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image-6What is Hypogonadism?

A lot of people believe that Hypogonadism = Andropause = Low T = Low Testosterone. It is true that many of the symptoms are the same but andropause is due to the natural decline of testosterone production due to age. Hypogonadism, on the other hand, occurs when testosterone is not being produced as a result of a physical issue in the brain or the testicles.

In men over the age of 40, hypogonadism is frequently overlooked as the issues are general, evolve slowly and many men believe the issues they are suffering are a fact of life of aging and that there is nothing they can do about it. Since the results of hypogonadism are largely the same conditions suffered from andropause and general aging you would expect the sufferers of both conditions to act the same. Symptoms including: low libido, fatigue, memory loss, depression, irritability, memory loss and difficulty concentrating. The difference between andropause and hypogonadism is simple in that andropause is caused by the natural decline and imbalance in hormones where hypogonadism halts the production of testosterone due to a physical impairment.

There are two types of hypogonadism, primary and secondary hypogonadism.

Primary Hypogonadism, also known as testicular failure, is a complication within the testicles and can be caused by:

  • Klinefelter syndrome. This occurs when there is a congenital abnormality with the X and Y sex chromosomes. In Klinefelter syndrome, men will have one or more additional Y chromosomes which leads to an abnormal development of the testicles and an underproduction of testosterone.
  • Testicular displacement occurs when testicles, or a testicle, do not descend down to their scrotum. A child born with this issue will typically see it corrected in their first few years, but when it does not it will often lead to testicular damage and testosterone deficiency.
  • Chemotherapy treatment and radiation in cancer treatment can affect the production of testosterone and sperm. This is typically a short term effect during treatment but can create a hormonal imbalance and even irreversible infertility.

Secondary Hypogonadism occurs when the testicles are physically normal but there are issues with the production of testosterone due to issues with the pituitary gland or hypothalamus affecting the communication between the brain and testicles. The perfectly normal testicles are not able to receive the information required to stimulate the production of testosterone. Common causes of secondary hypogonadism are:

  • Kallman syndrome is the over or under development of the hypothalamus gland.
  • Pituitary tumors or brain tumors near the pituitary gland can lead to poor communication to and from the pituitary and hormone deficiency.
  • Inflammatory diseases including histiocytosis, tuberculosis and sarcoidosis can impact the hypothalamus and pituitary glands and reduce the production of testosterone.
  • Medications that trigger opioid receptors, such as pain killers, can affect testosterone production.
  • Stress will affect testosterone production by releasing cortisol that can cross up the hypothalamus and create signal issues with the testicles. Both cortisol and testosterone require many of the same anatomical building supports to fuel it’s production so any time the body is working hard to create cortisol due to stress it will divert the fueling of the production of testosterone.
  • Proper weight maintenance is critical to maintaining endocrine function. Excess weight and fat will cause a conversion of testosterone to estrogen hindering the ability of the testicles to produce testosterone.

The solution: Hypogonadism Treatment

Hypogonadism treatment is different from andropause treatment as they key is getting your body to start producing testosterone and the other natural hormones it is capable of as this condition will lead to a hormonal imbalance. This is why it is important through testing to examine and understand if the issue is in the testicles, hypothalamus or pituitary glands by assessing all of your hormone levels and where your deficiencies lie. Once all of these areas are tested and understood your physician will prescribe an appropriate hormone balancing therapy in conjunction with a nutritional diet, exercise program as well as management of your lifestyle and stress to allow your body to operate optimally.

Your first step is to sign up today for a free consultation. Let Hormone Therapeutics develop a program for you to manage Hypogonadism and live well, age well through a custom testosterone therapy program, nutrition advice and a fitness program.

If you suffer from hypogonadism and any of the symptoms below, you could be a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy:

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