1-888-644-3691Speak with one of our consultants today.

Hormone Therapeutics created a national telemedicine platform to bring world class Testosterone and Hormone Replacement Therapy physicians right to your home.  Get an expert specialist physician to provide testosterone telemedicine guidance at home.  Telemedicine testosterone therapy allows us to help patients wherever they live as we have designed a separate program for each state to work with our locally licensed physicians and pass all of the national and state wide regulations of which there are a lot.

Telemedicine Testosterone Therapy

Here, Hunter Howard discusses his history in healthcare as well as the increase of telemedicine access in the evolving US healthcare system.  The key is how Hormone Therapeutics reduces weekly office visits for shots but maintains the same high standard of care and even increases it in many cases.  Telemedicine testosterone therapy allows patients to reach our specialist from home, set up local blood tests, schedule a local physical exam and start on a program where the treatments are mailed directly to the patient and consultations are available anytime the patient needs guidance.  We are available anywhere and anytime. 

Listen to the Podcast

Learn more about our innovative approach to delivering patient care.  We discuss this in the 20 minute podcast link below.  We also discuss the development of digital health and virtual visits to help healthcare catch up with the the evolution so many other industries have experienced.  The benefit goes to the consumer with patient-centric care.  This is what drove our vision to help improve the lives of patients anywhere.  These patients are paying too much to anti-aging specialists in vanity palace facilities in cities like Miami, LA and Dallas.  We are even more excited to bring a solution to cities like Topeka and Springfield. In these cities the only possible solution is going to a primary care physician, who is rarely trained in hormone optimization.  Thees physicians can only prescribe the low dose, one size fits all Androgel or Axiron.  These low does gels are rarely effective for most patients.  We are excited to help men live healthier and more productive lives.  Our solution is lower cost, easier, more convenient and more private solution

Listen to Podcast

Telemedicine testosterone therapy guidance

Saleamp Design January 15th, 2016

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A Harvard medical analysis shows that healthcare related visits wasted 121 minutes per visits for an average 20 minutes of time with the physician or staff.  As a result, Americans waste 1.1 billion hours each year waiting for care which drains $52 billion annually from US productivity.

Hormone Therapeutics believes in patient-centric care.  We are available anywhere and anytime and can work around your schedule and location.  Healthcare was built up around the physicians location and schedule and maximizing their productivity.  Advances in tele-medicine and virtual visits are extending technology to focus on patient care, access, timing and productivity.   Healthcare is one of the last industries to improve patient satisfaction in the way we have seen online shopping and online banking revolutionize those industries allowing anywhere, anytime access to allow shopping and banking from your office, living room or bedroom.  Hormone Therapeutics specialists will consult with our patients at your convenience rather than require you to schedule an appointment three weeks out, drive to it and then sit in a waiting room.  You can get your blood testing in your own home or at our partner’s facilities in most towns across the country.  We aim to make healthcare as easy as possible for you.

Watch this 4 minute video to learn more about the Harvard study:


Physician office visits waste 121 minutes per visit

Saleamp Design November 17th, 2015

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One benefit of Testosterone Therapy is the slowing of cognitive decline.  Studies have discovered a rather unique test to uncover at a very early stage the onset of Alzheimer’s.  The test exhibited in the video show how a blind smell test identifying how close to each nostril it takes an individual to recognize the smell of peanut butter is an excellent market for early onset Alzheimer’s disease.  The most important indicator is if your left nostril is much less adept at recognizing the smell of peanut butter, for example 10cm v. 20cm, than the correlation for Alzheimer’s was much higher.  This home test for Alzheimer’s is something most people can do in their kitchens as they read this post and watch the video below and see how testosterone helps cognitive slow cognitive decline.

Home Test for early Alzheimer’s:

Testosterone helps slow cognitive decline. Take this home Alzheimer test.

Saleamp Design August 28th, 2015

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New studies are coming out showing the benefits of Testosterone Therapy bringing men back to normal testosterone levels are improving life expectancy in men and decreasing their risks for heart attack or stroke.  The key finding in this study co-authored by a researchers at the University of Kansas and in India was that the patients testosterone levels were supplemented adequately to reach normal levels.

Learn more about this August 2015 study here


Testosterone Therapy Study Shows an Increase in Longevity

Saleamp Design August 18th, 2015

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Hormone depletion is a key reason energy men experience more fatigue, less mental clarity, less desire and sense of well-being and Hormone Therapeutics helps men that experience this. People spend a lot of time talking about decreases in testosterone and increases in estrogens and cortisol but another hormone to pay attention to is Human Growth Hormone or HGH and it’s deficiency is a medical issue that needs to be addressed. Declining growth hormone levels effect most men in the same way they experience declining testosterone levels, and medical regulations require that an individual is diagnosed with Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency (AGHD) before prescribing HGH because of the abuse and over use by some body builders and athletes. Physicians examine your IGF-BP and IGF-3 blood tests to understand your baseline levels and if the tests and blood tests determine there may be a deficiency they may choose to put you on a secretogue that stimulates your natural production of HGH. If your body starts producing more HGH you will enjoy those benefits, however, if your body does not produce more HGH then this will also help the physician diagnose you with Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency or AGHD.

HGH can be prescribed with injectables, pills or oral sprays.  Here is a list of the gradual improvements one with AGHD would experience with their increase in HGH.

First Month:

  • Vivid Dreams Better
  • Sounder sleep
  • Improved Stamina
  • Optimistic Attitude

Second Month:

  • Improved muscle tone
  • Increased strength
  • Improved skin tone
  • Improved nail growth
  • Better digestion
  • Weight loss
  • Improved vision
  • Enhanced sexual function

Third Month:

  • Improved mental processes
  • Enhanced productivity
  • Faster wound healing
  • Hair re-growth
  • Increased libido
  • Increased muscle size
  • Faster recovery from muscle soreness
  • Reduced PMS symptoms
  • Greater body flexibility
  • Reduced pain

Fourth Month:

  • Heightened improvements with all of the above.
  • At times improvements may seem to diminish or plateau.
  • Rejuvenation is still a process.
  • Benefits should resume with continued improvements.

Fifth Month:

  • Improved weight loss and reduction of inches
  • Improved skin texture and appearance
  • Skin thickening and greater elasticity
  • Reduction of skin wrinkles
  • Thickening of hair with a shiny, healthy appearance

Sixth Month:

  • Diminished cellulite
  • Improved eyesight
  • Improved body contour
  • Improved resistance to colds, flu and other illnesses
  • Healing of old wounds
  • Disappearance of pain and soreness

Contact Hormone Therapeutics through our form today to learn more and speak with a specialist.

Benefits of HGH for Men

Saleamp Design May 11th, 2015

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ABC World News’ four minute report looks at the benefits of testosterone therapy and discusses both its benefits and risks. By talking to both anti-aging physicians and patients, this video details the reason why so many men are looking to hormone replacement therapy regain their power, productivity and performance in the boardroom and the bedroom.

Click here to watch report.

ABC World News Footage on the Benefits of Testosterone Therapy

Hormone Therapeutics July 31st, 2014

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Fox news provides an excellent 8 minute video report on the benefits and reasons men should consider Testosterone Therapy. The journalist interviews an Anti-Aging physician specialist on the benefits of hormone replacement therapy in combatting low t symptoms and debunks some of the myths surrounding testosterone therapy.

Click Here

Fox News Video on the Truth about Low Testosterone

Hormone Therapeutics July 28th, 2014

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We get a lot of questions about ‘Grumpy Old Man Syndrome,’ well, more so from the wives and children of our patients in all honesty. They want to know what happened to their lovable husband and father when they are experiencing the side effects of low testosterone, and how to get him back. Testosterone therapy is often the best way to re-balance his hormones and get him feeling back to normal if andropause is the cause.


When and Why do Men become Grumpy?

Hormone Therapeutics June 16th, 2014

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Testosterone levels decrease as men age causing symptoms such as weight gain, fat storage, muscle loss, low libido, fatigue and irritability and hormone therapy can help reverse these common side effects of low testosterone. A recent French study concluded that testosterone therapy helps men improve their health through weight loss, combatting the effects of low testosterone.

French Study Findings


Study Shows Testosterone Therapy Helps Men Lose Weight

Hormone Therapeutics June 16th, 2014

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Men lose approximately one percent of their testosterone level per year starting in their late teens which starts to become noticeable in their 30s and 40s. Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a solution when the symptoms of low testosterone in males start affecting one’s life; however, there are a number of natural ways for men to enhance their testosterone levels that are safe, effective and recommended for men of any age. Natural low testosterone treatment can be substituted for TRT or used in parallel to testosterone therapy. Some physicians even theorize that raising testosterone levels naturally in one’s 20s by using natural low testosterone treatment methods can help one maintain higher levels later in life.

1. Lose Excess Weight


11 Natural Ways to Combat Low Testosterone Levels

Hormone Therapeutics June 16th, 2014

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FREE EBOOK Download – Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels
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