Did you know you can fight depression by supplementing testosterone? In January 2003, a study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry revealed that testosterone replacement therapy can effectively fight depression. These men had been found to have low testosterone levels, aside from depression. But these two health issues have been found to have a common correlation. The research study monitored and analyzed the responses of the participants who took TRT to a series of psychological tests.
What they found was that the subjects experienced higher moods, a reduction in suicidal thoughts and felt less guilt and anxiety. Such results indicate that testosterone hormone can influence both the body and mind.
Both men and women require testosterone to address different bodily functions. Studies have shown that androgens such as testosterone provide a positive effect on well-being.
Our hormones plays a major role in regulating our emotions. When there is an imbalance or deficiency of a specific hormone, it can cause symptoms of anxiety and depression. Such effect isn’t only limited to a deficiency of testosterone. Studies have also shown that an excess or insufficiency of thyroid hormone could result to depression. Further, it has observed that women’s anxiety is significantly reduced when given bio-identical progesterone cream before sleep.
Are you suffering from depression? Your depression could be due to a hormone deficiency. It is necessary to keep a healthy, balanced hormone level for emotional stability. To add, Hormone Therapeutics offers pharmaceutical nutrients that can help fight depression and anxiety symptoms. Our program concentrates on optimizing brain chemistry, balancing hormone and reducing stress.
A number of sleeping pills are benzodiazapines or ‘sedative hypnotic’ drugs that may also be used for the treatment of stress and anxiety. But such drug is linked with a number of risks. Most of these sleeping pills are highly addictive and not advised for long-term use. The side effects include drowsiness, dizziness and impaired coordination. Since they act on the brain chemistry, nervousness, memory impairment, hallucination, confusion and aggressiveness or extreme irritability could also be observed.
Saleamp Design February 7th, 2017
Posted In: Hormone Replacement
Tags: androgens, anxiety, benzodiazapines, depression, fight depression, hormone deficiency, hormone replacement, progesterone cream, sedative hypnotic drugs, sleeping pills, stress, testosterone, Testosterone replacement therapy, thyroid hormone, TRT
Stress can lead to many of the symptoms of low testosterone. Stress is one of the earliest and most important hormones when we were the hunted and our fight or flight instincts kept us alive, not happy or healthy. Today is a different time and we rarely need these instincts the same way we did when we were not at the top of the food chain but our body still reacts to stress in the same way we have been programmed. Creating cortisol is just is a much higher priority for the body than creating testosterone when it is stressed.
Stress causes our adrenal glands to secrete cortisol which prepares our bodies and minds to handle the stressful situation. In small amounts, cortisol is fine and can be very useful. Elevated cortisol levels for prolonged periods damage our bodies and minds.
Several studies have shown a link and correlation where increased cortisol levels often leads to low testosterone. That does not mean that supplemental testosterone or naturally increased testosterone will lower your cortisol levels but evidence does show that.
There is also a downward cyclical effect when someone is overweight, fatigued and suffering from low libido and erectile dysfunction. This downward cycle can lead to stress and increased cortisol. Naturally increasing your testosterone, or getting help from a specialized physician through a Testosterone Replacement Therapy program can help you lose weight, gain energy, increase libido and decrease erectile dysfunction. Al of this should lead to decreased stress and reduced cortisol levels.
Hormone Therapeutics aims to help people looking to improve and optimize their health through natural means or through the guidance of our physicians.
Don’t miss out our free weekly tips and news on Low T, hormone balancing, healthy living, nutrition and a lot more.
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Saleamp Design December 6th, 2016
Posted In: Low T Info
Tags: adrenal, alcohol, caffeine, cortisol, erectile dysfunction, exercise, meditate, sex, sleep, stress, testosterone level, Testosterone replacement therapy
Did you know that sleep increases testosterone level? Most Americans today are sleep deprived. Many are proud of it like a working badge of honor. Many are just burning the candle at both ends. Lack of quality, regenerative sleep is a huge factor in the declining testosterone levels in men.
Most of our testosterone is produced when we are in a deep REM sleep. This is why our Testosterone levels peak when we wake up and are lowest right before we sleep. It is also one of the reasons behind “Morning Wood.” If you do not experience Morning Wood consistently, you should contact Hormone Therapeutics to learn about and get tested for low T.
If you do not get enough deep quality sleep, your body will not produce testosterone needed for optimized health. University of Chicago researchers found young, healthy and virile men who got less than five hours a night of sleep for just week had 10-15% lower testosterone levels than when they were fully rested.
Another study measured testosterone levels in the morning and showed that the men who slept for 4 hours had an average testosterone level of 200-300 ng/dl. Comparatively, men who slept for 8 hours had average testosterone levels of 500-700 ng/dl.
Not only does sleep increases testosterone, but it is also critical in managing cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is very destructive to testosterone levels when in excess. Make sure to focus on and improve the quality of your sleep. Reduce exposure to blue light in the evening, turn off your computers and cell phones at night, avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evenings, and take warm showers before bed.
Hormone Therapeutics aims to help people looking to improve and optimize their health through natural means or through the guidance of our physicians.
Don’t miss out our free weekly tips and news on Low T, hormone balancing, healthy living, nutrition and a lot more.
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Saleamp Design December 2nd, 2016
Posted In: Health & Wellness
Tags: amino acid, blackout, blue light, body clock, body temperature, cortisol, darkness, deep sleep, insulin, L-tryptophan, light, melatonin, morning erection, phone, pineal gland, protein, regenerative sleep, REM sleep, rest, sleep, Sleep Increases Testosterone, stress, testicles, testosterone therapy
Is Brain fog or memory loss impacting your life in a growing or worrisome way? Alzheimer’s and dementia are most frequent in 65+ men but cognitive issues like brain fog and forgetfulness are getting more are more frequently seen in younger men. These brain health and memory issues could be from Andropause.
Exercise has always been seen as one of the key pillars to keep the body fresh and mind sharp and healthy as we age. But what type of exercise is best? Are they all the same?
Researchers examined the results of brain health on rats after running them through varied exercise programs. According to the researchers at the University of Jyvaska in Finland, below are the best brain health exercises to do.
These three brain health exercises were identified and tracked across three groups of rats for a seven week period. The researchers injected the rats’ brains with a fluid that allowed them to track activity in the hippocampus of the rats. This activity identified the development of new brain cells anywhere in the brain but focused on the hippocampus because this is the area of the brain associated and used for learning and memory. The researchers hypothesized that whichever exercise stimulated new brain cell creation for use in learning or memory would help measure that exercise’s ability to stimulate brain growth, development and regeneration.
Running: rats jogged on wheels in their cages
Weight Lifting: rats climbed walls with weights attached to their tails
HIIT: rats were placed on treadmills and forced to sprint/keep up at varying speeds and intervals
Running was the winner!! The rats jogging on a where showed more neurogenesis than the other groups of rats. The HIIT rats experienced some improvement, however, the weight trained rats showed no improvement. The Finnish scientist concluded that “in order to promote [adult hippocampal neurogenesis] maximally, exercise should be aerobic and sustained.”
Maintaining a healthy brain healthy provides many other physical benefits. Mindful meditation has shown to reduce stress, heart rate and reduce inflammation in the body.
Testosterone helps regulate cortisone, which is a stress hormone, and affects the efficiency of our brain’s neurotransmitters. When men suffer from decreased testosterone levels they lose some ability to effectively regulate cortisol levels, which can cause neurotransmitters malfunction and lapses in memory. This is one of the reasons why cognitive issues are highly correlated with decreasing testosterone levels and you see higher incidence of cognitive impairment in men than you do in women.
If these symptoms, cognitive issues, brain fog or memory issues are creeping up on you do not wait too long to start doing something about it. If they are affecting you, one potential solution is through testosterone and hormone replacement therapy. Contact Hormone Therapeutics and talk to our experts and find out if we can help you.
Hormone Therapeutics aims to help people looking to improve and optimize their health through natural means or through the guidance of our physicians.
Don’t miss out our free weekly tips and news on Low T, hormone balancing, healthy living, nutrition and a lot more.
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Saleamp Design November 29th, 2016
Posted In: Health & Wellness
Tags: brain fog, brain health, brain health exercises, cognitive, cortisol, exercises, impairment, inflammation, meditation, memory, memory loss, neurogenesis, neurotransmitters, stress, TBI, testosterone therapy, traumatic brain injury
It’s been well-established that testosterone has many benefits, and in order to enhance the production of T, here are concrete testosterone boosting habits you can take today. Reap those rewards from optimized testosterone level right now.
As you’ve seen, there are all sorts of ways to boost your testosterone levels over time. Supplements and dietary changes and exercises and a multitude of other healthy things to do. It can be a little overwhelming, though, so here’s a hit-list, with science to back them up.
Start these eight things right now, and your body and mind will thank you, profusely.
There are loads of things you can eat to improve your health and testosterone levels, but one of the most efficient is dark chocolate. That’s good quality, low sugar, very dark chocolate, not something you picked up at the gas station. And not too much!
A Harvard University study showed that eating a regular-sized bar of dark chocolate about three times per month will do wonders for your blood. Chocolate is full of flavonoids which can reduce harmful clots and thin the blood, which is great for your blood pressure.
In the physical sense. Have sex! Grab your significant other and have a great time! The University of California proved what we already knew. Orgasms reduce stress. Stress is bad for you.
The study actually showed that having sex regularly will extend your life by two years or more, and they’ll be pretty sweet years. Sexual desire and testosterone go hand-in-hand, and increasing one will increase the other. It works both ways, and of course it’s fun!
Nuts are full of healthy fats, and snacking on them in moderation will boost your testosterone, heart health, and all sorts of other things. Monounsaturated fats such as those found in nuts make your heart safer by lowering your cholesterol.
A project undertaken at Loma Linda University in California concluded that we should eat nuts five days a week in order to extend our lives by about three years. Moderation is essential, of course, since nuts are extremely calorie-dense. Just a handful will do.
Studies performed by Dutch researchers have shown that wine in moderation is very, very healthy. The science tends to go back and forth on this, but red wine especially is rich in antioxidants, resveratrol and polyphenolic compounds. Antioxidants are just super for reducing the effects of age, and the polyphenolic compounds prevent fatty tissues from blocking your arteries.
If you’re not quite sure which wine to drink, Cabernet Sauvignon is richest in antioxidants. Stick to red wine for the health benefits, and don’t have too much. The Dutch study says a half a glass of wine a day is enough. Drinking more than that is more for your mind than your body, and binging on a whole bottle is never a good idea.
Sports are good for you. Walking, running, and jumping are great exercise, and the competitiveness is an excellent testosterone booster. As the saying goes, the best exercise is one you’ll actually do, and making it fun by playing around with your friends (or defeating your bitter enemies) is something you’ll be glad to stick with.
A Swedish research study found that regular golfers live up to five years longer on average. The game is surprisingly competitive, and players walk several miles during an 18-hole round. It’s good for your heart, for your muscles, and for your mind.
A diet filled with fish, olive oil and garlic can help your blood pressure, cholesterol, and lifespan. It’s what’s commonly referred to as the Mediterranean diet, and the science shows it works. It was another Dutch research program that proved it, and they’re not even Italian! They’ve got no horse in this race!
These foods are all rich in aminos, healthy fats, and cholesterol-busting components that will keep your ticker ticking. And they’re delicious! So throw that fish in a pan and pile on the garlic, it’s all good for you.
There are plenty of other foods that will help your testosterone levels and general health, of course. Refer to our other articles for the full list of testosterone-boosting and healthy foods.
Yes, lose weight, it’s another reason to drop those extra pounds.
What’s more, a study at Oxford University found that a BMI of over 30 at the age of 40 can reduce your life expectancy by as much as seven years. So hit the gym and cut the calories! It’s worth it.
Testosterone production starts in the brain, in a very literal sense. High emotions and a competitive spirit can trigger a testosterone and adrenaline boost as your body works to support your success.
So indulge the urge! Play to win in everything you do. Sports are one way, as is striving for success in the workplace and in your hobbies. Even just watching sports and rooting for your favorite team can cause increased testosterone levels. The more excited you get about it, the better for your testosterone. So feel free to bust out the face paint and even that giant foam finger!
Get your solid eight hours. You need it. Even minor sleep deprivation causes a cascade of health problems that include a tendency to binge eat and a lowered metabolism. Your sex drive will go down, too, and of course your general energy level and mental focus.
All of that leads to lowered testosterone production, and the numbers are shocking. The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study showing that men who sleep less than 5 hours per night quickly sure a 15% drop in testosterone. The normal drop that occurs with age is 1% per year, so this is a big problem.
Bottom line: Prioritize sleep. Make the time!
It really is the best medicine! Your mental state affects your entire body, and multiple studies have shown that stress is bad in more ways than we ever imagined.
So laugh! Have a good time! Studies performed in the US and elsewhere conclude that laughing for about 15 minutes per day can increase your lifespan by as much as eight years. It’ll make you a happier person, and it’s becoming more and more clear that a happier person is a healthier person.
So there are ten things you can start doing today to improve your health, your mood, and your testosterone levels. Those three things go hand-in-hand for men, and you’ll find that good healthy practices just make life better.
We strongly recommend going to the doctor for your annual physical, and be sure to have your testosterone levels checked. But there’s so much you can do at home to help make sure those lab results are full of good news.
Most of us have tried to eat better, work out and live naturally. How long have you tried this and why do you expect that you can realize your New Year’s resolutions this year that you haven’t the last 7 years? Contact expert specialist physicians for a Free Evaluation and learn how a physician guided program can change your life to the way you remember.
Hormone Therapeutics aims to help people looking to improve and optimize their health through natural means or through the guidance of our physicians.
Don’t miss out our free weekly tips and news on Low T, hormone balancing, healthy living, nutrition and a lot more.
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Saleamp Design October 21st, 2016
Posted In: Uncategorized
Tags: antioxidants, boost testosterone, chocolate, cholesterol, dark chocolate, eat, exercise, fish, flavonoids, garlic, increase testosterone, lose weight, Monounsaturated fats, natural, naturally increase testosterone, nuts, olive oil, orgasm, polyphenolic compounds, red wine, rest, resveratrol, sex, sleep, stress, sugar, testosterone booster, testosterone boosting habits
We get a lot of questions about ‘Grumpy Old Man Syndrome,’ well, more so from the wives and children of our patients in all honesty. They want to know what happened to their lovable husband and father when they are experiencing the side effects of low testosterone, and how to get him back. Testosterone therapy is often the best way to re-balance his hormones and get him feeling back to normal if andropause is the cause.
Hormone Therapeutics June 16th, 2014
Posted In: Health & Wellness
Tags: aging, aging man, anti-aging, effects of low testosterone, exhausted, fatigued, grumpy men, grumpy old man syndrome, irritability, less sleep, loss of purpose, low t, low testosterone, mid-life crisis, poor eating habits, stress, tired, working man
Whether you are on hormone replacement therapy or considering it, there are also many natural ways to boost your male hormones including altering your diet. These foods can help your t levels either in conjunction with TRT or on their own.
T levels peak during adolescence, and start to decline in ones late 20s at the rate of about 1 percent each year, but low levels can be caused by or expedited by stress, a bad diet, obesity, and other factors. Low levels of testosterone cause changes in sexual function, sex drive, insomnia, weight gain, fatigue, reduced strength and muscles, and can even cause depression and an inability to concentrate.
Boost t levels with the following foods:
Hormone Therapeutics April 29th, 2014
Posted In: Health & Wellness
Tags: bad diet, bananas, boost t levels, Brazil nuts, depression, eggs, exhaustion, fatigue, garlic, hormone replacement therapy, improve testosterone, insomnia, losing weight, low t, low testosterone, male hormones, obesity, oysters, reduced strength, sex drive, sexual function, stress, testerone boosting foods, testosterone therapy, tired, weight control, weight gain