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Hormone Therapeutics created a national telemedicine platform to bring world class Testosterone and Hormone Replacement Therapy physicians right to your home.  Get an expert specialist physician to provide testosterone telemedicine guidance at home.  Telemedicine testosterone therapy allows us to help patients wherever they live as we have designed a separate program for each state to work with our locally licensed physicians and pass all of the national and state wide regulations of which there are a lot.

Telemedicine Testosterone Therapy

Here, Hunter Howard discusses his history in healthcare as well as the increase of telemedicine access in the evolving US healthcare system.  The key is how Hormone Therapeutics reduces weekly office visits for shots but maintains the same high standard of care and even increases it in many cases.  Telemedicine testosterone therapy allows patients to reach our specialist from home, set up local blood tests, schedule a local physical exam and start on a program where the treatments are mailed directly to the patient and consultations are available anytime the patient needs guidance.  We are available anywhere and anytime. 

Listen to the Podcast

Learn more about our innovative approach to delivering patient care.  We discuss this in the 20 minute podcast link below.  We also discuss the development of digital health and virtual visits to help healthcare catch up with the the evolution so many other industries have experienced.  The benefit goes to the consumer with patient-centric care.  This is what drove our vision to help improve the lives of patients anywhere.  These patients are paying too much to anti-aging specialists in vanity palace facilities in cities like Miami, LA and Dallas.  We are even more excited to bring a solution to cities like Topeka and Springfield. In these cities the only possible solution is going to a primary care physician, who is rarely trained in hormone optimization.  Thees physicians can only prescribe the low dose, one size fits all Androgel or Axiron.  These low does gels are rarely effective for most patients.  We are excited to help men live healthier and more productive lives.  Our solution is lower cost, easier, more convenient and more private solution

Listen to Podcast

Telemedicine testosterone therapy guidance

Saleamp Design January 15th, 2016

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A Harvard medical analysis shows that healthcare related visits wasted 121 minutes per visits for an average 20 minutes of time with the physician or staff.  As a result, Americans waste 1.1 billion hours each year waiting for care which drains $52 billion annually from US productivity.

Hormone Therapeutics believes in patient-centric care.  We are available anywhere and anytime and can work around your schedule and location.  Healthcare was built up around the physicians location and schedule and maximizing their productivity.  Advances in tele-medicine and virtual visits are extending technology to focus on patient care, access, timing and productivity.   Healthcare is one of the last industries to improve patient satisfaction in the way we have seen online shopping and online banking revolutionize those industries allowing anywhere, anytime access to allow shopping and banking from your office, living room or bedroom.  Hormone Therapeutics specialists will consult with our patients at your convenience rather than require you to schedule an appointment three weeks out, drive to it and then sit in a waiting room.  You can get your blood testing in your own home or at our partner’s facilities in most towns across the country.  We aim to make healthcare as easy as possible for you.

Watch this 4 minute video to learn more about the Harvard study:


Physician office visits waste 121 minutes per visit

Saleamp Design November 17th, 2015

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The FDA approved a new treatment for women with sexual desire disorder, medically known as Hypo-Active Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD).  The pill, nicknamed the Female Viagra, will only be available through healthcare providers. HSDD is characterized through low sexual preference that reasons marked distress or interpersonal issue and isn’t due to a co-existing medical or psychiatric situation, troubles inside the courting, or the effects of a medication or other drug substance. HSDD is received while it develops in a patient who formerly had no troubles with sexual desire. HSDD is generalized when it occurs irrespective of the sort of sexual hobby, the state of affairs or the sexual accomplice. This female sexual desire treatment had been under scrutiny for many years prior by the FDA due to the number of side effect by its previous male version of the drug; but which is now irrelevant. 

Here is the press release by the FDA:


Female sexual desire treatment approved by FDA

Saleamp Design August 20th, 2015

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New studies are coming out showing the benefits of Testosterone Therapy bringing men back to normal testosterone levels are improving life expectancy in men and decreasing their risks for heart attack or stroke.  The key finding in this study co-authored by a researchers at the University of Kansas and in India was that the patients testosterone levels were supplemented adequately to reach normal levels.

Learn more about this August 2015 study here


Testosterone Therapy Study Shows an Increase in Longevity

Saleamp Design August 18th, 2015

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What are your Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone levels? Do they fall within the norms, are low or high, as described in our other blogs and sections?


What are the indicators that someone needs Testosterone Replacement?

Saleamp Design March 17th, 2015

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Treating a patient solely based on testing levels is not a proper way to evaluate and treat a patient, however, understanding the normal ranges for a patient is an important piece to the puzzle.  What are Normal Testosterone Levels?  The normal level of Total Testosterone is often described as between 350-1200 ng/dl (270-1070 ng/dl in another study), however, this range is not associated with age and everyone agrees that men have peak testosterone levels in their early twenties and then slowly decline at 1-2% per year after that. Normal values will vary by lab as will the reference range. In the US, ranges are seen in nanograms per deciliter.


What are Normal Testosterone Levels?

Saleamp Design March 16th, 2015

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