Recapture your life through working with the best testosterone physicians in Hawaii!
Do you miss how you used to feel? Are you longing to recapture the vitality of your younger days? The average lifespan has significantly increased in the past century, and our endocrine system is still catching up with these rapid changes. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or struggling to keep up with your children, physical activities like jogging, tennis, skiing, weightlifting, or biking may be getting more challenging. Additionally, you may find yourself more irritable and lacking the zest for life you once had. Many of these symptoms can be attributed to depleted hormones. We are here to help you regain your energy, shed excess weight, preserve muscle mass, sharpen your mind, and reignite your romantic feelings while improving your overall health.
To embark on your journey towards reclaiming your life, get in touch with us today. You can call us or provide your name, email, and phone number to schedule your initial consultation. Hormone Therapeutics will guide you through the entire process, starting with a local face-to-face physical examination and arranging your blood tests either locally or through convenient mail-in options. Our experienced physicians will carefully review your medical records, symptoms, history, examination results, and blood tests to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate testosterone treatment or other hormones and supplements to help you regain your vitality. Your prescribed treatment will be conveniently delivered to your home or office, eliminating the need for inconvenient weekly office visits for injections. Throughout your treatment, our dedicated clinical advisors will provide continuous support, guiding you through the options and offering consultation during your follow-up testing.
For a monthly fee of $199, you will receive comprehensive treatment, which includes:
- Review of blood testing 2-3 times per year
- Physician consultation
- All medications, shipping, supplies, and treatments
Hormone Therapeutics offers a cost-effective, convenient, and private solution that eliminates the need for weekly office visits. We understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to hormone balancing solutions, which is why we develop personalized programs based on your examination, symptoms, history, and test results. Your tailored hormone balancing solution may include testosterone therapy, anastrazole, estrogen blockers, HCG, supplements, nutrition plans, and sleep/exercise recommendations. We are committed to working closely with you to help you regain the vitality you once enjoyed.
Contact Hormone Therapeutics today, and let us help you rediscover the way you felt when you were at your best.
Testosterone Therapy in Hawaii
Hormone Therapeutics testosterone therapy, hormone balancing and other programs are available across Hawaii, including:
Honolulu testosterone
Oahu testosterone
Maui testosterone
Kauai testosterone
Hawaii testosterone
Molokai testosterone
Lanai testosterone
Pearl City
If you do not live in one of these cities we have a number of additional locations for you to get your blood tested at across Hawaiian islands that are listed below. Please contact us first to discuss your symptoms and our Physicians will order the specific blood tests with our partner that you need and they want to review based on your symptoms. If you are not close to any of these facilities we also have the option of mailing you a home testing blood kit as well to administer in your own home or office. Call now at 1-855-898-8898 or fill out the form on the right, and find out about these options or to set up your blood tests at one of these locations:
Live well as you age well and improve your power, productivity and performance through our low testosterone treatment programs.
Contact us today.
Testosterone Therapy in Hawaii
7 June,2023
Hormone Therapeutics
Hormone Therapeutics
June 7th, 2023
Posted In: Uncategorized
Tags: free testosterone, hawaii, hawaiian, optimization, testosterone, Total Testosterone, TRT
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For men interested in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), understanding the safety and storage of testosterone is crucial. In this blog, we will delve into the topic of crystalized testosterone, exploring its safety for use, the reasons behind testosterone crystallization, the impact of heat, humidity, and light on testosterone, storage recommendations, concerns, and how to reconstitute crystalized testosterone.
Is Crystalized Testosterone Safe for Use?
Crystalized testosterone poses concerns regarding its safety for use. When testosterone crystallizes, it forms solid particles or crystals that may obstruct the needle or cause discomfort during injection. These crystals can potentially lead to injection site reactions, such as pain, redness, and swelling. Moreover, they may affect the accuracy of dosing, compromising the effectiveness of TRT.
Why Does Testosterone Crystalize or Congeal?
Testosterone can crystalize or congeal due to various factors. Some common reasons include:
- Temperature fluctuations: Exposure to low temperatures can cause testosterone to crystalize. If the medication is stored in cold environments or subjected to temperature changes, the risk of crystallization increases.
- Injection technique: Improper injection techniques, such as injecting cold testosterone directly into the muscle, can contribute to the formation of crystals.
- Sterile oil carriers: Testosterone injections often contain oil-based carriers, and certain types of carrier oils have a higher likelihood of causing crystalization.
- Purity of testosterone: Impurities or contaminants in the testosterone formulation can contribute to the crystallization process.
Do Heat, Humidity, and Light Affect Testosterone?
Yes, heat, humidity, and light can affect the stability of testosterone. Elevated temperatures, excessive humidity, and prolonged exposure to light can degrade the testosterone molecule, potentially leading to crystalization. It is essential to store testosterone in appropriate conditions to maintain its integrity and effectiveness.
Testosterone Storage Recommendations and Concerns
To ensure the stability and safety of testosterone, consider the following storage recommendations and concerns:
- Temperature control: Store testosterone in a cool, dry place at a controlled room temperature, typically between 68°F and 77°F (20°C and 25°C). Avoid storing it in extreme temperatures, such as refrigeration, as it can lead to crystal formation.
- Protect from light: Keep testosterone away from direct sunlight or strong artificial light, as exposure can degrade the medication.
- Sealed containers: Store testosterone in tightly sealed containers to prevent moisture absorption, which can impact its stability.
- Avoid freezing: Freezing testosterone can increase the risk of crystal formation, so it is crucial to prevent exposure to freezing temperatures.
How to Reconstitute Crystalized Testosterone
If testosterone has crystalized, it may require reconstitution before use. Follow these general steps to reconstitute crystalized testosterone:
- Warm the vial: Gently warm the vial by placing it in warm water for a few minutes. Do not use hot water or microwave the vial, as excessive heat can degrade the medication.
- Gentle agitation: After the vial has reached a suitable temperature, gently swirl or rotate it to dissolve the crystals. Avoid shaking vigorously, as it may introduce air bubbles.
- Inspection: Once the crystals have dissolved, inspect the solution for any particles or debris. If any remain, avoid using the medication and consult a healthcare professional.
- Follow professional guidance: Always consult your healthcare provider for specific instructions on reconstituting crystalized testosterone
Is Crystalized Testosterone Safe? Exploring Testosterone Replacement Therapy Concerns
26 April,2023
Hormone Therapeutics
Hormone Therapeutics
April 26th, 2023
Posted In: Testosterone Therapy
Tags: congealed testosterone, crystalized testosterone, crystals, humid, humidity, reconstitute, safe, testosterone
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When we talk about testosterone myths, this topic has its share of a bad rap as the “aggression” hormone that’s somehow the “root cause” of at least the majority of male-dominated social violence. While the absolutely invaluable evolutionary necessity of testosterone, along with its many evident positive effects, is indeed a primarily male-driven hormone that affects men in many of the ways we’ve previously discussed, it’s completely backwards logic to “blame” testosterone for the complex problem of societal violence (or the lack thereof for any absence of same).
In the US, we have also been raised to view “Steroids” through the lens of sports abuse and cheaters watching East German Olympians in the 80s and 90s, issues with Pro Wrestlers and sad stories from steroid abusers like Lyle Alzado. Steroids have certainly seemed like a very unhealthy lifestyle choice.
Things are different today as physicians and scientists have a much better understanding of the benefits of living with a fully functioning endocrine system. 100 years ago the average life span was 48 and today it is 78 years. Many areas of the body do not hold up over time as well as others and require assistance like eye glasses, hearing aids or Lipitor. The same is true with balancing and optimizing the endocrine system. We now understand that a properly balanced endocrine system leads to lower incidence of prostate cancer, stroke, heart attack and mortality.
Busted Testosterone Myths
So let’s take a clear-eyed look at a few of the testosterone myths that are at best based on specious reasoning and at worst, they’re almost completely devoid of scientific examination and study:
Testosterone Myths #1: Testosterone Increases Lead to Prostate Cancer
This proverbial “old wives tale” began with a single study all the way back in 1941 that has since been roundly and soundly disproved many times over (multiple studies). We now know that men with normal testosterone levels have a lower incidence of prostate cancer than men with low levels. We also know that men supplemented from
low testosterone levels to normal testosterone levels also have lower incidence of prostate cancer. If you are already undergoing treatment for a prostate condition, it’s always best to consult with your physician and inadvisable unless specifically guided to do so.
Testosterone Myths #2: Increased Testosterone Leads to Violent Behavior
There is absolutely no empirical scientific evidence whatsoever to suggest that an all-natural increase in your testosterone level will lead to any violent or anti-social behavior. In fact, recent studies have shown that healthy social assimilation in all males is strongly linked to higher levels of testosterone, in comparison with males with lower levels. Of course random acts of violence committed by males addicted to anabolic steroids (commonly referred to as “roid rage”) has contributed to the complete fallacy that a natural increase in testosterone is somehow connected to this unfortunately all too common side-effect of steroid drug abuse. To be perfectly clear- An all-natural increase in testosterone will have no negative effect regarding violent behavior and will almost certainly lead to a much greater possibility of pro-social behavior and positive social success in all males.
Testosterone Myths #3: Any Testosterone Increase Will Create Personal Social Conflict
Much like the previous example, this myth simply does not stand up under scrutiny. To the contrary, numerous scientific studies have shown that due to the measurable decrease in both concentration and libido associated with low levels of testosterone, men suffering from this condition are much more inclined to become socially frustrated and, as a result, are much more susceptible to bouts of clinical depression and accompanying depressive, anti-social behaviors.
A properly high level of testosterone, on the other hand, leads to much more properly adjusted mood management and an overall more satisfied, successful and social male!
Testosterone Myths #4: Testosterone Treatment increases Cardiovascular Risk
A Swedish study tested the hypothesis that serum total testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels predict cardiovascular events in elderly men. The study found that supplementing, and maintaining, testosterone reduces cardiovascular risks when the levels were maintained above 550ng/dl. The study also found negative correlation between testosterone levels are type 2 diabetes risk.
Contact us
If you’re seeking effective solutions for low testosterone levels, we’re here to help. Our specialized team is dedicated to addressing the unique needs of men dealing with low T. Whether you’re experiencing symptoms like fatigue, decreased libido, or mood swings, our tailored treatments are designed to restore vitality and well-being. Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards reclaiming your optimal health. Don’t let low testosterone hold you back from living life to the fullest –
contact us today for personalized care and support.
5 Busted Myths about Testosterone Treatment
19 April,2023
Hormone Therapeutics
Hormone Therapeutics
April 19th, 2023
Posted In: Testosterone Therapy
Tags: aggression, anti-social, cardiovascular, death, depression, heart attack, prostate cancer, steroids, stroke, testosterone, testosterone myths, testosterone therapy, testosterone treatment, unhealthy, violence, violent
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The proper, healthy Man Diet is absolutely key to not only good, sustainable health and longevity, but also to maintaining a viably productive and powerful testosterone level. And we say Man, because the nutritional facts are that we males require a distinctly differing amount of similar foods than the fairer sex, while also requiring a differing variety of the best testosterone boosting foods for our optimal testosterone health. Top 7 Best Testosterone Boosting Foods
Of course our Top 7 Superfoods and testosterone boosting foods are healthy and nutritious for everyone, but men in particular should pay special attention. Introduce these foods to your diet regimen, and you’ll feel the results right away.
This Old School herb and Paleo-Superfood is perhaps one of the healthiest overall ingredients you can add to any diet regimen. Excellent as an immune system booster, garlic is an all-natural additive that has been shown to boost testosterone levels. In addition to its many health benefits, garlic is just plain delicious!
Pills and powders are OK, but eating real garlic is best.
A key source of healthy monounsaturated fats, the delicious coconut will help boost your testosterone levels without packing on the blubber. In addition, you need not worry over any negative cardiovascular effects from this hard-shelled, hairy nutrition monster. In smoothies, with desserts, in milks, coconuts are a reliable testosterone booster.
And don’t forget coconut oil as a cooking additive!
A very simple equation is less cholesterol equals more testosterone, and the awesome avocado is a full of cholesterol-busting good fats that will allow the testosterone to grow, as well keep your arteries in good working order.
Grape skins are loaded with all-important resveratrol (a plant-based polyphenol), which plays a crucial role in overall sperm health and motility with a corresponding increase in Testosterone levels. In addition, emerging research is finding that resveratrol, taken in large amounts, just may be a longevity super-additive. So eat grapes and live longer and healthier.
Red Meat
A very simple equation is less cholesterol equals more testosterone, and the awesome avocado is a full of cholesterol-busting good fats that will allow the testosterone to grow, as well keep your arteries in good working order.
An excellent sugar substitute, honey is loaded with nitric oxide and boron, an important testosterone boosting mineral. Nitric Oxide is the key ingredient to many ED drugs as it dilates the blood vessels and promotes better blood flow for an erection.
As we previously mentioned, the Omega-3 rich egg is also a protein powerhouse and a sure testosterone firecracker!
Here is one extra one that doesn’t boost testosterone but helps you manage your Estrogen levels!!
Cabbage is rich in indole-3-carbinol, a metabolic chemical that effectively flushes any floating estrogen from your system and as a result, lets your testosterone run wild. It doesn’t matter if your tastes run to kimchi or corned beef and cabbage. Just get that leafy goodness in you!
Contact Us
If you’re ready to increase your testosterone levels,
contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
Top 7 Best Testosterone Boosting Foods
18 April,2023
Hormone Therapeutics
Hormone Therapeutics
April 18th, 2023
Posted In: Health & Wellness, Testosterone Therapy
Tags: arteries, avocados, coconuts, diet, ED, eggs, erection, garlic, grapes, honey, indole-3-carbinol, lean, monounsaturated fat, muscle, natural testosterone therapy, nitric oxide, Omega-3, paleo, polyphenol, red meat, resveratrol, superfoods, testosterone, testosterone boosting foods, testosterone diet, testosterone foods
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A host of human hormone research studies have demonstrated that, in order to improve health and naturally
increase testosterone levels, it must go hand-in-hand.
The hard part of sifting through all of that complex research is that it’s often difficult to tell the cart from the horse. Health and Testosterone are so closely linked in men that it’s hard to see when low T causes poor health, or when poor health causes low T.
Do we become healthier when we naturally increase testosterone levels, or by making positive lifestyle changes, do our bodies naturally increase testosterone levels? One thing that is clear, though, is that by taking manageable steps to naturally increase your testosterone, you’re putting yourself into a Win/Win situation. These lifestyle choices are just good health advice, and they also increase your T. We have also seen a scientific study of 83,000 US veterans over a 15 year period assessing the benefits of Testosterone Therapy.
This study showed that US veterans with low testosterone, supplemented under Physician guidance back to normal levels have lower incidence of heart attack, stroke, prostate cancer and mortality.
Here are our Top Seven reasons to naturally increase testosterone levels that will undoubtedly make you a much happier and healthier Man (increasing testosterone does help with all of the
symptoms and issues caused by Low T.
Increase Muscle Mass and Overall Strength
There is no doubt that an increase in testosterone will positively impact your entire muscular system by increasing crucial muscle protein synthesis that contributes directly to muscular growth. An upgrade for your muscular system, at any and every age, will naturally lead to a healthier, more confident and capable you.
Increase Overall Heart Health
The heart is the single most important muscle in your body. An increase in testosterone will not, by itself, lead to the prevention of cardiovascular disease, but the direct benefits derived from naturally increasing your Testosterone level will lead directly to more sustainable cardiovascular health if your physician monitors and manages the patients red blood cell count and hematocrit levels.
Decrease Your Body Fat Percentage
Every medical study has proven that men suffering from obesity have a consistently lower-than-average testosterone level (and coinciding above-average estrogen levels) and there are clear reasons for this. When our testosterone levels decrease, insulin and glucose regulation decreases accordingly as the body’s natural ability to metabolize fat also declines. Testosterone levels play a crucial role in the body’s insulin and glucose regulation as well as the body’s ability to metabolize fat.
Fortify Your Skeletal System
As we age, men can suffer from the debilitating effects of osteoporosis but testosterone is an often overlooked health ingredient that plays a significant factor in overall bone density and strength. Testosterone is a key component in effective bone mineralization and resorption, increasingly important as we age and our bones tend to lose a degree of density.
Reignite the Libido
The hard fact is that the primary function of testosterone is as a vital reproductive hormone. It returns desire as well as sexual function.
Cognitive Ability
Testosterone helps regulate cortisone, which is a stress hormone, and affects the efficiency of our brain’s neurotransmitters. When men suffer from decreased testosterone levels they lose some ability to effectively regulate cortisol levels, which can cause neurotransmitters malfunction and lapses in memory.
Delay, Decrease or Offset Effects of Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s and dementia are most frequent in 65+ men often caused by Andropause. In addition, a healthy testosterone level is a distinct competitive advantage in the game that we call “life”. Feel the way you used to feel and improve your drive, confidence, energy, look, outlook, sexual interest and function while living a healthier life.
Hormone Therapeutics Physician Guided Testosterone Replacement Therapy
These are all improvements you can achieve through natural means. Natural means will
increase testosterone levels, however, they will not always optimize your levels to where you feel the way you used to feel for reasons including hypogonadism, aging, health conditions and more. These are great healthy ways to live your life, however, the expert Hormone and Testosterone physicians at Hormone Therapeutics can put you on a proper Testosterone and Hormone Replacement Therapy program.
Hormone Therapeutics will assess your symptoms and complete medical history. We will schedule your complete blood tests. We will interview you and then develop a program specifically for you. We will give you another blood test at the 6-8 week mark of treatment and also a 24 point self-evaluation of the progress against the symptoms of low testosterone.
After further blood testing and evaluation of your progress we can adjust your treatment as needed. The treatment could include supplemental testosterone, HCG to encourage your system to naturally produce more testosterone, estrogen blockers to manage your Estradiol : Total Testosterone ratio and optimize hormone balance. There are also many other factors and tests we can assess and other treatments we can consider depending on your unique situation.
Always start with a natural approach to optimizing your health. Good clean living, a healthy diet, exercise and sleep patterns will go a long way to giving you the life and health you desire. Our Physicians are here to help you.
Hormone Therapeutics will help you increase testosterone levels the natural way, working with you and getting you back to feeling how you remember feeling went you felt great!
Contact us for a free evaluation.
Top 7 Reasons to Naturally Increase Testosterone levels
13 April,2023
Hormone Therapeutics
Hormone Therapeutics
April 13th, 2023
Posted In: Low T Info
Tags: benefits of TRT, clean, Cognitive Ability, Decrease or Offset Effects of Alzheimer’s, Decrease Your Body Fat Percentage, Delay, diet, estradiol, Fortify Your Skeletal System, free testosterone, HCG, health, healthy, Increase Muscle Mass and Overall Strength, Increase Overall Heart Health, increase testosterone levels, life, longer, low t, natural, optimize, physician, Reignite the Libido, testosterone, Testosterone replacement therapy, Total Testosterone
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Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is an effective way to address the symptoms of low testosterone in men. However, TRT can sometimes have negative impacts on fertility, which is a major concern for some men. Two popular treatments to address this concern are Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid). While both treatments are effective, they have differences in terms of their effectiveness, safety, and impact on fertility. We will compare HCG and Clomid and suggest which treatment is better for men interested in TRT.
What is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)?
HCG is a hormone that is naturally produced in women during pregnancy. In men, HCG can stimulate the production of testosterone and improve fertility. HCG mimics the action of luteinizing hormone (LH), which is responsible for stimulating the testicles to produce testosterone. HCG can be administered via injections or sublingual drops.
What is Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid)?
Clomid is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) that is used to treat infertility in women. In men, Clomid can stimulate the production of testosterone by blocking the negative feedback loop of estrogen on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Clomid is typically administered orally in tablet form.
Comparing HCG and Clomid
HCG v Clomid: Effectiveness
HCG is a more potent stimulator of testosterone production than Clomid. HCG can directly stimulate Leydig cells in the testes to produce testosterone, while Clomid indirectly stimulates testosterone production by blocking the negative feedback loop of estrogen on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. In one study, men who were treated with HCG showed a significantly greater increase in testosterone levels compared to men who were treated with Clomid.
HCG v Clomid: Safety and side effects
Both HCG and Clomid are generally safe for most men. However, HCG can cause some side effects, including acne, mood swings, and enlargement of the prostate. I Clomid can cause some side effects, including hot flashes, mood swings, and headaches. In rare cases, Clomid can also cause vision problems, which typically resolve once treatment is discontinued.
HCG v Clomid: Impact on Fertility
Both HCG and Clomid can improve fertility in men who are undergoing TRT. HCG can directly stimulate the testes to produce testosterone and increase sperm production. Clomid can indirectly stimulate testosterone production and increase sperm production by blocking the negative feedback loop of estrogen on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. However, HCG may be a better option for men who are concerned about fertility as it directly stimulates the testes to produce testosterone and may lead to a faster recovery of sperm production.
Combining HCG or Clomid with Testosterone Therapy
Both HCG and Clomid can be used in combination with testosterone therapy to maintain fertility. HCG is typically used in conjunction with testosterone therapy to prevent testicular atrophy and maintain sperm production. Clomid can also be used in conjunction with testosterone therapy to prevent testicular atrophy and maintain sperm production. However, Clomid may be less effective than HCG at preventing testicular atrophy.
Conclusion: Is HCG better than Clomid?
HCG and Clomid are both effective treatments for maintaining fertility in men who are undergoing TRT. HCG is a more potent stimulator of testosterone production and may be a better option for men who are concerned about fertility and testicular atrophy.
Is HCG better than Clomid?
25 March,2023
Hormone Therapeutics
Hormone Therapeutics
March 25th, 2023
Posted In: Low T Info
Tags: Clomid, fertility, free t, HCG, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, low t, motility, shrinkage, sperm, sperm count, testicles, testicular atrophy, testosterone
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When men look into reversing Low T, they often ask, does Low testosterone treatment cause hair loss? This is a great and important question. For starters, testosterone is a male hormone responsible for the development of male physical characteristics such as body hair, muscle mass, and deep voice. It is also essential for sperm production and sexual function. However, as men age, their testosterone levels decrease, leading to a condition known as low testosterone or low T. Low T can cause various symptoms such as decreased libido, fatigue, and hair loss. In this blog, we will discuss the relationship between testosterone treatment and hair loss, why men with low T go bald, what happens when they start testosterone treatment, and what men can do to combat hair loss.
So, Does Testosterone Treatment Cause Hair Loss?
One of the most common concerns of men with low T is balding. The good news is that testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is unlikely to cause hair loss. In fact, studies have shown that TRT may help prevent hair loss and even promote hair growth in men with androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness).
Male pattern baldness is a genetic condition that causes hair loss on the scalp, and it is primarily caused by the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a derivative of testosterone that binds to hair follicles, causing them to shrink and eventually stop producing hair. TRT can actually reduce the production of DHT by converting it into a less harmful form. Therefore, TRT can at times be beneficial for men with male pattern baldness.
However, TRT can cause hair loss in men who are not predisposed to male pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is called telogen effluvium, which is caused by an interruption in the hair growth cycle. TRT can cause a shift in the hair growth cycle, leading to increased shedding of hair. This type of hair loss is usually temporary and resolves once the body adjusts to the new hormone levels.
Why Do Men with Low T Go Bald?
As mentioned earlier, male pattern baldness is primarily caused by the hormone DHT, which is a derivative of testosterone. However, the relationship between low T and male pattern baldness is complex. Low T does not cause male pattern baldness directly, but it can accelerate the process in men who are genetically predisposed to it.
Low T can cause a decrease in hair density, which is the number of hairs per square centimeter of the scalp. This is because testosterone is necessary for hair growth and maintenance. When testosterone levels decrease, hair growth slows down, and hair follicles shrink, leading to thinning hair.
Low T can also cause an increase in body fat, which can contribute to hair loss. Fat cells convert testosterone into estrogen, which can interfere with hair growth. Additionally, excess body fat can cause inflammation, which can damage hair follicles.
What Happens When Men with Low T Start Testosterone Treatment?
When men with low T start TRT, they may experience various changes in their body, including their hair. TRT can cause an increase in body and facial hair growth, which is a desirable effect for many men. However, it may also cause an increase in hair shedding, especially during the first few months of treatment.
As mentioned earlier, TRT can cause a shift in the hair growth cycle, leading to increased shedding of hair. This type of hair loss is usually temporary and resolves once the body adjusts to the new hormone levels. However, some men may experience persistent hair loss, which may require further evaluation.
Men who are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness may experience an acceleration of the process when they start TRT. This is because TRT can increase the production of DHT, which can shrink hair follicles and cause balding. However, as mentioned earlier, TRT can also reduce the production of DHT by converting it into a less harmful form.
Does Low Testosterone Treatment cause Hair Loss?
8 March,2023
Hormone Therapeutics
Hormone Therapeutics
March 8th, 2023
Posted In: Low T Info
Tags: alopecia, androgenetic alopecia, bald, DHT, dihydrotestosterone, estrogen, finasteride, hair loss, low t, male pattern baldness, minoxidil, telogen effluvium, testosterone
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The Department of Defense has been studying testosterone therapy for military, finding out if it could keep the brain and muscles working optimally even during long periods of combat.
Medical researchers told that when troops are engaged in extended hours of physical activity such as contingency and military operations, they’re unable to take the calories necessary to endure the high mental and physical function.
The caloric deficit, which in some cases reach as much as 50 to 60 percent below the needed amount, may result in fatigue, muscle, cognitive decline and in men, a decline in testosterone. This leaves them susceptible to illness, wounds, injury or death.
Researchers at Pennington Biomedical Research Facility and the Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine of Louisiana State University has conducted a study to know if keeping a normal testosterone levels in times of calorie restriction could boost combat performance or at least lessen the negative effects.
This study of testosterone therapy for military will provide insight on the role of testosterone in keeping agility, strength and brain functions.
Issues on Obesity in US Military
The study called ‘Optimizing Performance in Soldiers Study’ is ongoing at Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It is participated by 50 men, with ages 18 to 39. In the first phase, participants will be given food and monitored on an outpatient basis. In second phase, they will be living at the research institute, eating the same amount of calories as military men would consume in the battleground. Further, they will be undergoing rigorous physical activity, simulating the pressure of combat and hitting a caloric deficit of 55 percent below the energy expended.
In this phase, half of the subjects will be given weekly testosterone therapy for military shots to keep their levels of hormone while the rest will get a placebo. After the 28-day Phase Two, the participants will go back to their normal levels of exercise and food, and will be watched for weight gain.
The goal of the experiment is to check if they can avoid a soldier from muscle break down during calorie restriction and if they will be better able in performing a repeat mission. They try to look if not keeping the right levels of hormones could worsen their performance on the next training exercise or the next mission.
The Testosterone therapy for military study is not geared in knowing whether soldiers could transform into super warriors through testosterone injections. Rather, this $5 million research is aimed toward high-intensity stressful conditions done by combat arms troops and special operations personnel. In a nutshell, this is only ideal for the most extreme conditions.
The study is only one of the several studies of the Defense Department to discover the influence of supplements and diet on muscle mass and cognitive function.
The Air Force Research Laboratory has teamed with the Center of Nutrition, Learning and Memory, which is a partnership between the Abbott Laboratory and the University of Illinois, on how the nutrient lutein can help enhance brain performance.
Lutein is a pigment present in many fruits and vegetables. It plays an important role in learning, memory and cognition. They are studying if Omega-3 fatty acids can help special operations soldiers and recruits concentrate.
The study aims to learn if they can improve cognitive function even under stress since these young people who undergo the Infantry Basic Officer Leaders Course and the Ranger School are definitely feel stressed and pressured during certain times in the programs.
Nutrition is a very important part of a soldier’s fitness but researchers of testosterone therapy for military study may unravel more insight into the effect when troops cannot eat or drink sufficiently to maintain high function level.
Testosterone Therapy for Military? Pentagon Considers Hormone to Boost Combat Performance
17 February,2017
Saleamp Design
Saleamp Design
February 17th, 2017
Posted In: Testosterone Therapy
Tags: brain performance, calorie restriction, cognitive function, combat performance, lutein, nutrition, obesity, Omega-3 fatty acids, testosterone, testosterone injections, testosterone therapy, testosterone therapy for military
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Did you know you can fight depression by supplementing testosterone? In January 2003, a study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry revealed that testosterone replacement therapy can effectively fight depression. These men had been found to have low testosterone levels, aside from depression. But these two health issues have been found to have a common correlation. The research study monitored and analyzed the responses of the participants who took TRT to a series of psychological tests.
What they found was that the subjects experienced higher moods, a reduction in suicidal thoughts and felt less guilt and anxiety. Such results indicate that testosterone hormone can influence both the body and mind.
Both men and women require testosterone to address different bodily functions. Studies have shown that androgens such as testosterone provide a positive effect on well-being.
Our hormones plays a major role in regulating our emotions. When there is an imbalance or deficiency of a specific hormone, it can cause symptoms of anxiety and depression. Such effect isn’t only limited to a deficiency of testosterone. Studies have also shown that an excess or insufficiency of thyroid hormone could result to depression. Further, it has observed that women’s anxiety is significantly reduced when given bio-identical progesterone cream before sleep.
Are you suffering from depression? Your depression could be due to a hormone deficiency. It is necessary to keep a healthy, balanced hormone level for emotional stability. To add, Hormone Therapeutics offers pharmaceutical nutrients that can help fight depression and anxiety symptoms. Our program concentrates on optimizing brain chemistry, balancing hormone and reducing stress.
The Use of Sleeping Pills to Fight Depression
A number of sleeping pills are benzodiazapines or ‘sedative hypnotic’ drugs that may also be used for the treatment of stress and anxiety. But such drug is linked with a number of risks. Most of these sleeping pills are highly addictive and not advised for long-term use. The side effects include drowsiness, dizziness and impaired coordination. Since they act on the brain chemistry, nervousness, memory impairment, hallucination, confusion and aggressiveness or extreme irritability could also be observed.
Fight Depression with Hormone Replacement
7 February,2017
Saleamp Design
Saleamp Design
February 7th, 2017
Posted In: Hormone Replacement
Tags: androgens, anxiety, benzodiazapines, depression, fight depression, hormone deficiency, hormone replacement, progesterone cream, sedative hypnotic drugs, sleeping pills, stress, testosterone, Testosterone replacement therapy, thyroid hormone, TRT
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Many people don’t have any clue what prohormones are. Often, they mistake methylated oral anabolic steroids with prohormones. Methylsten, DMZ, Mithras, Trenavar among others are only steroids sold under different brands to confuse or trick authorities and consumers. The reason why methylated steroids are the worst kind is that methylation can damage the liver. Steroids taken orally are more hazardous compared to injectables. Real prohormones are the most ideal and safest option as they taken sublingually.
What are Prohormones?
Prohormones are known as precursors of a hormone. On the other hand, steroid hormones are made from cholesterol. Usually, prohormone are pro-DHT or pro-testosterone, which is the most abundant naturally-occuring male steroid hormone. Keep in mind that steroid hormones labelled as prohormone are not real pro-, they are only active steroid hormones.
Today, selling hormones is illegal, except for birth control pills. However, it is legal to sell supplements that are:
- One that naturally occurs in the body
- Not an active hormone
The legal and safe prohormones are the non-methylated form that your body generates in the process of producing testosterone and other highly potent hormones that are found in the body.
A real prohormone will be turned into the specific desired hormone when it enters your body. Every prohormone does unique task. So it is important that you choose the one intended for your goal. Keep in mind that all claims are 100 percent dependent upon proper exercise and diet. Also, consult your healthcare provider before taking any prohormone supplement.
Hormone Therapeutics Testosterone Therapy
Being a leading provider of low testosterone therapy solutions, we are always looking for newer ways to improve blood testosterone levels for our patients. We believe on improving testosterone levels with not only different testosterone treatment options that we offer, but also with diet, exercise, and therapeutic methods. Over the years, we have seen that our patients have greatly benefited from our Low-T therapy and treatment solutions, and our network of patients have grown across across all major cities of United States, including: Los Angeles, Houston, Miami, Chicago, Jersey City, and Seattle.
If you or a loved one is dealing with low blood testosterone levels, contact us today to get a free evaluation of your Low-T symptoms and see how our treatment options can help you with your low testosterone.
Sign up today and Get our ebook, ‘Naturally Increase Your Testosterone Levels’ absolutely FREE.

A Closer Look about Prohormones
27 January,2017
Saleamp Design
Saleamp Design
January 27th, 2017
Posted In: Health & Wellness
Tags: anabolic steroid, Anavar, DMZ, male steroid hormone, methylated, Methylsten, Mithras, non-methylated prohormones, prohormone supplement, prohormones, steroids, supplements, testosterone, Trenavar, weightloss
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