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Health Risks of Low Testosterone

178065021Thirteen million men suffer from low testosterone today and are untreated. These men are not only missing out on living a better quality of life but putting themselves at a higher health risks of low testosterone for a large number of issues. Researchers are uncovering deeper and deeper connections with testosterone and its connections to our health. Many of the illnesses men suffer as they age are directly correlated with low testosterone levels including, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Health Risks of Low Testosterone

Medical research is showing greater linkage between specific conditions and low testosterone but is not ready to say low t is the cause for these issues or that testosterone therapy is or isn’t the cure. The associations are fascinating and worth looking at further.

These common health problems are all tied to low testosterone:

  • Anemia
  • Cardiovascular Issues
  • Diabetes
  • Increased Body Fat and Obesity



Have you recently discovered that your blood levels were off? Like many aspects of health, men over the age of 65 with low testosterone are at a higher risk for anemia. It was shown in a 2009 research piece that men 65+, who also exhibited low levels of testosterone, were five times more likely to also be anemic than men with normal testosterone levels.

Testosterone is known to be a critical component to the rebuilding of red blood cells. Many physicians thus believe that men with lower testosterone levels thus have a lessened ability to regenerate red blood cells needed for a healthy life and push them into anemic states. Testosterone therapy has not been prescribed as a cure for anemia; however, it is known to stimulate the production of red blood cells which can help to prevent an anemic blood disorder. Studies have also drawn a correlation between those with higher testosterone levels have lower likelihoods of getting anemia.



Have you recently been told that you have high blood pressure?

Risks for cardiovascular illnesses are greatly increased for men with low testosterone. These issues can often lead to high blood pressure and arterial stiffness and other cardiovascular related illnesses and issues.

Do you have cardiovascular issues in your family or do you believe these are the typical issues one faces as they age? The hardening and loss of pliability of your cardiovascular is dangerous to your health and something to take very seriously. The loss of flexibility of your connective tissues, plaque buildup and decrease of your vascular muscle tone are all the root of developing arterial stiffness. The buildup of plaque in particular puts a person at higher risk for high blood pressure and strokes. Low testosterone can expedite the buildup of plaque in the arteries due to the presence of fewer red blood cells. Testosterone therapy can help reduce the risk of stroke caused by arterial stiffness and help prevent plaque buildup.



Low testosterone and diabetes have a strong and proven link as men with low t are more apt to develop diabetes and men with diabetes are also more likely to have low t. Studies have shown that men with type 2 diabetes have more than twice the incidence of also suffering from low testosterone.

Have you recently found out that you have diabetes? Are you or your physician starting to see some of the early signs of diabetes like feeling sluggish after eating, craving carbs, high blood pressure, gaining weight in an apple shape versus a pear? Does diabetes run in your family?

Testosterone has proven to help the body absorb more blood sugar in response to an influx of insulin. Men with low testosterone have a more difficult time maintaining normal blood sugar levels as they are more resistant to insulin. This is one of the reasons why testosterone therapy can help.

It is not clear if low testosterone is responsible for diabetes or if diabetes drives low testosterone. Studies do show, however, that testosterone replacement therapy reduces weight and improves blood sugar levels



Have you been gaining weight as you have gotten older? Are you eating healthy and working out but not able to lose weight? Are you eating the same and just as active as you used to be but finding this is adding more weight that you used to? Are you seeing extra pounds and worse muscle definition when you look in the mirror?

There is a well known relationship between low testosterone and increased body fat. Studies have shown that low testosterone can cause an increase in body fat and consequently an increase in body fat can lower a man’s testosterone levels.

One study showed that men receiving testosterone therapy lost 1.75 lbs. of fat in their first six months and dropped a total of 3 lbs. of fat in 18 months. Testosterone impacts the metabolism by regulating glucose, insulin and fat cell development and testosterone therapy patients see improvements in blood pressure, blood glucose levels and their low density cholesterol levels.

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