What are your Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone levels? Do they fall within the norms, are low or high, as described in our other blogs and sections?
Saleamp Design March 17th, 2015
Posted In: Low T Info, Uncategorized
Tags: androgen deficiency, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, Free Testosterone levels, Hormone Replacement physician, hypogonadism, irritability, low libido, Low T symptoms, low testosterone levels, symptoms of low testosterone, testosterone replacement, Testosterone replacement therapy, testosterone therapy, Total Testosterone
Treating a patient solely based on testing levels is not a proper way to evaluate and treat a patient, however, understanding the normal ranges for a patient is an important piece to the puzzle. What are Normal Testosterone Levels? The normal level of Total Testosterone is often described as between 350-1200 ng/dl (270-1070 ng/dl in another study), however, this range is not associated with age and everyone agrees that men have peak testosterone levels in their early twenties and then slowly decline at 1-2% per year after that. Normal values will vary by lab as will the reference range. In the US, ranges are seen in nanograms per deciliter.
Saleamp Design March 16th, 2015
Posted In: Health & Wellness, Low T Info, Uncategorized
Tags: androgen deficiency, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, Free Testosterone levels, Hormone Replacement physician, hypogonadism, irritability, low libido, Low T symptoms, low testosterone levels, symptoms of low testosterone, testosterone, Testosterone replacement therapy, Total Testosterone