How many times have you wished to be an energy-filled 20-year old again? If you find yourself having the exact wish more frequently than usual, then the consequences of aging are probably becoming more apparent to you. The signs of aging are often noticed by others after working or interacting with you. However, there are more changes that happen inside the body. Among men, one of the crucial changes is the drop in the testosterone levels that the body produces. The process of decline begins after the age of 30, and it comes with a variety of effects including loss of energy and excessive fatigue. And before you know it, your low testosterone has diminished the quality of your life.
Growing old is different from feeling old; the former is inevitable, the latter not so much. When you allow low testosterone to continue untreated, that is tantamount to allowing yourself feel the negative impact of aging.
In the clinical world, the drop in testosterone production is called andropause. Yes, it is the equivalent of menopausal period in men. Andropause is similar to menopause in that both bring changes that have dreadful effects. Aside from the mentioned lack of energy and fatigue, other symptoms of low testosterone include the following:
These symptoms of low testosterone can cause several issues in your daily activities. For instance, if your symptoms include depression, then you will feel beaten all the time. Consequently, the depression will affect other areas of your life such as your job, your relationship with your family and friends, and your view of yourself. The same streak of problems may also occur if your symptoms includes erectile dysfunction. One obvious effect is that it will harm your ability to perform sexual intercourse and in the long run damage your relationship or jeopardize your chance of being in one.
In addition, low level of testosterone is reported to increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. This conclusion was based on studies conducted by the University of Hong Kong and University of Southern California among others.
Having low testosterone produces domino effect from physiological to psychological changes to the general wellness of an individual. But you have the capacity to change the circumstances.
You can take control and eliminate all the dreadful symptoms of low testosterone. Hormone Therapeutics, the top provider of hormone therapy in the US, can make the process easier and more comfortable for you.
Some people hesitate to undergo hormone therapy. With the expertise of our specialists, you will immediately feel at ease. We provide an individualized program that is tailored to address your specific issues. Getting started with our low testosterone therapy is easy and affordable. You can contact us by calling us at 1-855-898-8898 or filling out the form on the right to schedule your initial consultation appointment. In this first consultation, our experts will go over your Low-T symptoms and how they are affecting your daily life.
After the initial analysis, our experts will schedule a blood test at one of our partner locations near you in Kannapolis:
Our experts will use the results of this blood test and initial analysis of your symptoms, to design a complete treatment plan for you. This treatment plan will be mailed to you every month for only $199 a month and will include complete medication, fitness program, sleep schedule, and exercise plan.
Do not let the process of aging take over your life. Contact us today to get started with our testosterone therapy treatment, and revive your enthusiasm and restore your inner youth.