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The FDA approved a new treatment for women with sexual desire disorder, medically known as Hypo-Active Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD).  The pill, nicknamed the Female Viagra, will only be available through healthcare providers. HSDD is characterized through low sexual preference that reasons marked distress or interpersonal issue and isn’t due to a co-existing medical or psychiatric situation, troubles inside the courting, or the effects of a medication or other drug substance. HSDD is received while it develops in a patient who formerly had no troubles with sexual desire. HSDD is generalized when it occurs irrespective of the sort of sexual hobby, the state of affairs or the sexual accomplice. This female sexual desire treatment had been under scrutiny for many years prior by the FDA due to the number of side effect by its previous male version of the drug; but which is now irrelevant. 

Here is the press release by the FDA:


Female sexual desire treatment approved by FDA

Saleamp Design August 20th, 2015

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Sexual desire typically increases with testosterone therapy as sexual dreams and both morning erections and evening erections return and increase in frequency and volume to alleviate erectile dysfunction. For some, testosterone therapy alone do not increase the erection strength or duration of the erections as much as desired. There are additional options for men needing additional help to satisfy their ability to perform with alongside their increased sex drive.


Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

Saleamp Design March 16th, 2015

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Did you know that one of the best ways to increase your testosterone levels is through sleep? While you sleep, assuming you have lengthy, quality sleep, your body increases testosterone production. This is why your testosterone levels daily peak at 8 a.m. and then decreases to a low at about 8 p.m.

Quality sleep brings testosterone back up to optimal levels. During sleeping, your body turns on its Testosterone production engine and delivers extra testosterone to your system in rhythmic cycles based at various basic sleep stages. Because of the way your body produces testosterone, the more uninterrupted sleep you have, the more testosterone you will produce.


How does Sleep Effect Testosterone Levels?

Hormone Therapeutics April 29th, 2014

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