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male depression and testosteroneMale depression is not as well understood as female hormonal depression.  The effect of female sex hormones on our mood and psyche has been well-documented. Phenomena such as post-partum depression and mood swings just prior to menstruation are well-known, and there have been a number of scientific studies confirming them.

Until recently, though, the link between our mood and the male sex hormone testosterone has not been nearly as well understood. A study conducted by researchers at MedUni Vienna and published in Biological Psychiatry offers the first glimpse into how testosterone affects our mood.

Testosterone and Male Depression

In a nutshell, the study concluded that there is a direct link between testosterone levels and feelings of happiness. Testosterone also supports existing antidepressant medications, allowing them to work better.

As they age, men typically become more prone to depression. Conventional wisdom has been that the drop-off in testosterone production is to blame, but the new study is the first to show that testosterone actually increases the number of serotonin transporters in the brain.

How Serotonin levels Contribute to Male Depression

Serotonin is the neurotransmitter, or brain chemical, most responsible for feelings of well-being and happiness. Serotonin transporters are proteins that help regulate the concentration of serotonin in our brains. By increasing their number, the overall serotonin levels in our brains also increase, contributing to our emotional well-being.

Antidepressant drugs bind to these proteins, as well. By increasing production of serotonin transporters, testosterone creates a better environment for these medications, allowing them to more effectively treat male depression.

The MedUni Vienna researchers worked with transsexuals undergoing hormone therapy in the course of their study. Georg Kranz, the study’s primary author, explained the design of the study.

“Transsexuals are people who feel that they are living in the wrong body and who therefore want high doses of opposite gender hormone therapy to adapt their appearance to that of the other gender. Genetic women are given testosterone, while genetic men are given oestradiol and medications to suppress testosterone production.”

Testosterone and Antidepressants

Siegfried Kasper, head of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at MedUni Vienna, elaborated further on their findings and results.

“The study has shown that testosterone increases the potential binding sites for commonly prescribed antidepressants such as SSRIs in the brain and therefore provides major insights into how sex hormones affect the human brain and gender differences in psychiatric illnesses.”

Employing positron emission tomography (PET), the researchers were able to measure serotonin transporter levels in the study participants. Four weeks of testosterone therapy resulted in significantly higher serotonin transporter levels. The study established a firm link between testosterone levels in the blood and serotonin transporter levels in the brain.

The study opens up potential applications for testosterone therapy in treating male depression and other emotional disorders. Testosterone improves our mood both directly and by supporting antidepressant medications, and the reverse is also true. Low levels of testosterone can lead to male depression and feelings of sadness.



Testosterone Therapy Found to Ease Male Depression

Saleamp Design April 22nd, 2016

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bloodletting for polycythemiaTherapeutic phlebotomy, colloquially known as bloodletting and used to manage red blood cell counts and Hematocrit levels, has a very long history in medical practice. The technique has been used for hundreds if not thousands of years across the globe.

The original logic behind bloodletting is simple but flawed. If disease lives within the blood, then removing the blood must also remove the disease. Of course, today we know that disease isn’t quite that simple. Modern medical practice discarded the technique as ineffective and dangerous.

Recent evidence, though, has brought therapeutic phlebotomy back in very specific cases. There are some medical conditions which can be treated or managed by the controlled removal of red blood cells and iron from the body, and the technique has found new life among today’s doctors.

Treatment of Polycythemia through Bloodletting

One such condition that responds to therapeutic phlebotomy is polycythemia. The word literally translates to “many blood”, and refers to an overproduction of red blood cells in the body. People suffering from polycythemia have blood that is thick, viscous, or “sticky”, and the condition can be fatal. Blood in this state is more difficult for the heart to handle, potentially leading to high blood pressure, heart attack, or stroke.

The disorder can be brought on by a number of factors.

Potential Causes of Polycythemia

  • Stress
  • Medications
  • Heavy smoking
  • Overabundance of testosterone
  • Dehydration
  • Obesity
  • Altitude

Testosterone and High Red Blood Cell Count – Polycythemia

The rise of testosterone replacement therapy has led to an increased instance of polycythemia. Testosterone treatments are wonderfully effective in a variety of cases, but like any medical treatment, it must be administered with care by a medical professional.

Testosterone, as well as assisting with mood support, building physical capability, and its other positive effects, stimulates the body to produce more red blood cells. Increased blood production is beneficial in some cases, such as in anemic patients, but can result in polycythemia if not carefully monitored.

Men are more prone to developing the condition, as they are usually prescribed much higher doses of testosterone than women.

Generally, the doctor administering testosterone therapy will manage the treatment to minimize the risk of side effects such as polycythemia. If red blood cell counts creep up too high, the excess blood can be drained away using the old technique of therapeutic phlebotomy, or bloodletting.

Removing a single pint of blood is usually enough to bring red blood cell counts back to normal. The blood can also be donated to a blood bank, if the patient’s blood is eligible.

Repeated bloodletting sessions are indicated in some cases if polycythemia recurs.

The effects of therapeutic phlebotomy are immediate, since they involve the physical removal of blood from the body. Symptoms such as high blood pressure subside instantly, and most patients report feeling better right away.

Testosterone and Hematocrit levels

Due to the instance of polycythemia in patients receiving testosterone replacement therapy, regular follow-up testing is extremely important even after the treatments are complete. Among other measurements, doctors will measure the Hematocrit and Hemoglobin in patients who have received testosterone treatments.

This measures the quantity of red blood cells in the body, or hematocrit, a component of the blood.  When this is too high, the blood becomes thicker or more viscus and if not managed properly could put more strain on the body.  Ensuring blood cell count and hematocrit levels remain within the normal range is important to anyone’s health, but especially so for recipients of testosterone therapy.

Medications are often used for long-term management of hematocrit levels, as well as therapeutic phlebotomy sessions if hematocrit rises too high.

Other Benefits of Therapeutic Phlebotomy

As well as effectively managing polycythemia, bloodletting is sometimes used as a treatment for hypertension, or high blood pressure. Removing a pint of blood has been shown to decrease blood pressure and “bad” cholesterol levels, during a study performed at Immanuel Hospital in Berlin.

The inspiration for the study was the finding that regular blood donors had a reduced instance of high cholesterol, as well as reduced risk of coronary disease and stroke.

The idea that removing blood from the body would reduce blood pressure seems obvious in retrospect. The technique is an ancient one, but still has merit today under controlled circumstances.

Different studies have also shown that therapeutic phlebotomy can aid diabetics in controlling blood sugar levels.

Finally, most patients report increased energy levels and feelings of health after bloodletting. Although this is not necessarily a reason to receive the treatment in and of itself, patients and doctors alike often consider it a nice bonus.

Do You Need Help?

Hormone Therapeutics is the leading national company assisting men who want to get their lives back through Hormone Replacement and Testosterone Replacement therapy. Our local physicians are ready to treat you anywhere in the entire country. Hormone Therapeutics is pioneering an easier, cost efficient and more private way for you to work with our clinical advisors and physicians from the privacy of your home or office after your local physical exam confirms you have one of the symptoms of Low T.

Contact us today and our clinical seo advisors will work with you on a hormone therapy program that may include prescribed hormones, exercise, nutrition and sleep programs to reclaim your vitality.

Here’s How Bloodletting Help Manage Polycythemia and Hematocrit levels Caused by Testosterone Replacement

Saleamp Design April 15th, 2016

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testosteroneA study has shown that serum testosterone concentration in men may have links to fitness and health levels that can serve as an indicator of general health. These studies are exploring how testosterone content may affect all-cause mortality in older men and what it may mean for men as they age.

Testosterone Concentration in Men

Testosterone (T) is a hormone produced by males in the testicles after a communication pathway called the HPA axis from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland through the adrenals and to the gonads. While it is also present by women, it is produced in much higher concentrations in men. It is responsible for maintaining energy, bone density, muscles mass, sperm production and sex drive, along with other traits, and is associated with maintaining many of the characteristics associated with men. 

The level of T concentration in men peaks and declines at given points in their lifetime. In general, serum T concentration is highest in adolescence and young adulthood, when it is at its peak. However, as men age, its levels commonly undergo a steady decline. Men peak at age and experience a range of one to two percent decline in their  concentration.

Testosterone levels and their links to health

Scientists have been exploring possible links of testosterone as an indicator of men’s health conditions, studying the correlation of low T with general health and mortality.

One study has discovered that while a decline in men’s T levels of one to two percent is considered normal, a sudden and immediate drop in testosterone concentration may be associated with an increased probability of mortality. Based on observations, a low level of serum testosterone concentration in men is seen as associated with risk factors such as diabetes and cardiovascular problems. However, while these conditions may be associated with illnesses and premature death, the FDA is not saying they see a direct causational effect between decreasing testosterone and longevity.

Scientific Testosterone Studies

Currently, available studies tackling the topic have produced mixed results. In one study researching a sample of 794 men, it was concluded that men whose testosterone levels were in the lowest quartile of test subjects were at a 40% greater risk of mortality in comparison to those men who had higher levels. A 15 year study of US military veterans also showed that men with low T levels, treated under physician guidance and supplemented back to normal levels above 500, had lower incidence of heart attack, stroke, prostate cancer and death.

In an effort to consolidate all the data and results from these previous researches, a newer study examined multiple works from 1966 to 2010 in order to gain a clearer and more definitive understanding of testosterone levels and mortality. In addition to testosterone levels, it also took into account lifestyle factors, age and other characteristics that may affect results.

Low Testosterone and Higher Mortality or Cardiovascular Risk

Ultimately, the research concluded that a decline in total testosterone was linked with cardiovascular mortality by 25% and with higher susceptibility to general, all-cause mortality by 35%.

The study did note that other factors may influence the relative risk that was determined in the study. Among these, researchers noted the age of the population studied, the total testosterone level and the amount of years the patient followed up as possible sources of differences within the study. The study also observed the most susceptible demographics for larger relative risks. These included patients with lower levels of testosterone, older men and patients who followed up for a smaller amount of years.

As a conclusion, the data gathered from this research establishes low T as a possible basis or indicator of general health in men. However, while it may be seen as a marker of higher susceptibility to all-cause mortality, it is not strictly a direct source of it. Overall, there remains much to be learned about the two.

Hormone Therapeutics

Aside from being and indicator of one’s general well-being, testosterone levels and hormone balance are traits that can greatly affect one’s quality of life. As men age, it becomes important to monitor these factors in order to gain a better idea of one’s health and fitness.

Hormone Therapeutics specializes in assisting people with endocrine-related concerns in order to help them monitor and regulate the level of hormones in their bodies. If you have any inquiries regarding your testosterone level and what it means for you, Hormone Therapeutics can help you jumpstart your life and provide you with the answers you need.

Testosterone Levels’ Link to General Health in Men

Saleamp Design April 12th, 2016

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What is testosterone replacement therapy? How does Estrogen effect my testosterone levels or how I feel?  What is Estradiol or E2 and what do I need to know about estradiol monitoring?  Why is it important to monitor estrogen level before getting TRT? What if my estrogen level is elevated, should I still be treated or not? What are the downsides of TRT? Is it dangerous?

These are some of the most common questions most men ask during testosterone replacement therapy. Read below to know more about this treatment.

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Testosterone Replacement therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a medical treatment that aims to restore hormone levels back to a normal range without any significant side effects or safety concerns. More importantly, it should alleviate the symptoms associated with the hormone deficiency.

The ultimate goal of TRT is to regain and maintain the highest quality of life, compress major illnesses and reduce disability; and add life to years.

Estradiol Monitoring: Why is it important to monitor estrogen level before getting Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

As a Man’s testosterone level decreases, typically his estrogen levels are increasing.  Testosterone replacement therapy can also lead to elevations in estrogen level in some men who convert a portion of their testosterone supplementation to Estradiol. In some cases, the level could be above the normal range. While TRT is not about jacking up a man’s testosterone, it should also not be about suppressing his Estrogen or Estradiol/E2.

When the estrogen levels increase, a person may develop breast or nipple tenderness (gynecomastia), which may call for the use of aromatase inhibitors (AIs) – a potent estradiol-suppressor that is primarily used as an adjuvant treatment for breast cancer by lowering estrogen and thereby reducing the stimulation of estrogen receptors in such disease. 

Some doctors prefer stopping TRT first when symptoms of high estrogen levels are becoming apparent rather than managing it through AIs.  Many doctors, and Broscience websites, promote the absolute use of aromatase inhibitors during TRT despite the absence of symptoms or signs of increase estrogen or Estradiol. They believe that keeping a relatively low estrogen concentrations can boost the effectiveness of TRT and improve male health.  This approach, however, can cause other problems.

We at Hormone Therapeutics follows medical protocols and believe in treating the symptoms and the blood tests.  The Total Testosterone:Estradiol ratio needs to be kept below 5%.  We believe in monitoring and maintaining this level.

What if my estrogen level is elevated, should I still be treated or not?

Estrogen levels in some men administered with aromatase inhibitors have levels that sink below 40pmol/L, which may pose increased risk on bone health, energy and emotional health.

Perhaps the only study that can compare the use of TRT with and without anastrazole were in men diagnosed with hypogonadism, hyposexuality and epilepsy. The first trial revealed a positive effect on the sexual interest with the addition of testolactone therapy.

On the second trial that involves men reported an increase in libido among men treated with anastrazole and testosterone alone. However, this trial didn’t attain statistical significance because some men from the T-alone group also reported increase in sexual interest despite an increase in their estrogen.

However, these studies must be taken with caution because it isn’t clear how the group compares with the bigger group with low-T. This group were also treated with antiseizure drugs which increases SHBG (Sex hormone-binding globulin) – a glycoprotein that attaches to the two sex hormones, estrogen and androgen.

Therefore, there is no solid evidence to support the claim that the use of aromatase inhibitor in conjunction with TRT provides benefits more than that provided by TRT alone.

Do You Need Help?

Hormone Therapeutics is the leading national company assisting men who want to get their lives back through Hormone Replacement and Testosterone Replacement therapy. Our local physicians are ready to treat you anywhere in the entire country. Hormone Therapeutics is pioneering an easier, cost efficient and more private way for you to work with our clinical advisors and physicians from the privacy of your home or office after your local physical exam confirms you have one of the symptoms of Low T.

Contact us today and our clinical advisors will work with you on a hormone therapy program that may include prescribed hormones, exercise, nutrition and sleep programs to reclaim your vitality.

Estrogen Monitoring – Estradiol Must Be Monitored During Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Saleamp Design March 22nd, 2016

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Hormone Therapeutics created a national telemedicine platform to bring world class Testosterone and Hormone Replacement Therapy physicians right to your home.  Get an expert specialist physician to provide testosterone telemedicine guidance at home.  Telemedicine testosterone therapy allows us to help patients wherever they live as we have designed a separate program for each state to work with our locally licensed physicians and pass all of the national and state wide regulations of which there are a lot.

Telemedicine Testosterone Therapy

Here, Hunter Howard discusses his history in healthcare as well as the increase of telemedicine access in the evolving US healthcare system.  The key is how Hormone Therapeutics reduces weekly office visits for shots but maintains the same high standard of care and even increases it in many cases.  Telemedicine testosterone therapy allows patients to reach our specialist from home, set up local blood tests, schedule a local physical exam and start on a program where the treatments are mailed directly to the patient and consultations are available anytime the patient needs guidance.  We are available anywhere and anytime. 

Listen to the Podcast

Learn more about our innovative approach to delivering patient care.  We discuss this in the 20 minute podcast link below.  We also discuss the development of digital health and virtual visits to help healthcare catch up with the the evolution so many other industries have experienced.  The benefit goes to the consumer with patient-centric care.  This is what drove our vision to help improve the lives of patients anywhere.  These patients are paying too much to anti-aging specialists in vanity palace facilities in cities like Miami, LA and Dallas.  We are even more excited to bring a solution to cities like Topeka and Springfield. In these cities the only possible solution is going to a primary care physician, who is rarely trained in hormone optimization.  Thees physicians can only prescribe the low dose, one size fits all Androgel or Axiron.  These low does gels are rarely effective for most patients.  We are excited to help men live healthier and more productive lives.  Our solution is lower cost, easier, more convenient and more private solution

Listen to Podcast

Telemedicine testosterone therapy guidance

Saleamp Design January 15th, 2016

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83,000 US Military veteran patients were studied to understand the risks and benefits of Testosterone Therapy for patients diagnosed with low testosterone.  The study found that men diagnosed with ‘Low T’ and restored to normal testosterone levels through physician guidance had lower risks of heart attack, lower risks of stroke, and lower risks of death than the men who lived with low testosterone levels.  This study indicates that testosterone therapy improves heart health.

Testosterone Therapy improves heart health.  “Normalization of testosterone level is associated with reduced incidence of myocardial infarction and mortality in men.”   – European Heart Journal

This study was published in August, 2016 in the European Heart Journal after reviewing the cases of 83,000 US Veterans, over the age of 50, treated between 1999 and 2014.   One of the groups tested showed that Men treated being treated with Testosterone Therapy were 24% less likely to suffer a heart attack, 36% less likely to suffer a stroke and 56% less likely to die during the follow-up period.  The studies results seem to advocate for testosterone replacement therapy, however Dr. Barua stresses the need for “appropriate screening, selection, dosing, and follow-up of patients to maximize the benefit of testosterone therapy. Patients who failed to achieve the therapeutic range after testosterone replacement therapy did not see a reduction in [heart attack] or stroke and had significantly less benefit on mortality.”  

Hormone Therapeutics agrees that one clear point in the study is that patients were under physician guidance and their testosterone therapy was only shown to be beneficial when bringing the patients back from low testosterone levels to normal testosterone levels.  It’s important to note that this study did not show health benefits from patients who were not brought back to normal levels.  This is also not an analysis of men taking high dosages of Testosterone past normal levels and what that does to one’s health.  While traditionally, testosterone therapy has not been prescribed with a goal of improving heart health, this study should lead to more studies to look at that possibility.  

Click here to read more about this study from the medical community: Science Daily Article



Testosterone Therapy study shows reduced risk of Heart Attack, Stroke and Death

Saleamp Design January 4th, 2016

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One benefit of Testosterone Therapy is the slowing of cognitive decline.  Studies have discovered a rather unique test to uncover at a very early stage the onset of Alzheimer’s.  The test exhibited in the video show how a blind smell test identifying how close to each nostril it takes an individual to recognize the smell of peanut butter is an excellent market for early onset Alzheimer’s disease.  The most important indicator is if your left nostril is much less adept at recognizing the smell of peanut butter, for example 10cm v. 20cm, than the correlation for Alzheimer’s was much higher.  This home test for Alzheimer’s is something most people can do in their kitchens as they read this post and watch the video below and see how testosterone helps cognitive slow cognitive decline.

Home Test for early Alzheimer’s:

Testosterone helps slow cognitive decline. Take this home Alzheimer test.

Saleamp Design August 28th, 2015

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A new study, utilizing research data from Veteran Affairs showed that veterans utilizing testosterone replacement therapy had less chance of suffering from heart attack, stroke, or death compared than veterans who were not on testosterone treatment.  The study examined over 83,000 veterans who were diagnosed with low testosterone by the Veterans Affair Medical Center over a 15 year period from 1999 to 2014.

One of the key aspects to healthier outcomes was testosterone therapy that returned the veteran to normal testosterone levels v. higher and supra-physiological levels of testosterone supplementation

Here is a link to an article about the study in Science Times:


Testosterone Benefits Cardio Issues in Veterans Pending New Research

Saleamp Design August 20th, 2015

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New studies are coming out showing the benefits of Testosterone Therapy bringing men back to normal testosterone levels are improving life expectancy in men and decreasing their risks for heart attack or stroke.  The key finding in this study co-authored by a researchers at the University of Kansas and in India was that the patients testosterone levels were supplemented adequately to reach normal levels.

Learn more about this August 2015 study here


Testosterone Therapy Study Shows an Increase in Longevity

Saleamp Design August 18th, 2015

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What are your Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone levels? Do they fall within the norms, are low or high, as described in our other blogs and sections?


What are the indicators that someone needs Testosterone Replacement?

Saleamp Design March 17th, 2015

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