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One benefit of Testosterone Therapy is the slowing of cognitive decline.  Studies have discovered a rather unique test to uncover at a very early stage the onset of Alzheimer’s.  The test exhibited in the video show how a blind smell test identifying how close to each nostril it takes an individual to recognize the smell of peanut butter is an excellent market for early onset Alzheimer’s disease.  The most important indicator is if your left nostril is much less adept at recognizing the smell of peanut butter, for example 10cm v. 20cm, than the correlation for Alzheimer’s was much higher.  This home test for Alzheimer’s is something most people can do in their kitchens as they read this post and watch the video below and see how testosterone helps cognitive slow cognitive decline.

Home Test for early Alzheimer’s:

Testosterone helps slow cognitive decline. Take this home Alzheimer test.

Saleamp Design August 28th, 2015

Posted In: Health & Wellness, Low T Info, Testosterone Therapy

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Whether exercise is a passion or a labor of love you force yourself to do to stay healthy we all understand the benefits of exercise for cardiovascular health and building muscle but there are many other benefits to your health, body, mind and well-being. Scientists are learning more about how exercise boosts brain function. These benefits happen for all ages and fitness levels to provide you mental benefits. Here are unexpected ways that working out can benefit mental health, relationships, and lead to a healthier and happier life overall.


Twelve Lesser Known Benefits of Exercise

Hormone Therapeutics July 21st, 2014

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