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natural ways to boost testosteroneYou should now understand that increasing testosterone from low levels to normal levels leads to a happier, healthier and more productive life, so here’s a more comprehensive list of 99 Simple Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone.

Most are new, some we just want to emphasize, a few you may already be practicing, but all of them are simple life hacks that will lead to a brand new outlook on the best way to tackle your brand new day.

Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone

1. Start with Strength Training

No matter what age or stage you are in life, strength training- in all its many forms- is one of the great natural ways to boost testosterone level. Of course weight training is always a great idea but don’t be afraid to try other strength training methods- isometrics, HIIT strength training, MMA training, boxing, Pilates, yoga, etc.- to alternate your routine and maximize your results.

2. Whole Body Techniques

As you dive into your strength training, keep in mind- and practice- the concept of whole body movements when designing your workout. Utilizing your entire body while training is a paleo-method to get caveman strong and jolt your Testosterone levels. Whatever type of strength training to use, focus on moving your entire body as you train. Yoga and Pilates are also excellent natural ways to boost testosterone level.

3. Don’t Neglect That Good Fat

Not all fat is created equal and healthy adults should get 20- 35% of their calories from good fats (think polyunsaturated). Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids found in fish, eggs, avocadoes, nuts for example are excellent sources of the type of “good fat” we all need to keep that testosterone level fired up.

4. And Don’t Forget that Good Cholesterol

One mostly forgotten upside to cholesterol is that HDL cholesterols create important Leydig cells in the male testes which, in turn, produce testosterone. So give us Two, Over-Easy!

5. Lift Low Reps with Max Weight

When it comes to weight training, the low reps/max weight formula is a proven testosterone booster with proven results every time.

natural ways to boost testosterone6. Burn that Spare Tire

According to the Endocrine Society, losing weight increases testosterone. Simple as that! Any training regimen you choose should always have at least some part that focuses on fat-burning cardio exercises (HIIT, boxing, any aerobics, etc.).

7. Manage your Stress like You Manage your Money

Stress is an everyday reality for most of us and an absolute testosterone killer! But it needn’t be if we pay attention and manage our stress levels as carefully as our credit cards.

8. Minimal Training Maximizes

If you’re over 25 (and not in training for a big Pay-Per-View Event) then your workout needn’t be 2 hours long to be eff­ective. Be smart and find at least one workout that you can easily fold into your lunch break (think 15-25 minutes). Your testosterone level will thank you!

9. Overtraining Kills

Yes, that 2 hour workout (see above) may actually lead to a testosterone decrease, as well as chronic fatigue and/or injury. Once again, WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER!

natural ways to boost testosterone10. Sweet Dreams

Want to blast your Testosterone level on a regular basis? Then commit to getting at least 8 hours of good sleep per night (10 is even better). Sleep deprivation is a proven testosterone killer that will negatively aff­ect other parts of your life as well.

11. Toss the Soy Milk

And all soy products in general. The scientific evidence suggests that soy products increase estrogen levels and that is what you absolutely do NOT want.

12. Booze Binges are Bad

Occasionally working out the old drinking elbow is OK but sustained binge drinking of any type of alcoholic beverage will lead to a reduced testosterone level and a host of other problems. So practice some moderation with your good times.

13. Grab Those Nuts

Peanuts, walnuts, cashews, et al…nuts are loaded with nitric oxide, a key testosterone producing ingredient and one of the best natural ways to boost testosterone level.. Just keep it organic and mind the sodium.

14. Walk like John Wayne

Yes, it may seem trifling, but numerous studies prove that paying attention to presenting masculine posture and positive body language (direct eye contact, standing up straight, etc.) can positively a­ffect your testosterone level. So throw those shoulders back and walk like a man!

15. 16 Hour Fasts for a Fast Testosterone Increase

No, this is NOT a diet. One proven testosterone boost is intermittent fasting (16 hours OFF the table, 8 hours ON). This regimen (practiced once per month to once per week) may take a bit of discipline but will result in a healthier body and a reliable testosterone increase.

16. Increase your Iodine

Iodine is a key, if oft ignored lever for testosterone production. Remember to keep iodine-rich foods like strawberries, seaweed, organic potatoes, beans and legumes and organic yogurt are natural ways to boost testosterone level.

17. Boost your Boron

A great mineral supplement, boron is a smart choice for a daily additive in your diet regimen so load up on your avocadoes, almonds, raisins, prunes and pears to boost that boron and increase your testosterone level.

18. Super Taurine to the Rescue

Super amino-acid taurine is proven to boost testosterone by as much a whopping 200%! Lean red meat and fresh fish are the best bets here…and delicious!

19. Go Organic

Unfortunately, most supermarket food has been polluted with additives, pesticides and preservative chemicals that often increase estrogen levels. Minimally processed organic food is your safest bet to effectively give you the Testosterone boost we all need.

20. Go Easy on the Brew

Look, we all love a cold one after a hard day’s work (see #12) but most beers are loaded with hops (an estrogen booster) so, once again: Moderation is the key.

natural ways to boost testosterone21. Chew your Red Meat

Yes, this is an easy one. An absolute dynamo of testosterone production, lean red meat is a super producer. Just remember to go lean and don’t forget your veggie side.

22. Swing that Bat/Ax/Hammer

As part of your Animal Training, introduce the robustly masculine act of swinging a big hard piece of something. This will not only have an impact on whatever you’re hitting, it’s also going to feel DAMN GOOD! The mental boost as well as the physical exercise will both increase your Testosterone levels!

23. Flush that Tobacco

natural ways to boost testosteroneThis one is mandatory, we’re sorry to say. Tobacco products are loaded with so many testosterone and health busting chemicals that we have to give them a very hard pass.

24. Focus on Winning

Put away the feel-good, hand-holding for now and concentrate on winning as a way of life. This key psychological goal will actually have an impact on you physiologically and may lead to a steady testosterone upgrade as well.

25. Add Zinc

The big “Z” is a protein synthesizer that fortifies testosterone production so load up on the oysters, lobster, crab and (lean) beef, and the zinc will do all the rest.



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99 Simple Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone – Part 1

Saleamp Design December 9th, 2016

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