Approximately 20 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s, dementia, or have a family member who does and diet can help stave off these conditions. Vitamin B-12 deficiency symptoms are often misdiagnosed because the symptoms can develop, either quickly or over time, and the symptoms can be similar to other complex issues (including Low T).
Vegans and vegetarians are more vulnerable to a B-12 deficiency since most bioavailable forms of B-12 come from red meat, eggs and dairy. Here are powerful foods to help optimize brain health and delay or avoid dementia:
A Vitamin B deficiency can be diagnosed by an experienced and specialized physician, but typically requires the MMA urine test for confirmation. Many physicians do not understand the causes or treatments so the CDC created an online course for physicians since most commercial supplements and fortifications incorrectly use cyanocobalamin. There are several kinds of vitamin B12 but Methylcobalamin, is the form typically recommended by experienced physicians versus Hydroxocobalmin or Cyanocolbamin.
All three types of Cobalamins are considered Vitamin B12, but they are not the same. Cyanocobalamin is most commonly used in B12 Shots but requires a higher dosage for the same effectiveness as Hydroxycobalamin, but it is Ineffective for several important conditions. Methylcobalamin is a coenzyme of vitamin B12 and shows better benefits for degenerative neurologic problems over other cobalamin preparations.
Saleamp Design February 16th, 2015
Posted In: Health & Wellness
Tags: anemia, b deficiency, b-12, b12, b12 deficiency, cognitive issues, deficiency, fatigue, health, jaundice, low t, low testosterone, memory loss, numbness, paranoia, swollen tongue, testosterone, tired, vitamin b-12, vitamin b12, vitamin deficiency