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83,000 US Military veteran patients were studied to understand the risks and benefits of Testosterone Therapy for patients diagnosed with low testosterone.  The study found that men diagnosed with ‘Low T’ and restored to normal testosterone levels through physician guidance had lower risks of heart attack, lower risks of stroke, and lower risks of death than the men who lived with low testosterone levels.  This study indicates that testosterone therapy improves heart health.

Testosterone Therapy improves heart health.  “Normalization of testosterone level is associated with reduced incidence of myocardial infarction and mortality in men.”   – European Heart Journal

This study was published in August, 2016 in the European Heart Journal after reviewing the cases of 83,000 US Veterans, over the age of 50, treated between 1999 and 2014.   One of the groups tested showed that Men treated being treated with Testosterone Therapy were 24% less likely to suffer a heart attack, 36% less likely to suffer a stroke and 56% less likely to die during the follow-up period.  The studies results seem to advocate for testosterone replacement therapy, however Dr. Barua stresses the need for “appropriate screening, selection, dosing, and follow-up of patients to maximize the benefit of testosterone therapy. Patients who failed to achieve the therapeutic range after testosterone replacement therapy did not see a reduction in [heart attack] or stroke and had significantly less benefit on mortality.”  

Hormone Therapeutics agrees that one clear point in the study is that patients were under physician guidance and their testosterone therapy was only shown to be beneficial when bringing the patients back from low testosterone levels to normal testosterone levels.  It’s important to note that this study did not show health benefits from patients who were not brought back to normal levels.  This is also not an analysis of men taking high dosages of Testosterone past normal levels and what that does to one’s health.  While traditionally, testosterone therapy has not been prescribed with a goal of improving heart health, this study should lead to more studies to look at that possibility.  

Click here to read more about this study from the medical community: Science Daily Article



Testosterone Therapy study shows reduced risk of Heart Attack, Stroke and Death

Saleamp Design January 4th, 2016

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A new study, utilizing research data from Veteran Affairs showed that veterans utilizing testosterone replacement therapy had less chance of suffering from heart attack, stroke, or death compared than veterans who were not on testosterone treatment.  The study examined over 83,000 veterans who were diagnosed with low testosterone by the Veterans Affair Medical Center over a 15 year period from 1999 to 2014.

One of the key aspects to healthier outcomes was testosterone therapy that returned the veteran to normal testosterone levels v. higher and supra-physiological levels of testosterone supplementation

Here is a link to an article about the study in Science Times:


Testosterone Benefits Cardio Issues in Veterans Pending New Research

Saleamp Design August 20th, 2015

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New studies are coming out showing the benefits of Testosterone Therapy bringing men back to normal testosterone levels are improving life expectancy in men and decreasing their risks for heart attack or stroke.  The key finding in this study co-authored by a researchers at the University of Kansas and in India was that the patients testosterone levels were supplemented adequately to reach normal levels.

Learn more about this August 2015 study here


Testosterone Therapy Study Shows an Increase in Longevity

Saleamp Design August 18th, 2015

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Top US Physicians from the Mayo Clinic, WHO, Walter Read, Harvard, etc. did a large scale review of Testosterone Replacement Therapy and concluded that there is no evidence of increases in cardiovascular risk for patients in physician therapy. (more…)

Physician Analysis Concludes: No Increased Cardiovascular Risk with Testosterone Therapy

Saleamp Design March 17th, 2015

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“Gross data mismanagement” led to unreliable results that contradicted 30+ years of medical literature, producing a media frenzy that misled consumers and compromised public health.

BOSTON, March, 25, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Three professional medical societies and a highly distinguished international group of over 130 scientists and concerned physicians have petitioned the Journal of the American Medical Association to retract the article that precipitated recent concerns regarding cardiovascular risks with testosterone therapy. In a letter addressed to the editor-in-chief of JAMA, Dr. Howard Bauchner, the group cites “gross data mismanagement,” rendering the article “no longer credible.” The article by Rebecca Vigen and colleagues was published in the November 13, 2013 issue of JAMA, entitled “Association of Testosterone Therapy With Mortality, Myocardial Infarction, and Stroke in Men With Low Testosterone Levels.” The results of this article were widely reported as new evidence that testosterone therapy is associated with cardiovascular risks, resulting in a Food and Drug Administration safety bulletin issued January 31, 2014. The retraction letter was written by the Androgen Study Group.


World Experts and Androgen Study Group Petition JAMA to Retract Misleading Article on Testosterone Therapy

Hormone Therapeutics April 29th, 2014

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The following letter was signed by three medical societies and more than 125 scientists and physicians from 24 countries, including 59 full professors (8 emeritus), 6 journal editors, and 12 medical society presidents. Signers include U.S. faculty from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Brown, Cornell, Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, Baylor Medical College, Tufts, and Boston University, among others. The professional societies are The International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM), The Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA), and The International Society for the Study of the Aging Male.

The full letter can be read below or on their website.


Androgen Study Group letter to JAMA requesting retraction to Study

Hormone Therapeutics April 29th, 2014

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