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A host of human hormone research studies have demonstrated that, in order to improve health and naturally increase testosterone levels, it must go hand-in-hand.The hard part of sifting through all of that complex research is that it’s often difficult to tell the cart from the horse. Health and Testosterone are so closely linked in men that it’s hard to see when low T causes poor health, or when poor health causes low T.Do we become healthier when we naturally increase testosterone levels, or by making positive lifestyle changes, do our bodies naturally increase testosterone levels? One thing that is clear, though, is that by taking manageable steps to naturally increase your testosterone, you’re putting yourself into a Win/Win situation. These lifestyle choices are just good health advice, and they also increase your T. We have also seen a scientific study of 83,000 US veterans over a 15 year period assessing the benefits of Testosterone Therapy.This study showed that US veterans with low testosterone, supplemented under Physician guidance back to normal levels have lower incidence of heart attack, stroke, prostate cancer and mortality.Here are our Top Seven reasons to naturally increase testosterone levels that will undoubtedly make you a much happier and healthier Man (increasing testosterone does help with all of the symptoms and issues caused by Low T.

Increase Muscle Mass and Overall Strength

There is no doubt that an increase in testosterone will positively impact your entire muscular system by increasing crucial muscle protein synthesis that contributes directly to muscular growth. An upgrade for your muscular system, at any and every age, will naturally lead to a healthier, more confident and capable you.

Increase Overall Heart Health

The heart is the single most important muscle in your body. An increase in testosterone will not, by itself, lead to the prevention of cardiovascular disease, but the direct benefits derived from naturally increasing your Testosterone level will lead directly to more sustainable cardiovascular health if your physician monitors and manages the patients red blood cell count and hematocrit levels.

Decrease Your Body Fat Percentage

Every medical study has proven that men su­ffering from obesity have a consistently lower-than-average testosterone level (and coinciding above-average estrogen levels) and there are clear reasons for this. When our testosterone levels decrease, insulin and glucose regulation decreases accordingly as the body’s natural ability to metabolize fat also declines. Testosterone levels play a crucial role in the body’s insulin and glucose regulation as well as the body’s ability to metabolize fat.

Fortify Your Skeletal System

As we age, men can suff­er from the debilitating e­ffects of osteoporosis but testosterone is an often overlooked health ingredient that plays a significant factor in overall bone density and strength. Testosterone is a key component in e­ffective bone mineralization and resorption, increasingly important as we age and our bones tend to lose a degree of density.

Reignite the Libido

The hard fact is that the primary function of testosterone is as a vital reproductive hormone. It returns desire as well as sexual function.

Cognitive Ability

Testosterone helps regulate cortisone, which is a stress hormone, and a­ffects the efficiency of our brain’s neurotransmitters. When men suff­er from decreased testosterone levels they lose some ability to eff­ectively regulate cortisol levels, which can cause neurotransmitters malfunction and lapses in memory.

Delay, Decrease or O­ffset Eff­ects of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s and dementia are most frequent in 65+ men often caused by Andropause. In addition, a healthy testosterone level is a distinct competitive advantage in the game that we call “life”. Feel the way you used to feel and improve your drive, confidence, energy, look, outlook, sexual interest and function while living a healthier life.

Hormone Therapeutics Physician Guided Testosterone Replacement Therapy

These are all improvements you can achieve through natural means. Natural means will increase testosterone levels, however, they will not always optimize your levels to where you feel the way you used to feel for reasons including hypogonadism, aging, health conditions and more. These are great healthy ways to live your life, however, the expert Hormone and Testosterone physicians at Hormone Therapeutics can put you on a proper Testosterone and Hormone Replacement Therapy program.Hormone Therapeutics will assess your symptoms and complete medical history. We will schedule your complete blood tests. We will interview you and then develop a program specifically for you. We will give you another blood test at the 6-8 week mark of treatment and also a 24 point self-evaluation of the progress against the symptoms of low testosterone.After further blood testing and evaluation of your progress we can adjust your treatment as needed. The treatment could include supplemental testosterone, HCG to encourage your system to naturally produce more testosterone, estrogen blockers to manage your Estradiol : Total Testosterone ratio and optimize hormone balance. There are also many other factors and tests we can assess and other treatments we can consider depending on your unique situation.Always start with a natural approach to optimizing your health. Good clean living, a healthy diet, exercise and sleep patterns will go a long way to giving you the life and health you desire. Our Physicians are here to help you.


Hormone Therapeutics will help you increase testosterone levels the natural way, working with you and getting you back to feeling how you remember feeling went you felt great! Contact us for a free evaluation. 

Top 7 Reasons to Naturally Increase Testosterone levels

Hormone Therapeutics April 13th, 2023

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fight depression

Did you know you can fight depression by supplementing testosterone? In January 2003, a study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry revealed that testosterone replacement therapy can effectively fight depression. These men had been found to have low testosterone levels, aside from depression. But these two health issues have been found to have a common correlation. The research study monitored and analyzed the responses of the participants who took TRT to a series of psychological tests.

What they found was that the subjects experienced higher moods, a reduction in suicidal thoughts and felt less guilt and anxiety. Such results indicate that testosterone hormone can influence both the body and mind. 

Both men and women require testosterone to address different bodily functions. Studies have shown that androgens such as testosterone provide a positive effect on well-being.

Our hormones plays a major role in regulating our emotions. When there is an imbalance or deficiency of a specific hormone, it can cause symptoms of anxiety and depression. Such effect isn’t only limited to a deficiency of testosterone. Studies have also shown that an excess or insufficiency of thyroid hormone could result to depression. Further, it has observed that women’s anxiety is significantly reduced when given bio-identical progesterone cream before sleep.

Are you suffering from depression? Your depression could be due to a hormone deficiency. It is necessary to keep a healthy, balanced hormone level for emotional stability. To add, Hormone Therapeutics offers pharmaceutical nutrients that can help fight depression and anxiety symptoms. Our program concentrates on optimizing brain chemistry, balancing hormone and reducing stress.

The Use of Sleeping Pills to Fight Depression

A number of sleeping pills are benzodiazapines or ‘sedative hypnotic’ drugs that may also be used for the treatment of stress and anxiety. But such drug is linked with a number of risks. Most of these sleeping pills are highly addictive and not advised for long-term use. The side effects include drowsiness, dizziness and impaired coordination. Since they act on the brain chemistry, nervousness, memory impairment, hallucination, confusion and aggressiveness or extreme irritability could also be observed.

Fight Depression with Hormone Replacement

Saleamp Design February 7th, 2017

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TRT mistakesHere are some of the most common TRT mistakes that patients and even doctors make when following a testosterone therapy.

TRT Mistakes #1: Choosing a treatment plan that does not suit your personality or lifestyle

Many TRT doctors only prescribe the testosterone protocol they are comfortable or familiar with, whether it is gel, injection or even pills. However, not all protocols fit every person’s personalities or lifestyles. For instance, if you sweat a lot or do lots of workout, using transdermal patches or creams won’t be as effective as testosterone injection as the testosterone content of transdermal patches won’t be completely absorbed.

Another thing, if you are afraid of needles, testosterone injection will surely be the most uncomfortable situation. Say, you are fine with needles, but what if your doctor does not want to teach you how to inject on your own? Do you have time to drive to his office every week for your injection? Does it fit in with your schedule?

Look for a doctor who knows all TRT protocols and is diligent to ask you about your personality and lifestyle. Otherwise, you might end up discontinuing a TRT protocol because it didn’t suit your lifestyle, your work or your personality.

TRT Mistakes #2: Taking the wrong dose

When you encounter a person who speaks that TRT didn’t work for him, it often has to do with the dosage. You have to understand that testosterone replacement therapy varies from patient to patient. A dosage that could increase a person’s total T to 700 may only bring your up to 400. In addition, a total testosterone level of 700 might be enough for one person, letting him enjoy all the benefits of TRT but for you, it might not be enough.

The dosage and its frequency have to be adjusted from time to time so you make the most you can out of TRT.

TRT Mistakes #3: Cycling testosterone

Maybe because of reading too much bodybuilding magazines, some patients assume that testosterone should be cycled. Cycling is only suitable for users of anabolic steroids whose main goal is to add more muscle mass or enhance performance. However, it is not appropriate for TRT.

Simply put, when you use TRT, your testes take a rest from manufacturing testosterone. If you just stop TRT immediately, you are left with nearly zero testosterone in your body, and at this point, everything goes south. Decreased libido, weight and depression set in. This means that all the benefits you enjoyed with TRT revert. If you decide to stop using testosterone for some reason, work with your doctor to ensure you’re doing it effectively and safely.

TRT Mistakes #4: Wrong Management of Possible Side Effects

Nearly all possible TRT side effects can be managed easily, whether they include hair loss, acne, moodiness or an increase in hematocrit or PSA (prostate-specific antigen). It is important to manage these side effects effectively as it is necessary for the long-term success of your testosterone therapy.

Of course, no one wants to experience these side effects through TRT only to be replaced by another set of side effects. Oftentimes, it is only a question of dosage adjustment or the delivery system but they may sometimes require extra medications.

TRT Mistakes #5: Not living a testosterone-friendly life

Smoking, being overweight, drinking in excess, not having enough sleep, avoiding exercise and taking blood sugar for granted are some of the biggest TRT mistakes that you should avoid. These shouldn’t be part of your lifestyle. Testosterone replacement therapy can create a 180 degree turn in your life. It can make you feel like in your 20s or 30s.

All those bad habits mentioned can greatly deplete your testosterone reserve and no amount of TRT can compensate to offset such kind of lifestyle. It’s best to practice as many healthy habits as possible to make your TRT experience better.

TRT Mistakes #6: Poor compliance

Testosterone therapy requires 100 percent commitment. Like any medication, if you forget to inject or rub cream after a morning shower, it’s not going to give you its expected results. Failing to administer or apply it and it will not work and the long-term outcome will be compromised and unsatisfying.

In addition, poor compliance to TRT has its own inherent consequences. When your T levels keep on fluctuating from highs to lows, you could experience possible swings in your performance, energy and functionality.

There are lots of ways to help you remember your application or injection schedule. You can mark your calendar beforehand, place notes on your fridge or use mobile apps. Find one that will work for you.

TRT Mistakes #7: Choosing the wrong doctor

Today, more and more dentists now provide Botox injections, but that is definitely not part of their training and they are not more qualified, as far as education is concerned, to provide Botox more than a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist. But many dentists see it as a way to augment their income.

On a similar note, many doctors have joined the TRT bandwagon. They do not have the expertise to give testosterone, but they simply do it as a way to increase their income. The problem is, there’s more to TRT than just giving a prescription. Testosterone therapy isn’t just simply elevating your T levels, it is helping your patients find their optimal T levels. 

Further, you need one who is knowledgeable in managing any possible side effects of TRT, including other aspects of the TRT science such as the adjunctive therapies.

Finally, you need one who applies what he prescribes. In this case, a doctor who is under TRT himself, who lives a healthy lifestyle and exercises, has the firsthand knowledge into TRT compared to a conventional doctor who only prescribes TRT on the side.

Consider the possible costs before choosing a doctor as well. Do your own homework in finding the right doctor for you.

TRT Mistakes #8: Overlooking estrogen levels

As mentioned in Number 2, the leading cause for having less stellar results with TRT is wrong dosage. The second most common problem among patients who say TRT didn’t work for them is the failure to keep track of their estrogen levels.

When the body metabolises testosterone, it turns into other chemicals such as DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) and estradiol. Estradiol is a metabolite of estrogen, the major hormone in women. Though men require a certain level of estrogen to maintain vascular health, excessive levels can cause gynecomastia, weight gain, extra body fat and subtle mental changes. Excessive estrogen can also hinder the benefits of TRT.

This problem can be very easy to control, but first, you have to find a capable TRT doctor to recognize and fix it.

Hormone Therapeutics Testosterone Therapy

Being a leading provider of low testosterone therapy solutions, we are always looking for newer ways to improve blood testosterone levels for our patients. We believe on improving testosterone levels with not only different testosterone treatment options that we offer, but also with diet, exercise, and therapeutic methods. Over the years, we have seen that our patients have greatly benefited from our Low-T therapy and treatment solutions, and our network of patients have grown across across all major cities of United States, including: Los Angeles, Houston, Miami, Chicago, Jersey City, and Seattle.

If you or a loved one is dealing with low blood testosterone levels, contact us today to get a free evaluation of your Low-T symptoms and see how our treatment options can help you with your low testosterone.

Sign up today and Get our ebook, ‘Naturally Increase Your Testosterone Levels’ absolutely FREE.

FREE EBOOK – Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels

9 TRT Mistakes You Should Know

Saleamp Design January 20th, 2017

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The Effect of Stress on Testosterone

stressStress can lead to many of the symptoms of low testosterone. Stress is one of the earliest and most important hormones when we were the hunted and our fight or flight instincts kept us alive, not happy or healthy. Today is a di­fferent time and we rarely need these instincts the same way we did when we were not at the top of the food chain but our body still reacts to stress in the same way we have been programmed. Creating cortisol is just is a much higher priority for the body than creating testosterone when it is stressed.

Stress causes our adrenal glands to secrete cortisol which prepares our bodies and minds to handle the stressful situation. In small amounts, cortisol is fine and can be very useful. Elevated cortisol levels for prolonged periods damage our bodies and minds.

Several studies have shown a link and correlation where increased cortisol levels often leads to low testosterone. That does not mean that supplemental testosterone or naturally increased testosterone will lower your cortisol levels but evidence does show that.

Here are some practices to help manage your stress and cortisol levels

  • Exercise regularly
  • Don’t smoke
  • Avoid excessive caff­eine and alcohol
  • Meditate for 20 minutes each day
  • Take a break when you feel stressed.
  • Remove yourself from that situation and feeling. Get up for a walk, stretch your legs and breath in deeply
  • Practice deep breathing exercises
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Focus on being more resilient in the face of stress. Don’t let stress manage you. Decide how you want to allow things to aff­ect you.

There is also a downward cyclical eff­ect when someone is overweight, fatigued and suff­ering from low libido and erectile dysfunction. This downward cycle can lead to stress and increased cortisol. Naturally increasing your testosterone, or getting help from a specialized physician through a Testosterone  Replacement Therapy program can help you lose weight, gain energy, increase libido and decrease erectile dysfunction. Al of this should lead to decreased stress and reduced cortisol levels.

Hormone Therapeutics aims to help people looking to improve and optimize their health through natural means or through the guidance of our physicians.

Don’t miss out our free weekly tips and news on Low T, hormone balancing, healthy living, nutrition and a lot more.

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How Stress Levels Kill Testosterone

Saleamp Design December 6th, 2016

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Endocrinologists are warning every one of the eff­ects of exposure to every day household chemicals and these chemicals have been coined “endocrine disruptors”. The endocrine disruptors interfere with our body’s endocrine system, and hormones, and can cause weight gain and learning disabilities.

Xenoestrogen is one of those notorious endocrine disruptors that imitates estrogen when in contact with the human body. If men are exposed to excessive amounts of this estrogen-imitating chemical, it will drop his testosterone levels. Once we realized how bad Xenoestrogen was for the body we then looked around and saw it everywhere!! Xenoestrogen is found is plastics, shampoos, gasoline, cows and toothpaste.

Xenoestrogen is one of those ubiquitous chemicals in today’s manufacturing society that some endocrinologists believe it is the reason that testosterone levels are lower in today than ever before. This is also the believed reason that twice as many boys are being born with Hypospadias than in the past. Hypospadias is a birth defect where the urethra opening is on the underside of the penis and not at the tip. This is why it is so important for expecting Moms to stay away from xenoestrogens during the pregnancy.

endocrine disruptors

Avoiding Endocrine Disruptors             

Here are the best ways to avoid Xenoestrogens and other endocrine disruptors:

endocrine disruptorsStore food in glassware

Never, ever, eat heated food in plastic containers. Most modern plastics contain phthalates. Phthalates give plastic flexibility, durability, and longevity. Phthalates, another endocrine disruptor, also confuse your endocrine system by imitating estrogen.


endocrine disruptorsAvoid exposure to pesticides and gasoline

Limit your exposure to these products that contain endocrine disruptors. Wash your hands thoroughly if you do come into contact with gasoline and pesticides or other endocrine disruptors.


endocrine disruptorsAvoid BPA

BPA is a chemical that lines food cans and thermal printer paper and studies have shown that it reduces testosterone.


endocrine disruptorsEat organic

Pesticides and hormones often imitate estrogens in our body. When possible, eat organic that avoids these chemicals. Always wash your fruits and vegetables before eating them and use meat and milk from cows untreated with hormones.


endocrine disruptorsUse natural grooming products

Many (75%) of these products contain parabens, which are another type of endocrine disruptors. Here is a list of some of the natural, paraben-free grooming products available at Whole Foods and most health food stores:


  1. Jason Shampoo
  2. Grandpa’s Pine Tar Soap
  3. Tom’s of Maine Toothpaste
  4. Crystal Rock Deodorant


Hormone Therapeutics aims to help people looking to improve and optimize their health through natural means or through the guidance of our physicians.

Don’t miss out our free weekly tips and news on Low T, hormone balancing, healthy living, nutrition and a lot more.

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How to Avoid Testosterone Harming Chemicals and Endocrine Disruptors

Saleamp Design November 18th, 2016

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testosterone replacement therapyIf you’ve been reading Hormone Therapeutics blogs and testosterone replacement therapy eBooks, you’re probably already completely aware of just how important testosterone is to male health. It boosts mental energy, physical energy, alertness, strength, sexual vitality, and just generally helps us live our lives better.

You might be wondering just how exactly it provides all these benefits, though. What’s the actual mechanism? What, precisely, does testosterone do?

The fact is, testosterone does all sorts of beneficial things in just about every part of the body. It’s a key hormone to maintaining our body systems, especially in men. Women actually also have small amounts of testosterone, but their bodies rely more on estrogen.

The importance of living with a fully functioning endocrine system has only really mattered this much in the past century as people are living longer due to improved medicine, sanitation and many other factors. 100 years ago the average life span was 48 and today it is 78 years. Many areas of the body do not hold up over time as well as others and require assistance like eye glasses, hearing aids or Lipitor. The same is true with balancing and optimizing the endocrine system through testosterone replacement therapy.

We now understand that a properly balanced endocrine system leads not just to the vanity aspects of it’s benefits but a healthier, happier, more eff­ective and longer life.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy – How It Works

So to satisfy your scientific curiosity, here’s a high-level rundown of what testosterone does in men, across each main part of the body.

testosterone-replacement-therapy-2The Endocrine System

The endocrine system is where our bodies produce hormones. It’s a series of glands distributed around various parts of the body that, as a whole, keep our hormone levels at their proper levels.

Testosterone is a hormone, so it’s also produced by the endocrine system. The process starts in the brain at the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus tells the pituitary gland what the body’s overall level of testosterone should be. The pituitary gland then directs the testicles and, to a lesser extent, the adrenal glands to actually produce the stuff­. This is called the HPA axis.

This is where Testosterone levels can be thrown off­. Typically, hypogonadism is to blame for low testosterone levels, and can cause a multitude of health problems. Although it’s normal for testosterone production to peak at 19 and drop gradually over time, about 1% per year after age 30, for some people it can fall too fast. In those cases, testosterone replacement therapy is indicated.

testosterone-replacement-therapy-3The Reproductive System

Testosterone production starts in male children surprisingly soon after conception. A seven-week old fetus has already developed enough to begin producing the hormone, as well as sperm.

If testosterone levels are too low later in life, a man can suff­er from erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, and even prostate problems. Its bad news, and it’s why testosterone replacement therapy is so important under the right circumstances for men in need of hormone balancing and testosterone supplementation.

testosterone replacement therapyPuberty

Testosterone is responsible for male puberty, as well. It’s the reason we start growing hair in new places, our voice (and other things) drop, and our muscles start to develop.

When boys start to notice girls, that’s the work of testosterone, and it carries through later in life. Low testosterone levels can impact our libido, and it’s actually a two-way street. Periods of minimal sexual activity can actually cause testosterone levels to drop in response, which can cause erectile dysfunction and lowered libido. It’s a snake that eats itself, and it’s best avoided.

testosterone replacement therapyThe Central Nervous System

The central nervous system is how our body communicates with itself. It’s a network that lets glands and organs communicate to trigger production of hormones, among other things. Hormones, including testosterone, have all kinds of e­ffects on the body and mind. Testosterone drives our competitiveness and self-esteem.

That means lowered testosterone levels can make us lose our motivation and spark. It can literally make us sad. Like sexual desire, it’s a two-way street. Engaging in competitive activities like sports can spike our testosterone, which in turn makes us more motivated to strive for success. Lowered testosterone can make us lose our motivation, and sitting around can further lower the testosterone levels.

testosterone replacement therapySkin and Hair

It starts at puberty. Hair starts growing in new and disturbing places. Pretty soon, we’ve got manly, hairy chests and armpits, as well as hair on points further south.

Testosterone is responsible for that, and lowered testosterone levels can have the opposite e­ffect. Our body hair might actually start to fall out if testosterone gets too low!

The other thing about puberty, acne, is also an eff­ect of testosterone. For that reason, you might need to stock up on some acne cream or gel when you’re undergoing testosterone replacement therapy. It’s a small price to pay for the benefits you’ll receive.

testosterone replacement therapyMuscles, Fat, and the Skeleton

Testosterone is a major factor in the development of our muscles, both size and strength. Testosterone levels work to improve our muscles in a few di­fferent ways.

  • It stimulates neurotransmitter production, which in turn tell our muscles to grow.
  • It tells the nuclear receptors in our DNA to synthesize protection.
  • It increases growth hormone levels

What that means overall is that testosterone makes strength training more e­ffective. If you’re been hitting the weights and not seeing much gain, low testosterone levels might be to blame. The male hormone is also important to our skeleton. It increases bone density, and it’s what makes our bone marrow manufacture red blood cells. If you have low testosterone production, you might actually become more brittle and prone to fractures.

Finally, testosterone is important to burning fat, and low levels can be responsible for a higher body fat percentage.

Overall, testosterone levels are vital to your physical health.

testosterone replacement therapyThe Circulatory System

Finally, testosterone is crucial to the health of our blood. As mentioned, it improves our red blood cell count, which is a positive because it carries more oxygen throughout our body. However, a physician needs to monitor and manage red blood cell and hematocrit levels to ensure blood does not get too viscous.

Some studies have shown that testosterone replacement therapy can also make our hearts healthier. These studies suggest that the hormone is eff­ective in reducing cholesterol and blood pressure. It can even help destroy harmful clots.

Although testosterone replacement therapy shouldn’t be undergone lightly and without the advice of a medical professional, its benefits are becoming more and more apparent. If any of the symptoms and problems mentioned in this article ring a bell for you, get in touch with a doctor today.









Hormone Therapeutics aims to help people looking to improve and optimize their health through natural means or through the guidance of our physicians.

Don’t miss out our free weekly tips and news on Low T, hormone balancing, healthy living, nutrition and a lot more.

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Here’s What You Should Know on How Testosterone Replacement Therapy Works

Saleamp Design October 18th, 2016

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increase-testosteroneA host of human hormone research studies have demonstrated that, in order to improve health and naturally increase testosterone levels, it must go hand-in-hand.

The hard part of sifting through all of that complex research is that it’s often difficult to tell the cart from the horse. Health and Testosterone are so closely linked in men that it’s hard to see when low T causes poor health, or when poor health causes low T.

Do we become healthier when we naturally increase testosterone levels, or by making positive lifestyle changes, do our bodies naturally increase testosterone levels? One thing that is clear, though, is that by taking manageable steps to naturally increase your testosterone, you’re putting yourself into a Win/Win situation. These lifestyle choices are just good health advice, and they also increase your T. We have also seen a scientific study of 83,000 US veterans over a 15 year period assessing the benefits of Testosterone Therapy.

This study showed that US veterans with low testosterone, supplemented under Physician guidance back to normal levels have lower incidence of heart attack, stroke, prostate cancer and mortality.

Top 7 Reasons to Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels

Here are our Top Seven reasons to naturally increase testosterone levels that will undoubtedly make you a much happier and healthier Man (increasing testosterone does help with all of the symptoms and issues caused by Low T):

increase-testosterone3Increase Muscle Mass and Overall Strength

There is no doubt that an increase in testosterone will positively impact your entire muscular system by increasing crucial muscle protein synthesis that contributes directly to muscular growth. An upgrade for your muscular system, at any and every age, will naturally lead to a healthier, more confident and capable you.


increase-testosterone4Increase Overall Heart Health

The heart is the single most important muscle in your body. An increase in testosterone will not, by itself, lead to the prevention of cardiovascular disease, but the direct benefits derived from naturally increasing your Testosterone level will lead directly to more sustainable cardiovascular health if your physician monitors and manages the patients red blood cell count and hematocrit levels.


increase-testosterone5Decrease Your Body Fat Percentage

Every medical study has proven that men su­ffering from obesity have a consistently lower-than-average testosterone level (and coinciding above-average estrogen levels) and there are clear reasons for this. When our testosterone levels decrease, insulin and glucose regulation decreases accordingly as the body’s natural ability to metabolize fat also declines. Testosterone levels play a crucial role in the body’s insulin and glucose regulation as well as the body’s ability to metabolize fat.


increase-testosterone6Fortify Your Skeletal System

As we age, men can suff­er from the debilitating e­ffects of osteoporosis but testosterone is an often overlooked health ingredient that plays a significant factor in overall bone density and strength. Testosterone is a key component in e­ffective bone mineralization and resorption, increasingly important as we age and our bones tend to lose a degree of density.


increase-testosterone7Reignite the Libido

The hard fact is that the primary function of testosterone is as a vital reproductive hormone. It returns desire as well as sexual function.



increase-testosterone8Cognitive Ability

Testosterone helps regulate cortisone, which is a stress hormone, and a­ffects the efficiency of our brain’s neurotransmitters. When men suff­er from decreased testosterone levels they lose some ability to eff­ectively regulate cortisol levels, which can cause neurotransmitters malfunction and lapses in memory.



increase-testosterone9Delay, Decrease or O­ffset Eff­ects of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s and dementia are most frequent in 65+ men often caused by Andropause. In addition, a healthy testosterone level is a distinct competitive advantage in the game that we call “life”. Feel the way you used to feel and improve your drive, confidence, energy, look, outlook, sexual interest and function while living a healthier life.


Hormone Therapeutics Physician Guided Testosterone Replacement Therapy

increase-testosterone10These are all improvements you can achieve through natural means. Natural means will increase testosterone levels, however, they will not always optimize your levels to where you feel the way you used to feel for reasons including hypogonadism, aging, health conditions and more. These are great healthy ways to live your life, however, the expert Hormone and Testosterone physicians at Hormone Therapeutics can put you on a proper Testosterone and Hormone Replacement Therapy program.

Hormone Therapeutics will assess your symptoms and complete medical history. We will schedule your complete blood tests. We will interview you and then develop a program specifically for you. We will give you another blood test at the 6-8 week mark of treatment and also a 24 point self-evaluation of the progress against the symptoms of low testosterone.

After further blood testing and evaluation of your progress we can adjust your treatment as needed. The treatment could include supplemental testosterone, HCG to encourage your system to naturally produce more testosterone, estrogen blockers to manage your Estradiol : Total Testosterone ratio and optimize hormone balance. There are also many other factors and tests we can assess and other treatments we can consider depending on your unique situation.

Always start with a natural approach to optimizing your health. Good clean living, a healthy diet, exercise and sleep patterns will go a long way to giving you the life and health you desire. Our Physicians are here to help you.


Hormone Therapeutics will help you increase testosterone levels the natural way, working with you and getting you back to feeling how you remember feeling went you felt great! Contact us for a free evaluation. www.hormonetherapeutics.com/contact-us/

Hormone Therapeutics aims to help people looking to improve and optimize their health through natural means or through the guidance of our physicians.

Don’t miss out our free weekly tips and news on Low T, hormone balancing, healthy living, nutrition and a lot more.

 Want more? naturally-increase-your-testosterone-levels-ebook

Sign up today and Get our ebook, ‘Naturally Increase Your Testosterone Levels’ absolutely FREE. 

Top 7 Reasons to Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels

Saleamp Design October 4th, 2016

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What is testosterone replacement therapy? How does Estrogen effect my testosterone levels or how I feel?  What is Estradiol or E2 and what do I need to know about estradiol monitoring?  Why is it important to monitor estrogen level before getting TRT? What if my estrogen level is elevated, should I still be treated or not? What are the downsides of TRT? Is it dangerous?

These are some of the most common questions most men ask during testosterone replacement therapy. Read below to know more about this treatment.

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Testosterone Replacement therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a medical treatment that aims to restore hormone levels back to a normal range without any significant side effects or safety concerns. More importantly, it should alleviate the symptoms associated with the hormone deficiency.

The ultimate goal of TRT is to regain and maintain the highest quality of life, compress major illnesses and reduce disability; and add life to years.

Estradiol Monitoring: Why is it important to monitor estrogen level before getting Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

As a Man’s testosterone level decreases, typically his estrogen levels are increasing.  Testosterone replacement therapy can also lead to elevations in estrogen level in some men who convert a portion of their testosterone supplementation to Estradiol. In some cases, the level could be above the normal range. While TRT is not about jacking up a man’s testosterone, it should also not be about suppressing his Estrogen or Estradiol/E2.

When the estrogen levels increase, a person may develop breast or nipple tenderness (gynecomastia), which may call for the use of aromatase inhibitors (AIs) – a potent estradiol-suppressor that is primarily used as an adjuvant treatment for breast cancer by lowering estrogen and thereby reducing the stimulation of estrogen receptors in such disease. 

Some doctors prefer stopping TRT first when symptoms of high estrogen levels are becoming apparent rather than managing it through AIs.  Many doctors, and Broscience websites, promote the absolute use of aromatase inhibitors during TRT despite the absence of symptoms or signs of increase estrogen or Estradiol. They believe that keeping a relatively low estrogen concentrations can boost the effectiveness of TRT and improve male health.  This approach, however, can cause other problems.

We at Hormone Therapeutics follows medical protocols and believe in treating the symptoms and the blood tests.  The Total Testosterone:Estradiol ratio needs to be kept below 5%.  We believe in monitoring and maintaining this level.

What if my estrogen level is elevated, should I still be treated or not?

Estrogen levels in some men administered with aromatase inhibitors have levels that sink below 40pmol/L, which may pose increased risk on bone health, energy and emotional health.

Perhaps the only study that can compare the use of TRT with and without anastrazole were in men diagnosed with hypogonadism, hyposexuality and epilepsy. The first trial revealed a positive effect on the sexual interest with the addition of testolactone therapy.

On the second trial that involves men reported an increase in libido among men treated with anastrazole and testosterone alone. However, this trial didn’t attain statistical significance because some men from the T-alone group also reported increase in sexual interest despite an increase in their estrogen.

However, these studies must be taken with caution because it isn’t clear how the group compares with the bigger group with low-T. This group were also treated with antiseizure drugs which increases SHBG (Sex hormone-binding globulin) – a glycoprotein that attaches to the two sex hormones, estrogen and androgen.

Therefore, there is no solid evidence to support the claim that the use of aromatase inhibitor in conjunction with TRT provides benefits more than that provided by TRT alone.

Do You Need Help?

Hormone Therapeutics is the leading national company assisting men who want to get their lives back through Hormone Replacement and Testosterone Replacement therapy. Our local physicians are ready to treat you anywhere in the entire country. Hormone Therapeutics is pioneering an easier, cost efficient and more private way for you to work with our clinical advisors and physicians from the privacy of your home or office after your local physical exam confirms you have one of the symptoms of Low T.

Contact us today and our clinical advisors will work with you on a hormone therapy program that may include prescribed hormones, exercise, nutrition and sleep programs to reclaim your vitality.

Estrogen Monitoring – Estradiol Must Be Monitored During Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Saleamp Design March 22nd, 2016

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One benefit of Testosterone Therapy is the slowing of cognitive decline.  Studies have discovered a rather unique test to uncover at a very early stage the onset of Alzheimer’s.  The test exhibited in the video show how a blind smell test identifying how close to each nostril it takes an individual to recognize the smell of peanut butter is an excellent market for early onset Alzheimer’s disease.  The most important indicator is if your left nostril is much less adept at recognizing the smell of peanut butter, for example 10cm v. 20cm, than the correlation for Alzheimer’s was much higher.  This home test for Alzheimer’s is something most people can do in their kitchens as they read this post and watch the video below and see how testosterone helps cognitive slow cognitive decline.

Home Test for early Alzheimer’s:

Testosterone helps slow cognitive decline. Take this home Alzheimer test.

Saleamp Design August 28th, 2015

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A new study, utilizing research data from Veteran Affairs showed that veterans utilizing testosterone replacement therapy had less chance of suffering from heart attack, stroke, or death compared than veterans who were not on testosterone treatment.  The study examined over 83,000 veterans who were diagnosed with low testosterone by the Veterans Affair Medical Center over a 15 year period from 1999 to 2014.

One of the key aspects to healthier outcomes was testosterone therapy that returned the veteran to normal testosterone levels v. higher and supra-physiological levels of testosterone supplementation

Here is a link to an article about the study in Science Times:


Testosterone Benefits Cardio Issues in Veterans Pending New Research

Saleamp Design August 20th, 2015

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