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HCG vs. SermorelinWhen it comes to promoting weight loss, the mechanism between HCG vs. Sermorelin, a human growth hormone, is different. Sermorelin is a human growth hormone (HGH) secretagogue – a peptide that stimulates the body to naturally secrete its own HGH. In this way, the HGH that is produced is intrinsic, which means there are no concerns in terms of purity of the hormone.

Sermorelin works by gradually increasing the production of HGH after administration for several weeks. It causes the body to manufacture its own HGH, while the hormone HGH is usually given for weight loss and anti-aging purposes. HGH and Sermorelin have varying effects, and Sermorelin turns to be a popular anti-aging treatment that has some weight loss benefits.

But, between HCG vs. Sermorelin, HCG still wins when it comes to promoting weight loss. Read the explanation below.

The Recent Use of Sermorelin for Weight Loss and Anti-Aging

HCG is a widely used hormone for the main purpose of shedding pounds. When taken with a very low calorie diet, it is clinically proven to be effective in helping with weight loss. On one hand, most people use Sermorelin for anti-aging purposes, and it is proven to have a wide array of positive effect on the body. While weight loss can be achieved through Sermorelin therapy, it is seldom the main objective of the treatment.

Often, the main objective of Sermorelin treatment is to replenish low HGH levels that come with the natural aging process or other possible causes. Sermorelin can cause a moderate weight loss, however, it usually requires a combination of a healthy diet and exercise. Also, it can be harder to lose weight using Sermorelin alone than to HGH.

The Benefits of HCG Diet

The HCG diet is designed to assist the body in losing as much weight as possible by making the most of the hormone’s effectiveness. The HCG diet restricts certain foods that may cause interaction to the hormone. On top of that, it was developed through a scientific research.

One of the benefits of HCG diet is that is it does not require exercise to lose weight. Anyone who desires to trim down as quickly as possible should consider following the HCG diet. After completing the diet, if the patient has a deficiency of HGH, it can easily be increased through Sermorelin treatment.

Though HCG is better for losing weight than Sermorelin, Sermorelin is still necessary for patients with minimal to significant HGH deficiency. It provides a good way for patients to achieve a healthy metabolism, shed some pounds, get more out of their exercise efforts and develop more muscle mass. However, the HCG diet provides the fastest way to take out extra weight in the shortest span of time.

On the other hand, there is no particular Sermorelin diet that can help boost the weight loss potential of the therapy. It can result in weight loss only if given as a treatment for a long period of time. The result is normally around 5 to 10 pounds of weight loss over the course of four to six months. This requires very minimal to no exercise.

HCG vs. Sermorelin for Weight Loss

As mentioned before, weight loss is just a side benefit of Sermorelin treatment and each person may experience varied results. Generally, the weight loss effect that Sermorelin can provide is very limited. It is an effective treatment for those who are deficient of HGH and it can also be used to maintain a healthy weight when done with exercise and healthy diet.

But HCG still won the round when it comes to losing weight for a short period of time. It can cause up to 40 pounds weight loss in a span of six weeks when done with a very low calorie diet. HCG for weight loss has been proven to be one of the best and most effective weight loss treatments to date and for patients who want to shed some extra weight, there’s simply no other treatment or hormone that could work better for most people.

When combined with exercise, the best that Sermorelin could offer is maintaining a healthy weight. The HGH loss that happens with aging is relevant to the reduction of muscle mass and increase in body fat. Such loss could also slow down metabolism of body fat, the reason why it’s easier to gain weight as we begin to age and more difficult to lose it. Sermorelin can help you with all these issues. It can help bring back a more vibrant metabolism, so the food you eat is not transformed into fat. It also helps improve muscle mass so you can burn more calories even without working out as well as the abnormal fat that you have. Overall, it is a good option for aging adults who desire to maintain their weight.

One of the main benefits of taking Sermorelin is that you’ll recover faster from your workouts and you build more muscles than without the therapy. Like a young man who can exercise while still keeping a high level of endurance and energy, Sermorelin can help boost your energy level when exercising and help your body maximize the benefits of your workouts.

And the result? Your body will respond better to any physical activity. In order to achieve significant weight with Sermorelin therapy, you need to have to exercise on a regular basis. Since exercise isn’t a requirement when under HCG, it is usually more convenient for patients, particularly those whose main goal is to lose lots of pounds.

Sermorelin for Restoring Normal Sleep Cycle

Sermorelin has been proven to be an effective therapy for people who desire to bring back their normal sleep cycle. Insomnia and other abnormal sleep cycle are associated with weight gain. People who sleep late at night tend to eat out of boredom or stay alert. Many people with sleep issues and disorders are linked to weight gain. Sermorelin has been found to help adults experience more sleep and improve the quality of their sleep even within a few days of the treatment. By having a better quality of sleep, it will be easier to keep a healthy weight.

Most adults need at least 7 hours of sleep a day to feel adequately rested. If you are an aging adult who has sleep problems and is having issues with weight, you definitely should consider starting Sermorelin therapy.


The Difference Between HCG vs. Sermorelin for Weight Loss

Saleamp Design February 14th, 2017

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human growth hormoneSermorelin, medically termed as growth hormone releasing factor 1–29 NH2-acetate, is a bio-identical human growth hormone that has been genetically engineered to trigger the production of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) coming from the hypothalamus, a gland next to the pituitary gland.

GHRH is a type of peptide containing 29 amino acids present on our own growth hormone. These amino acids are the active ones of GHRH. GHRH stimulates the pituitary gland to release growth hormones. As we age, the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland become depleted. Studies have shown the Sermorelin can restore the growth hormone to a youthful level by elevating the levels of IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1).

What are the Benefits of Sermorelin?

Sermorelin offers a handful of benefits. Patients can expect to notice:

  • Increase in their energy level due to fat breakdown
  • Increase in lean muscle due to efficient protein synthesis
  • Increase in muscles mass
  • Reduction in body fat due to efficient fat burning or lipolysis
  • Stronger joints and connective tissue
  • Stronger immune system
  • Increase in bone density due to increase in calcium retention
  • Improved cognitive performance
  • Efficient function of all internal organs

How does Sermorelin look like?

Sermorelin comes in an injectable vial, often in multi-dosage. Each vial contains 15 mg of lyophilized Sermorelin acetate. It is vacuum sealed to protect and preserve the hormone peptide. Every vital also comes with a diluent – a bottle of Bacteriostatic water.

How does Sermorelin administered?

Sermorelin is administered via subcutaneous injection using a fine needle similar to the one used for insulin among diabetics. The frequency is usually daily and is reduced over time.

When should I take Sermorelin?

The best time to administer Sermorelin is before bedtime. Growth hormone is usually released while asleep. During this time, it is highly beneficial for the body’s repair and recovery. Sermorelin has also a sleep-promoting effect and so, it can make you feel sleepy if administered during the day.

How will I know if Sermorelin is taking effect?

Both IGF-1 and HGH are secreted in a pulsatile nature, rather than constant. As such, a random blood analysis isn’t enough to achieve precise measurement. Physicians who prescribe Sermorelin and other similar peptides determine the effectiveness of the medication through symptomology or the study of the symptoms to check the benefits, blood analysis and physical appearance.

You’ll notice that it’s working if you experienced an improved sleep after several weeks of therapy. But this can only be noticed by those who have difficulty sleeping, however, most patients reported an improvement in sleep quality. It is usually accompanied with an improved mood and increase in energy level.

After 3 to 6 months of therapy, patient start to report significant changes in the body such as a leaner physique and increase in muscle mass. Later on, they will also notice a huge improvement in their overall health.

How long does Sermorelin take to work?

Similar to most human growth hormone medications, Sermorelin often has a ‘loading’ period between 3 and 6 months before you notice the full effects. When injected, Sermorelin is eliminated from the system rapidly and must be injected frequently. Its mechanism of action relies on a chain reaction of biological processes that result in increased growth factors and HGH. It will take some time for the levels to be optimal and achieve the benefits.

Do I have to take Sermorelin for the rest of my life to maintain the positive results?

The answer is no. Sermorelin has an active sustaining effect where the optical HGH level keeps after the last injection. Similar to synthetic HGH, Sermorelin should be injected daily but once the optimal levels are achieved, the frequencies of the injection can be reduced or stopped. When the results are achieved, the patient can shift to a maintenance protocol where the need for daily injections is eliminated.

Sermorelin vs. Synthetic Human Growth Hormone

Sermorelin is Better in Reducing Body Fat

Lipodystrophy is a condition characterized by abnormal accumulation of adipose tissue or body fat in certain areas of the body, usually at the legs, stomach, lower back and hips. Lipodystrophy is similar to the increase of body fat occurring as we age. A study on the effects of GHRH on HIV-positive men experiencing lipodystrophy has been published in 2011.

Results of the study showed that patients given with GHRH lost body fat and increased muscle mass, which significantly improved total body composition. The study concluded that GHRH was well tolerated by the patients and effectively increase IGF-1 level in HIV patients with lipodystrophy. The use of Sermorelin may potentially be beneficial for this population.

In Santa Monica, Ca, Dr. Rand McClain has found that patients experienced marked adipose tissue loss upon using Sermorelin. Many athletes have used Sermorelin and other peptides to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle. Additionally, Sermorelin plays a huge role in exercise recovery.

The Use of Synthetic Human Growth Hormone May Decrease Lifespan

Patients taking human growth hormone may actually shorten your lifespan, which totally conflicting to how it’s supposed to promote – anti-aging. Synthetic HGH is believed to bypass the pituitary axis going straight to the liver. This results to an increase of IGF-1 for an extended period of time. Persistent elevation of IGF-1 is harmful to health, and may lead to disease.

Many credit the beneficial effects of HGH to the mechanism of IGF-1 but this isn’t true. Studies revealed that the ideal environment for promoting positive health and enhancing longevity is to have high levels of naturally-produced growth hormone as well as growth hormone reserves and pulsing IGF-1. A pulsing IGF-1 means that the level fluctuates throughout the day with levels having high peaks and low valleys. Because IGF-1 is a highly powerful factor, it is so important that the level is maintained at all times, using only IGF-1 when necessary. Additionally, it was recently discovered in a clinical observation that some effects falsely associated to IGF-1 such as gain of lean muscle and extreme fat loss are actually the result of increase in endogenous growth hormone and not the IGF-1.

The use of Sermorelin acetate promote longevity by increasing the production of human growth hormone and promoting pituitary reserves of HGH. Sermorelin doesn’t bypass the pituitary-GH axis and as such, providing better control of IGF-1 level to preserve health.

Hormone Therapeutics Testosterone Therapy

Being a leading provider of low testosterone therapy solutions, we are always looking for newer ways to improve blood testosterone levels for our patients. We believe on improving testosterone levels with not only different testosterone treatment options that we offer, but also with diet, exercise, and therapeutic methods. Over the years, we have seen that our patients have greatly benefited from our Low-T therapy and treatment solutions, and our network of patients have grown across across all major cities of United States, including: Los Angeles, Houston, Miami, Chicago, Jersey City, and Seattle.

If you or a loved one is dealing with low blood testosterone levels, contact us today to get a free evaluation of your Low-T symptoms and see how our treatment options can help you with your low testosterone.

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How Sermorelin Works for Human Growth Hormone Insufficiency

Saleamp Design January 6th, 2017

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We all age. It is inevitable. It is part of life. Sermorelin can help.

Yet most of us wish to keep a highest quality of life as we age – a life where we can still keep as much of the strength, energy and appearance that we enjoy in our youth. Likewise, we hope to be spared the damage that comes with degenerative diseases. Hormones highly affects our vitality and longevity – an important key to our ability to look and feel young.

As we age, hormone levels change and evolve. The energy-producing, fat-burning hormones fall while the energy-depleting, fat-storing hormones will inversely rise. Such changes makes us feel and look older.

Sometimes, hormones severely drops into a deficiency, below the level that can maintain the best health outcomes. In this situation, hormone optimization– through exercise, sleep, diet, lifestyle changes and hormone therapy – can be very beneficial to one.

Human growth hormone is one of the most common, and important, body hormones that usually drops to deficiency level.

What is Adult Human Growth Hormone Deficiency?

Adult growth hormone deficiency (AGHD) is being recognized increasingly. It has been associated with cardiovascular, metabolic, neuromuscular, neuropsychiatric-cognitive and skeletal abnormalities.

Symptoms include:

  • Changes in memory, processing speed and attention
  • Lack of well-being
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Social isolation
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of strength
  • Fibromyalgia syndrome
  • Neuromuscular dysfunction
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Decreased bone density
  • Impaired cardiac function
  • Decreased insulin sensitivity
  • Increased buildup of abnormal fat masses in the blood vessel walls
  • Increased low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol
  • Decreased sweating and thermoregulation

Most of these symptoms can be reversed through growth hormone therapy.  Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency must be diagnosed before a physician can legally prescribe HGH to a patient.

How Sermorelin Helps Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency

Sermorelin for brain performance

Sermorelin Acetate (GRF 1-29) is a bio-identical growth hormone-releasing hormone that can be used to safely stimulate the production of growth hormone from the pituitary gland. An FDA-approved medication, it has been genetically engineered to increase the levels of growth hormone and reverse the effects of AGHD.

Sermorelin acetate was first developed in the 1970s, and was considered to be the shortest, yet fully functional piece of GHRH, that has been used to test for human growth hormone secretion.

Sermorelin has been used as a hormone replacement therapy for testosterone in men and an anti-aging product. Unlike human growth hormone, Sermorelin is a secretagogue, which means it stimulate the gland to secrete hormone.

How Sermorelin Help Improve Your Brain Function

The effect of growth hormone-releasing hormone is better observed among patients who secrete little to zero growth hormone due to pituitary tumors or the total removal of the gland where human growth hormone is produced.

Regardless of the age, all patients manifest similar psychological effects due to growth hormone deficiency. Symptoms include mood swings, anxiety, increased social isolation, decreased work capacity and depression (Ronald Klatz, Robert Goldman, Stopping the Clock, 2003).

GHRH has also been found to have positive effect on patients with mild cognitive impairment. In a study by the University of Washington School of Medicine (2013), thirty adults (17 diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment) ranging in age between 55 and 87 years participated in a study on the neurochemical effects of GHRH.

After 20 weeks of GHRH administration, results showed an increase in gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) and N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG), and a decrease in myo-inositol (MI), which are positive indicators that may help reverse age-related decline and improve cognitive function.

Do You Need Help?

Hormone Therapeutics is the leading national company assisting men who want to get their lives back through Hormone Replacement and Testosterone Replacement therapy. Our local physicians are ready to treat you anywhere in the entire country. Hormone Therapeutics is pioneering an easier, cost efficient and more private way for you to work with our clinical advisors and physicians from the privacy of your home or office after your local physical exam confirms you have one of the symptoms of Low T.

Contact us today and our clinical advisors will work with you on a hormone therapy program that may include prescribed hormones, exercise, nutrition and sleep programs to reclaim your vitality.

Here’s How Sermorelin Can Help Increase Your Brain Performance

Saleamp Design March 20th, 2016

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Patient Question: With so many different workouts, how do I pick the right one for me?

Answer: The workout for you is whatever workout you’ll do — even if it’s not the most effective. That because if you enjoy doing it then you’re more likely to stick with it, and that’s the most important ingredient for losing weight and improving your fitness, says BJ Gaddour, C.S.C.S., CEO of Men’s Health StreamFit.


FAQ: What is the right exercise me?

Saleamp Design February 13th, 2015

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