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testosterone productionTestosterone is important as it maintains our physical strength, our focus, and our mood, but do you an idea about testosterone production? How is it made?

It’s not just an academic question. An understanding of how our bodies produce testosterone leads to an understanding of what might cause our bodies to stop producing enough of the stuff­, and understanding a problem is the first step to solving it.


Testosterone Production 101 – The Three Types of Testosterone

In essence, testosterone is a steroid hormone. The changes and benefits it triggers in the body are detailed right over here. The average male human creates 7mg of testosterone per day, but there are actually three di­fferent types. Not all of it is usable by the body, or at least not to produce the eff­ects you’re probably looking for.

testosterone productionFree Testosterone

Free testosterone is so named because it has no attached proteins. It’s free to float through the bloodstream, and isn’t bonded to any other molecules. Free testosterone is the type of testosterone that has all those great physical and mental benefits, because it’s able to roam our bodies and activate receptors in various cells. Even though this is the kind of testosterone we think of as the most beneficial, it has the smallest concentration of the three. It only comprises about 2%-3% of our total testosterone levels. Everything we do for testosterone production is really meant to increase free testosterone, but the best way to do that is to raise our overall levels.

testosterone-production-3SHBG-Bound Testosterone

This type of the male hormone makes up about 40%-50% of our total testosterone levels. It’s bound to SHBG (sex hormone-binding-globulin), which is a protein produced in the liver. It regulates the amount of free testosterone in the body. SHBG-Bound Testosterone is what’s known as “biologically inactive”, meaning it doesn’t actually have any other e­ffect in our bodies beyond helping regulate our total levels. This type of T doesn’t have harmful eff­ects either, but it is why a man might test with adequately high testosterone levels but still experience the symptoms of testosterone deficiency.

testosterone-production-4Albumin-Bound Testosterone

This makes up the remainder of our total testosterone. It’s bound to the protein albumin, which is also produced in the liver. Its function is to stabilize fluid volumes between our cells. Albumin-Bound Testosterone is also biologically inactive, but unlike the SHBG-Bound variety, its bond can be broken. That converts it back into free testosterone, making the stuff­ sort of testosterone reserve supply.

About 95% of our testosterone is produced in the testicles. The rest is made in our adrenal glands, which is why the hormone is present in women as well. For men, though, it’s almost entirely the testicles.

It’s a pretty complex process that results in the male hormone. Learn about testosterone production in this basic rundown:

testosterone-production-5The hypothalamus (part of the brain) secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone. This stuff­ loops around to the back of the brain and hits the pituitary gland.





testosterone-production-6The pituitary gland receives the gonadotropin-releasing hormone, and responds by producing two more hormones. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Both of these natural chemicals enter the bloodstream and make their way to the testicles.




testosterone-production-7Once they’ve arrived down there, the FSH and LH do two di­fferent things. FSH initiates sperm production (important!), while LH kicks off­ testosterone production (just as important!)





testosterone productionThe actual cells that create the testosterone are called Leydig cells. They work by converting cholesterol into testosterone. That cholesterol literally comes from the bloodstream, which is why a healthy level of T can actually improve your heart health. It’s also the reason eating eggs is so beneficial to testosterone levels!




testosterone productionDuring testosterone production, it’s released by the testicles into the bloodstream. Most of the stuff­ attaches to SHBG and albumin, nullifying its e­ffects. It’s the small amount that remains free that aids our strength, focus, sexual drive, and all the other great benefits of testosterone.



Here’s a handy chart of the HPA-axis:

testosterone production

Image source: Wikipedia

In essence, testosterone is a steroid hormone. The changes and benefits it triggers in the body are detailed right over here. The average male human creates 7mg of testosterone per day, but there are actually three different types. Not all of it is usable by the body, or at least not to produce the effects you’re probably looking for.

Hormone Therapeutics aims to help people looking to improve and optimize their health through natural means or through the guidance of our physicians.

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Here’s What You Should Know about Testosterone Production

Saleamp Design November 4th, 2016

Posted In: Low T Info

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