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testosterone levelsHow Do I know my Testosterone levels?

With all this information on testosterone and the benefits of maintaining proper testosterone levels, you might be wondering about the specific testosterone levels you have seen. What is a normal testosterone levels? How much testosterone are you supposed to have, and how do you find out your current level? Well, it’s a tricky question. Part of the problem is that despite years of eff­orts and calls for action, hormone testing is still not universally standardized.

There has been positive movement towards a standard set of testing, but we’re not there yet. The other issue is that many doctors don’t agree on just how much testosterone a person, male or female, should have in their bodies. There is a rough “normal range”, but some doctors seem to play a little fast and loose with the low and high ends of the range.

Many doctors and labs don’t take into account factors like age and physical condition, and it means that you might have to do some research on your own or see a specialist to really understand your testosterone situation.

testosterone levelsFlaws in the Accepted Blood Testing System

LabCorp uses a Total Testosterone range of 348 – 1197 ng/dl (nanograms per deciliter). According to this reference range, one man with a 355 ng/dl would be considered normal while his neighbor at 345 ng/dl would be considered to have low testosterone and if they were lucky their health insurance would cover Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Also, a neighbour across the street might have a Total Testosterone level of 1150 ng/dl and he would also be considered normal like the man with a 355 ng/dl. Only a few years ago LabCorp and the insurance companies considered 249 the lower end of normal rather than 348.

The biggest problem comes when age is not factored into the analysis and 355 ng/dl is considered normal whether the patient was 20, 40, 60 or 80?! It also does not matter if the patient was obese, super fit, thin, had a pituitary gland issue or exhibited any of the symptoms of low testosterone?!?!

testosterone levelsThis is why having an excellent medical team to assess your blood tests, physical and medical history is critical. We rarely know what our baseline was from age 19 and everyone has their own sweet spot across Testosterone and all of the other hormones.

The fact that reference ranges don’t break patients down by age or health status explains why a 30-year-old man can go to his doctor with all of the symptoms of low T, only to be told that his T levels are fine because they’re within the “normal” range. If you’re 30 (or even 50), but have the same testosterone level as an 80-year-old, diabetic man, your doc may say you’re okay, but you’re still not going to feel good. Plain and simple.

Contact Hormone Therapeutics to get blood tested and a Physician evaluation of your results and treatment options!

Reference Ranges for Testosterone Levels in Men

So, in the interests helping you with of self-directed research, here are average testosterone levels for men up to age 54. The figure to pay attention to here is “Mean Total Test”, which is the average level for men of that age. This data is taken from a 1996 study involving hundreds of participants.

If you have your testosterone levels tested and your levels are approximately at the mean level for your age, then you probably don’t su­ffer from low testosterone.

testosterone levels

Optimal Testosterone Levels

testosterone levelsOf course, just because you’re not suffering from medically low testosterone doesn’t mean you wouldn’t benefit from more. Those numbers are the average levels only, not the best levels. Research hasn’t determined a hard and fast rule for the optimal levels of testosterone. Some men are fine at the low end of the normal range, while others need to be at the very top to feel their best. What’s normal and what’s optimal?

Anecdotal evidence shows that many men start to feel the effects of low testosterone at the 500 ng/dl mark. Although this shouldn’t be taken as gospel, it does seem that staying above 500 ng/dl is a good idea for most men.

Overly high levels of testosterone typically aren’t something people need to worry about. Although there are detrimental effects to having too much testosterone, such as thick blood and sleep apnea, excess testosterone isn’t a common condition. To be sure, it’s highly unlikely that anyone would reach those levels by following the natural and food-based advice listed here.

How to Test Your Testosterone Levels

Contact Hormone Therapeutics for a Free Low T evaluation and if you exhibits symptoms we will set up your comprehensive blood tests. Contact us right now!

Hormone Therapeutics aims to help people looking to improve and optimize their health through natural means or through the guidance of our physicians.

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Here’s What You Should Know More about Testosterone Levels

Saleamp Design November 1st, 2016

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