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The proper, healthy Man Diet is absolutely key to not only good, sustainable health and longevity, but also to maintaining a viably productive and powerful testosterone level. And we say Man, because the nutritional facts are that we males require a distinctly di­ffering amount of similar foods than the fairer sex, while also requiring a diff­ering variety of the best testosterone boosting foods for our optimal testosterone health. Top 7 Best Testosterone Boosting Foods Of course our Top 7 Superfoods and testosterone boosting foods are healthy and nutritious for everyone, but men in particular should pay special attention. Introduce these foods to your diet regimen, and you’ll feel the results right away.


This Old School herb and Paleo-Superfood is perhaps one of the healthiest overall ingredients you can add to any diet regimen. Excellent as an immune system booster, garlic is an all-natural additive that has been shown to boost testosterone levels. In addition to its many health benefits, garlic is just plain delicious! Pills and powders are OK, but eating real garlic is best.


A key source of healthy monounsaturated fats, the delicious coconut will help boost your testosterone levels without packing on the blubber. In addition, you need not worry over any negative cardiovascular eff­ects from this hard-shelled, hairy nutrition monster. In smoothies, with desserts, in milks, coconuts are a reliable testosterone booster. And don’t forget coconut oil as a cooking additive!


A very simple equation is less cholesterol equals more testosterone, and the awesome avocado is a full of cholesterol-busting good fats that will allow the testosterone to grow, as well keep your arteries in good working order.


Grape skins are loaded with all-important resveratrol (a plant-based polyphenol), which plays a crucial role in overall sperm health and motility with a corresponding increase in Testosterone levels. In addition, emerging research is finding that resveratrol, taken in large amounts, just may be a longevity super-additive. So eat grapes and live longer and healthier.

Red Meat

A very simple equation is less cholesterol equals more testosterone, and the awesome avocado is a full of cholesterol-busting good fats that will allow the testosterone to grow, as well keep your arteries in good working order.


An excellent sugar substitute, honey is loaded with nitric oxide and boron, an important testosterone boosting mineral. Nitric Oxide is the key ingredient to many ED drugs as it dilates the blood vessels and promotes better blood flow for an erection.


As we previously mentioned, the Omega-3 rich egg is also a protein powerhouse and a sure testosterone firecracker! Here is one extra one that doesn’t boost testosterone but helps you manage your Estrogen levels!! Cabbage is rich in indole-3-carbinol, a metabolic chemical that e­ffectively flushes any floating estrogen from your system and as a result, lets your testosterone run wild. It doesn’t matter if your tastes run to kimchi or corned beef and cabbage. Just get that leafy goodness in you!

Contact Us

If you’re ready to increase your testosterone levels, contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Top 7 Best Testosterone Boosting Foods

Hormone Therapeutics April 18th, 2023

Posted In: Health & Wellness, Testosterone Therapy

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Naturally increasing your testosterone level is a vital highway to health and well-being but if you’re currently stuck in life’s traffic and can’t seem to get to the testosterone on-ramp, here is a list of simple yet eff­ective top natural testosterone booster practices or hacks that will go a long way to increasing (and maintaining) your Testosterone Levels for life.

Natural Testosterone Booster #1: Sleep In

We all know it’s healthy to get a solid 6-8 hours of sleep each night, but did you know just how important it is to your testosterone levels? Science has shown again and again that adequate sleep is absolutely crucial to your body’s recovery from the physical stresses of the day. Other studies have shown that sleeping less than 6 hours per night inhibit testosterone replenishment and muscular growth. This is why testosterone levels peak when you wake up and are lowest right before you fall asleep. If you have trouble sleeping, we recommend turning o­ff your computer and setting aside that tablet an hour before bed.

Natural Testosterone Booster #2: Don’t Push Your Workout Too Hard

Although most people have a natural inclination to push themselves and go all-out during exercise, it is possible to overdo it. The intensity and duration of your workouts should be appropriate for your age and physical condition. As we age, our bodies respond di­fferently to intense workouts. The physical stress of too much exercise can actually have a detrimental eff­ect on our bodies, including testosterone levels. This phenomenon is known as overtraining and leads to increased risk of chronic injury and up to a 40% decrease in testosterone levels.

Natural Testosterone Booster #3: HIIT for Power

One way to maximize the e­ffects of your workouts while avoiding the risk of overtraining is High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT. During your workouts, alternate short bursts of fast, intense activity with resting periods of more relaxed activity. For example, alternate sprints with walking or slow jogging. The intervals can be very short depending on your condition, and usually a 2:1 ratio of high to low intensity is best.

Natural Testosterone Booster #4: Eat Your Eggs

Protein is vital to testosterone growth and good, old-fashioned eggs are loaded with protein power, Omega-3 oils, T-Healthy zinc and huge levels of HDL (“good” cholesterol), that are essential for testosterone building. Two eggs per day is plenty, and toss the butter and margarine. Olive oil is always preferred!

Natural Testosterone Booster #5: Cut the Sugar

That’s right, dump refined sugar right now, in all its forms! When blood sugar levels spike (like after you chug that energy drink) testosterone levels correspondingly decline (as much as 20-30%). If you’re riding the roller-coaster of refined sugar, you’re wreaking continuous havoc on your testosterone levels. Do yourself a favor and toss the sweets and sodas!

Natural Testosterone Booster #6: Moderate your Booze Intake

Few things in life are more satisfying than a cold brew after a hard day’s work or workout. But excessive alcohol binges lower the body’s growth hormone levels even as they increase your cortisol levels, a double whammy of a testosterone hit.

Natural Testosterone Booster #7: Hit the Weights

In addition to your HIIT training, a reasonable regimen of weight training is an absolutely proven factor in reliably increasing your testosterone levels. In addition to its many other benefits (increased strength/muscle mass/flexibility, etc.), a recent Baylor University Research Study found that, in all subjects, testosterone levels peaked at only 48 hours post-weight training workout.

Natural Testosterone Booster #8: Go Outside

Moderate and healthy exposure to the sun, that all-important source of Vitamin D (just 15-20 minutes per day will do the trick) can provide a rocket boost your testosterone levels. Of course, the prudent use of an SPF sunscreen is advised. We need sunlight every day to maintain levels of Vitamin D, testosterone, and our good mood.

Natural Testosterone Booster #9: Dig into Good Fats

Good fats, on the other hand, like Omega-3 loaded fish, peanuts and avocadoes, are a powerhouse source of naturally testosterone boosting nutrition that will also provide all the clean energy that you need to burn during your day, and night.

Natural Testosterone Booster #9: Root for That Home Team

Humans are competitive and social animals, and indulging our love of sports, even vicariously on TV, gives us a great mental boost that can trigger testosterone increase. Studies have shown that testosterone levels can increase by as much as 20%, just by watching your team win. Go ahead and host that Monday Night Football party and feel free to throw on that jersey and cheer along. It’s healthy!

Natural Testosterone Booster #9: Rev Up the Romance

Sex, love, and romantic relationships have all kinds of great e­ffects on the mind and body. Testosterone is a sex hormone, after all, so of course levels increase when we’re really feeling it with someone. The benefits of healthy sex life will magnify the quality of your all-natural testosterone increase. Contact us today for more information.

11 Top Natural Testosterone Booster Practices

Hormone Therapeutics April 13th, 2023

Posted In: Testosterone Therapy

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The proper, healthy Man Diet is absolutely key to not only good, sustainable health and longevity, but also to maintaining a viably productive and powerful testosterone level. And we say Man, because the nutritional facts are that we males require a distinctly di­ffering amount of similar foods than the fairer sex, while also requiring a diff­ering variety of the best testosterone boosting foods for our optimal testosterone health.

Seven Testosterone Boosting Foods You Should Include In Your Diet

Of course our Top 7 Superfoods are healthy and nutritious for everyone, but men in particular should pay special attention. Introduce these foods to your diet regimen, and you’ll feel the results right away.

testosterone-boosting-foods-1Testosterone Boosting Foods #1: Garlic

This Old School herb and Paleo-Superfood is perhaps one of the healthiest overall ingredients you can add to any diet regimen. Excellent as an immune system booster, garlic is an all-natural additive that has been shown to boost testosterone levels. In addition to its many health benefits, garlic is just plain delicious!

Pills and powders are OK, but eating real garlic is best.


testosterone boosting foodsTestosterone Boosting Foods #2: Coconuts

A key source of healthy monounsaturated fats, the delicious coconut will help boost your testosterone levels without packing on the blubber. In addition, you need not worry over any negative cardiovascular eff­ects from this hard-shelled, hairy nutrition monster. In smoothies, with desserts, in milks, coconuts are a reliable testosterone booster.

And don’t forget coconut oil as a cooking additive!

Testosterone Boosting FoodsTestosterone Boosting Foods #3: Avocados

A very simple equation is less cholesterol equals more testosterone, and the awesome avocado is a full of cholesterol-busting good fats that will allow the testosterone to grow, as well keep your arteries in good working order.


Testosterone Boosting FoodsTestosterone Boosting Foods #4: Grapes

Grape skins are loaded with all-important resveratrol (a plant-based polyphenol), which plays a crucial role in overall sperm health and motility with a corresponding increase in Testosterone levels. In addition, emerging research is finding that resveratrol, taken in large amounts, just may be a longevity super-additive. So eat grapes and live longer and healthier.


Testosterone Boosting FoodsTestosterone Boosting Foods #5: Red Meat

A very simple equation is less cholesterol equals more testosterone, and the awesome avocado is a full of cholesterol-busting good fats that will allow the testosterone to grow, as well keep your arteries in good working order.


Testosterone Boosting FoodsTestosterone Boosting Foods #6: Honey

An excellent sugar substitute, honey is loaded with nitric oxide and boron, an important testosterone boosting mineral. Nitric Oxide is the key ingredient to many ED drugs as it dilates the blood vessels and promotes better blood flow for an erection.


Testosterone Boosting FoodsTestosterone Boosting Foods #7: Eggs

As we previously mentioned, the Omega-3 rich egg is also a protein powerhouse and a sure testosterone firecracker!




Here is one extra one that doesn’t boost testosterone but helps you manage your Estrogen levels!!

Cabbage is rich in indole-3-carbinol, a metabolic chemical that e­ffectively flushes any floating estrogen from your system and as a result, lets your testosterone run wild. It doesn’t matter if your tastes run to kimchi or corned beef and cabbage. Just get that leafy goodness in you!

Hormone Therapeutics aims to help people looking to improve and optimize their health through natural means or through the guidance of our physicians.

Don’t miss out our free weekly tips and news on Low T, hormone balancing, healthy living, nutrition and a lot more.

 Want more? naturally-increase-your-testosterone-levels-ebook

Sign up today and Get our ebook, ‘Naturally Increase Your Testosterone Levels’ absolutely FREE.

Top 7 Best Testosterone Boosting Foods

Saleamp Design October 11th, 2016

Posted In: Low T Info

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Naturally increasing your testosterone level is a vital highway to health and well-being but if you’re currently stuck in life’s traffic and can’t seem to get to the testosterone on-ramp; here is a list of simple yet eff­ective natural testosterone booster hacks that will go a long way to increasing (and maintaining) your Testosterone Levels for life.

testosterone boosterNatural Testosterone Booster #1: Sleep In

We all know it’s healthy to get a solid 6-8 hours of sleep each night, but did you know just how important it is to your testosterone levels? Science has shown again and again that adequate sleep is absolutely crucial to your body’s recovery from the physical stresses of the day. Other studies have shown that sleeping less than 6 hours per night inhibit testosterone replenishment and muscular growth. This is why testosterone levels peak when you wake up and are lowest right before you fall asleep. If you have trouble sleeping, we recommend turning o­ff your computer and setting aside that tablet an hour before bed.

Set a reasonable bedtime allowing for about 8 hours of sleep, and stick to it.

testosterone-booster2Natural Testosterone Booster #2: Don’t Push Your Workout Too Hard

Although most people have a natural inclination to push themselves and go all-out during exercise, it is possible to overdo it. The intensity and duration of your workouts should be appropriate for your age and physical condition. As we age, our bodies respond di­fferently to intense workouts. The physical stress of too much exercise can actually have a detrimental eff­ect on our bodies, including testosterone levels. This phenomenon is known as overtraining and leads to increased risk of chronic injury and up to a 40% decrease in testosterone levels.

Exercise is an effective way to increase testosterone, but know your limits.

testosterone-booster3Natural Testosterone Booster #3: HIIT for Power

One way to maximize the e­ffects of your workouts while avoiding the risk of overtraining is High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT. During your workouts, alternate short bursts of fast, intense activity with resting periods of more relaxed activity. For example, alternate sprints with walking or slow jogging. The intervals can be very short depending on your condition, and usually a 2:1 ratio of high to low intensity is best.

An example HIIT workout: Run 30 seconds at a high intensity. Walk 15 seconds. Repeat for at least 20 minutes.

testosterone-booster4Natural Testosterone Booster #4: Eat Your Eggs

Protein is vital to testosterone growth and good, old-fashioned eggs are loaded with protein power, Omega-3 oils, T-Healthy zinc and huge levels of HDL (“good” cholesterol), that are essential for testosterone building.

Two eggs per day is plenty, and toss the butter and margarine. Olive oil is always preferred!

testosterone-booster5Natural Testosterone Booster #5: Cut the Sugar

That’s right, dump refined sugar right now, in all its forms! When blood sugar levels spike (like after you chug that energy drink) testosterone levels correspondingly decline (as much as 20-30%). If you’re riding the roller-coaster of refined sugar, you’re wreaking continuous havoc on your testosterone levels.

Do yourself a favor and toss the sweets and sodas!

testosterone-booster7Natural Testosterone Booster #6: Moderate your Booze Intake

Few things in life are more satisfying than a cold brew after a hard day’s work or workout. But excessive alcohol binges lower the body’s growth hormone levels even as they increase your cortisol levels, a double whammy of a testosterone hit.

Moderate alcohol intake is fine, but don’t binge drink!

testosterone-booster8Natural Testosterone Booster #7: Hit the Weights

In addition to your HIIT training, a reasonable regimen of weight training is an absolutely proven factor in reliably increasing your testosterone levels. In addition to its many other benefits (increased strength/muscle mass/flexibility, etc.), a recent Baylor University Research Study found that, in all subjects, testosterone levels peaked at only 48 hours post-weight training workout.

So hit the weights smartly and enjoy your next day surge!

testosterone-booster9Natural Testosterone Booster #8: Go Outside

Moderate and healthy exposure to the sun, that all-important source of Vitamin D (just 15-20 minutes per day will do the trick) can provide a rocket boost your testosterone levels. Of course, the prudent use of an SPF sunscreen is advised. We need sunlight every day to maintain levels of Vitamin D, testosterone, and our good mood.

Get at least 15-20 minutes of sunlight every day!

testosterone-booster6Natural Testosterone Booster #9: Dig into Good Fats

Good fats, on the other hand, like Omega-3 loaded fish, peanuts and avocadoes, are a powerhouse source of naturally testosterone boosting nutrition that will also provide all the clean energy that you need to burn during your day, and night.

Eat moderate amounts of healthy fats.


Natural Testosterone Booster #10: Root for That Home Team

Humans are competitive and social animals, and indulging our love of sports, even vicariously on TV, gives us a great mental boost that can trigger testosterone increase. Studies have shown that testosterone levels can increase by as much as 20%, just by watching your team win. Go ahead and host that Monday Night Football party and feel free to throw on that jersey and cheer along. It’s healthy!

Sports are good for testosterone, even if you’re just spectating.

testosterone-booster11Natural Testosterone Booster #11: Rev Up the Romance

Sex, love, and romantic relationships have all kinds of great e­ffects on the mind and body. Testosterone is a sex hormone, after all, so of course levels increase when we’re really feeling it with someone. The benefits of healthy sex life will magnify the quality of your all-natural testosterone increase.

Everybody’s happier!


Hormone Therapeutics aims to help people looking to improve and optimize their health through natural means or through the guidance of our physicians.

Don’t miss out our free weekly tips and news on Low T, hormone balancing, healthy living, nutrition and a lot more.

 Want more? naturally-increase-your-testosterone-levels-ebook

Sign up today and Get our ebook, ‘Naturally Increase Your Testosterone Levels’ absolutely FREE.

Top 11 Natural Testosterone Booster Practices

Saleamp Design October 7th, 2016

Posted In: Low T Info

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