and custom doses are not.

Bioidentical hormones may be delivered in the form of creams, patches, pills, gels, pellets of vaginal rings. Bioidentical hormones are designed in a lab and shipped to a compounding pharmacy where they are custom designed to fit the needs of each patient. Synthetic hormones are created in specific, patented doses and delivery methods (not customized), therefore regulation is possible.

Yes. These hormones are compounded prescription drugs that are produced in a specialized pharmacy. Each prescription is hand made from the highest quality ingredients and made by pharmacists that specialize in formulating drugs. Since every patient is unique, the strength or the dosage form needs to be specially made to fit the individual.

Hormones are chemical messengers that cause changes in the body that can affect weight gain or weight loss. Changes in hormone levels are also dependent on the lifestyle we lead and can affect our mood, metabolism, and energy levels.

As males become less active they typically experience a gradual testosterone decline. This hormone is known to boost metabolism and has the benefit of helping lower fat levels. When testosterone is balanced, ideal weight is easier to achieve.

Compounding pharmacies are specialized pharmacies that, under the watchful eye of a licensed pharmacist, can that create tailor-made prescriptions.

If your doctor finds that your overall health and hormonal balance could be improved through vitamins and supplements, they will prescribe them to you.

This is unlikely unless the medications you’re taking contain hormones, like birth control and certain acne medications. In many cases, certain medications are no longer needed, once hormone levels are restored to a healthy balance. This generally happens because balancing hormones improves your overall health. Talk with your doctor and patient coordinator about what medications and supplements you’re currently.

No. It is advisable and strongly encouraged for individuals with a cancer history in their families to be evaluated by a doctor. Your physician can analyze and interpret your hormone levels to better determine cancer risk and strategically devise a plan to assist in disease prevention through bioidentical hormone therapy, nutrition and fitness.

Your lab work should be performed within one month of the physician evaluation to ensure accuracy of specific hormone panels specifically prescribed. Labs must be obtained by your hormone therapy doctor.

Hormone Therapeutics does not directly accept third-party insurance billing. We want you to come to us because you stay well and to catch those core imbalances long before those imbalances lead to disease.

No, we cannot accept labs done by physicians outside of the Hormone Therapeutics network. Your physician can work closely with their labs to ensure accuracy of specific hormone panels prescribed and the timely manner in which the results are delivered.

Approximately $250 per month or $3000 per year. This will cover your physician consultations, the costs you are going to incur in labs, as well as the pharmacies and supplements you will be prescribed by your doctor.

Initially, you will spend between $500 and $600 for the comprehensive lab work, which includes 45 to 50 different tests – specific to males and females, respectively. You will work with your physician to decide the best course of action for your diagnosis and health.

FREE EBOOK Download – Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels
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